I fucking hate this fucker. Why can't I order a sushi combo without getting one of these?

I fucking hate this fucker. Why can't I order a sushi combo without getting one of these?

>Wasting mental energy on something as pointless as 'hating' food

Have you tried asking?

Omg, they served me this with my order, and now I have to eat it! What can I do? Why does the world hate me?

Meh, could be worse.

But how am i supposed to eat those fuckers, without looking like an idiot?

I just move them in my mouth with their front first, so that the tail hangs out of my mouth, then I grab that with my chopsticks and bite it off.

Mmmmmmmm I just love sushi.


eat the tail what are you a 6 year old?

Yes but I can type, asshat.

Word editing software has been available for a long time now my dude. Kindergarten students using spellcheck really portrays how imbecilic language pedantry is.

Jesus christ what's wrong with you user do you get anxious because you can't neatly remove the tail after you eat the est of the thing?

I'm glad you moved up a few syllables.

>give chopsticks
>give food with an inedible tail attached
>no knife
So how am I supposed to navigate this social minefield? Just bite the whole thing with the tail sticking out? I'm seriously at a loss.

Have you considered tearing the tail off before you eat it?

The tail is edible retard

just eat the tail you pussy

Fuck all this "just eat the tail" shit. It should not be served with the tail.

Also tamago (egg) sushi should not come with the combo

That's what you get for falling for the sushi meme

Pick it up in your fingers and move your grip to the tail when it's in your mouth. You can eat sushi with your fingers at a michelin star place in tokyo.

Also chinese prawn dumplings with the tail sticking out are the absolute goat.

I only get rolls and sashimi

They have sushi at the gas station, I'm thinking about getting some.

Its still better than escolar or squid.

I wish I liked shrimp. There are so many dishes with it in it.

I was like that. Tastes change, user. I wanted to like shrimp, tried 'em a dozen different ways and just wasn't into them. One day I tried some shrimp lo mein and it clicked. Now I love 'em anyway I can get 'em.

Ebi is fucking small time, try chewing on this motherfucker

Missing picture

Ask to have it replaced with something else. Are you autistic?

Shit was worth some pretty good coin in Sushi-Go-Round.

Veeky Forums Pass user since October 2013.

Most 4channers are far too socially anxious to make such a request.

Plus, there's a good chance they won't allow substitutions. Notice that the "combos" tend to have fairly cheap ingredients. Sushi doesn't get much cheaper than this, so there's a good chance they wouldn't honor a request for a substitution anyway.

I think you're just supposed to eat the tail. I like the crunch. The texture is best if you mix it with all of the meat and rice while you chew.

It's not my favorite either, but I think my least favorite is actually the spicy tuna rolls that are so cheap they're mostly gross mayo sauce with a tiny bit of elderly, lean fish.

My favorite is easily fatty tuna sashimi that's so soft it's separating from the veins of fat. Vinegar rice. It's so good. I once ate so much of it I had actual digestion problems and have a strong sense memory of emptying my upper colon into my grandparents' bathroom while sweating bullets and memorizing the birds on the wallpaper. I regret nothing.

>eating the tail
what kind of new autism meme is this

>fatty tuna separating at the veins
sorry buddy but that's just old cheap shit, the connector tendons start to fall apart as the fish ages. Real, fresh, super premium otooro should be very firm to the tongue, and then the fat dissolves with the whole piece like a pat of delicious butter at body temperature.

>what kind of new autism meme is this
Only Americans don't eat the tail.

>he eats the tail
>laughing bitches

Sushi is finger food. Just use your fucking hands.

tfw all the normies you know only eat sushi rolls.

Half of them don't even know nigiri exists.

The other half think it's gross.

Thats a good way to have a terrible first impression of sushi

We're all very impressed. This guy can chew tako that hasn't been massaged enough.

God you know nothing about tuna

t. flyover

Wait, people actually eat the fucking tails?
They don't even chew up properly it's like eating spiny hard plastic. Fuck that.