>mfw 10 bucks in the bank account
what do I do to start making more money (besides getting a job)
Mfw 10 bucks in the bank account
stay off /biz
do the opposite of what the majority of /biz tells you
and get a job
two words: knee pads
fucking faggot
get a job asshole
do all you neets just live with family? wtf so many people that are living breathing eating and posting without supporting themselves and ask to make money without getting a job. how old are you?
21, I'm just waiting to die though.
Hey OP
this is what I mkae in 3 days at my 'job'. I install curtains in hotels. This job is for 68 rooms.
Have some self respect. Guess what is the only thing worse than wage cucking? Living at home with no job, no money, and no plan. I bet your mom folds your underwear for you too.
That's mighty impressive, Will Campbell
>spending your productive, energetic hours for someone else when you could be enjoying precious your time pursuing hobbies, passions and self development
t. brainlet
too bad theres a limited supply of hotels needing several dozens curtains replaced
mighty impressive user! Do you need some work>? I"m always looking for guys
you know, i've been there, and this may seem foreign to you right now, but in a life with no struggle, being coddled and provided for until well into man-child status, some self imposed struggle will do wonders for you. and you are young enough to change into an actual man. live like you actually have to support yourself even if you don't. take a shit job, become a dependable person even if it's just to the other people at said job, and things will start to change.
the hardest part of all this is starting. because from your comfortable position of doing nothing, you figure that working a job is worse than your current situation, it isn't, but you'll never know that until you do it, and you'll never do it because you don't have to (you're provided for), so the depressed neet spiral persists. the only way is to force yourself to start against all of your internal screaming, because god knows no one else will do it for you, or you wouldn't be 21 waiting to die. write off what i say if you like, but i only say it out of experience and compassion. only you will be able to take that first step for yourself, and only in the face of every part of you resisting because you have convinced yourself things can't get better. good luck
You'd be surprised how often hotels update their draperies or otherwise need them installed. Still, there's no reason I shold be making $200+ an hour to do this shit given that I have no training or experience but here we are.
go hang yourself with one of your stupid ass curtains slave.
Address: 1312 Old Covington Hwy SE, Conyers, GA 30012
Phone: (770) 785-2400
should i keep going?
It's not exactly a growth market, is the point. Your job is a rare one, ten guys could probably cover a pretty big region - plus, not all hotels use outside contractors for that kind of work, the big chains have internal departments that handle that shit. Don't get me wrong, you're doing well, but your job isn't one you can go out and land tomorrow.
To be blunt...nothing. You don't even have 2 hour's worth of work, at minimum wage.
Just get a fucking job, stop being a lazy fuck. The days of crypto millionaires from nothing are long over.
When u doxx yourself like a retard lol
Just to brag about your stupid curtain job
Love u Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums doesn't count as a hobby, passion, or self development neckbeard
Fucking normies with families
If I had $10 to my name id literally be dead
Check your privilege reeeeeee
I might be job hunting soon, and I'm in GA, as I see you are. Mind giving some more details about the job?
Oh hey Will Campbell,
I wonder what sort of work complaints Will Campbell will receive if 10 ETH is not sent to the following ETH address in 2 hours:
actually I don't wonder, I know exactly what sort they will be if it is not on time.
fucking retard lol
It's ok, Will Campbell, my alignment is True Neutral, and I don't really give any fucks.
Be careful out there.
don’t get a job
give jobs
to people