Do you even understand what is happening Veeky Forums?
Do you even fucking understand?
This comes from a reputable source.
The news is so fucking big, they have to prepare it with all of the offices.
Veeky Forums, /b-biz/ holy.
Do you even understand what is happening Veeky Forums?
Do you even fucking understand?
This comes from a reputable source.
The news is so fucking big, they have to prepare it with all of the offices.
Veeky Forums, /b-biz/ holy.
Other urls found in this thread:
>announcing an announcement
bad form, classic scam tactic to dump on people FOMOing into unknown news and rumours
It's not an announcement of an announcement you stupid cunt, it's a confirmation of an announcement.
Get back in your hole, ven fag. Wanker :)
lmao for real man when will these fags ever learn? We're supposed to have much higher standards in this country
why would anyone ever believe these chink again
>not an announcement of an announcement
>it's confirmation of an announcement
Do I really have to put it in eli5 terms for you.
It's a confirmation of a rumour that there will be an announcement.
It wasn't posted by any member from waltonchain, so how could it be an announcement of an announcement. Just. Use. Your. Fucking. Brain.
I don't know why everyone on here restists Waltonchain so much, when its inevitable that everyone here will eventually own it.
it's essentially the same thing you fucking brainlet. We shouldn't know when an announcement is coming. It defeats the fucking purpose. Only chink teams do this shit
>it's essentially the same thing
>same thing
I don't get why you cucks are having a sook anyway. Even if you don't like the project, just buy the rumour sell the news.
Like it's that fucking easy. I bet you are all wage cucks aswell, lmao.
>It's gonna be big.
>A big contract.
>So big we must be careful how to announce
>Buy now before everyone hears how big it really is
Well, I hope you buy then :)
I think I know what it might be.
An Easter coins giveaway.
Or it could be, you know, the partnership with Alibaba. Now be gone, pest.
peak delusion
You don't even have a good argument against what I'm saying.
Like how fucking stupid can you be, it's incomprehensible.
from 2 days ago:
>This project, according to Xinhua will be done in partnership with Cainiao, a logistics company headquartered in Shenzhen
>The goal is to transfer details of good for import and export to a digital ledger—that is, blockchain—so that they can easily be tracked
doesn't mention waltonchain
>It's a confirmation of a rumour that there will be an announcement.
your argument is that we should buy WTC because they might announce a partnership with Alibaba? I'm not going to waste my time arguing with that nonsense, it's fucking laughable
I mean it's free money. What is your trade for today?
Lets come back tomorrow and see who made more money. Faggot.
Not that there 'might be', but that there 'will be'. Autistic cunt. Actually you know what, don't buy. I don't want you to get rich you faggot.
You are the walton guy aren't you.
Nice try. By now all of Veeky Forums knows to avoid your chink tricks.
Never invest in chinks. Ever
This is my first post about Walton on here. Unlike other faggots, I'm not partial to one coin. I see opportunities and take them. And this is a fucking opportunity.
>but that there 'will be'
and how do you know this?
>MFW walton's entire team is just one schizophrenic jew sending himself messages
I somehow doubt that because you were shitting on Ven and claiming Walton supremacy a few posts ago. I don't know why you bother lying when it's clearly you.
Post the images you know you want to.
jesus even reddit dumped their WTC bags
only a fool would believe any chink handwaiving about *partnerships* at this point.
When alibaba is clamoring to announce the partnership, then you've got something. 2018 crypto invesotrs are too savvy to be swayed by hype.
so glad I dumped my WTC and went all in on LINK. Yes I'm autistic but at least I don't own chink tokens
confirmation of rumors of an announcement that is also rumored to be a partnership
You traded a piece of shit for a used condom
yep. if it's a partnership worth anything at all, WTC would be under NDA and it would be on the PARTNER to announce it.
just the complete chink behavoir weve seen from this shit team is enough to drive any self respecting company away from using it.
it literally can't go anywhere at this point.
typical for OP to not respond to this
>announcing an announcement for an announcement
Why do chink scamcoins do this?
They do it because a certain portion of the market still responds to it like trained dogs. However, people are catching on that this is bullshit so their constant announcements of potential announcements will soon start falling flat and they'll have to come up with some new PR tricks to scam people with.
>they'll have to come up with some new PR tricks to scam people with.
They already have. Now they take selfies in car dealerships and claim it's a partnership
I can't believe people still buy those scammy chink coins... I guess you will never learn until you get BitConnected.