Cryptos will be obsolete in the next 2-3 years

Cryptos will be obsolete in the next 2-3 years.

>implying quantum crypto wont be a whole new moon mission


Quantum resistant ledger should moon soon

Where to buy Q-72 coins?

That's fine. I only need til the end of this year.

Wow, cryptography will be obsolete in 2-3 years? It’s not like our entire nations databases are protected by cryptography and we don’t have the greatest developers making sure this doesn’t happen. Thanks for letting us all know the inevitable! Pic is you.

iota my frend

We're just going to use quantum proof signatures.

>The most excitement the cryptography academic community has ever had.
>Many of them are working on crypto coins
>"Oh no, but wuddabowt KWANTOM CUMPOOTINS??"

>dude, QUANTUM


Cryptos are already quantum computing proof for the conceivable future.

Going from 2^256 to 2^128 is OK.


ETH has been working on this for years. Highly modular swappable code means we can just change for quantum safe algorithms when needed.

>assuming crypto won't adapt to this and be completely fine since encryption is always light years ahead of decryption

Imagine unironically being this retarded

Not sure what you mean. For quantum computers 1+1 is just as hard as 3.24*10^588766 / 666

Look at Quantum, Nexus.

what is elliptic curve cryptography, alex

Nexus will be the future when quantum fucks all of your shitcoins

I mean that quantum computers are n^2 better than normal ones, hence they cut the cryptographic combinations effectively in half powers.

why would quantum computers kill crypto?

because they can quickly decrypt current crypto making it useless

Wrong. Quantum computers are better at certain classes of problems, like finding hash preimages, factorising numbers, or computing discrete logarithms. They still take longer and require more cubuts for larger numbers, just at more favourable scaling rates. (eg normal computers take 2^n time to find a hash preimage, quantum computers take 2^(n/2)). They aren't magic infinite computation machines, and they don't work by "trying every answer at once".

get ready them Nexus forks

*require more qubits

So what's government, banks and the elites protected by? I wonder why they are developing block chain technology! hmmm really makes you think.