Best field of science for success

After much deliberation I have decided I want to be world famous. I have decided I will make a great scientific discovery which will create for me a legacy that will put me up there with Einstein and Newton. So, what field of science has the most potential for a lone person to make a discovery? Ideally I would be able to do it from my bedroom.

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Save the world from climate change. You'd be above Einstein in the pantheon of scientific greatness.

I suggest genetically altering the ocean's dominant species of algae to present a brighter colour and making it better suited to the rising temperatures. Once it has proliferated, it will lighten the overall colour of the ocean (blue-green algae is what gives the ocean it's colour), thereby making two-thirds of the Earth more reflective and reflecting a huge amount of the sun's energy into the atmosphere.

This will warm the atmosphere but cool the oceans, preventing flooding and saving billions of lives. Unfortunately, this would also slow evaporation from the ocean and cause global droughts but hey, by that time you're away with your Nobel prize!

Good luck user!

What field of science is this? Biology? Btw I hope you're not being sarcastic.

>do science
>be world famous

Pick one

>elon musk
Are they not famous?

I guess marine biology, but also genetic engineering, meteorology, climatology, applied physics, energetics...

I dunno mate. Just patent it and send it to Obama.

>After much deliberation I have decided I want to be world famous. I have decided I will make a great scientific discovery which will create for me a legacy that will put me up there with Einstein and Newton.
doesn't work like that

Very famous. But Einstein and Tesla became famous in an age where intelligence and science where lauded. I would also say Musk is more famous for his business pursuits as opposed to his scientific pursuits.

id say the percentage of famous people in science is far lower than the percentage of famous people in virtually every other major industry (business, entertainment, literature etc.)

Prove that ghosts are real. This would open a Pandora's box of scientific enquiry on the scale of Galileo's debunking of the geocentric model of the universe.

I suggest using sonic triangulation to locate the source of an interactive EVP, proving that it cannot originate in the recording equipment or in interference from outside the studio.

Good luck user!

>elon musk
god you're dumber than i thought

is this a joke? do you take me for a fool? why would you be like this to me?

there are more famous celebrities in the world alive today, then there are scientists in the entirety of history who are famous

you wanna do something revolutionary and be famous? Its easy:

all you have to do is fall for the engineering and Veeky Forumsnessman memes, then strike out in a gold of luck in silicon valley

I'm trying to help you. Okay I'm being a little bit silly as well but this is my advice, take it or leave it. If you want to be "bigger" than Einstein or Newton, you'll need something Earth-shattering.

I suggest engineering a deadly, highly contagious virus with a long incubation period that only infects non-whites (or whatever ethnicity you are - you wouldn't destroy your own people right?!). This would solve the population problem, end racial strife and leave you a hero of the new prosperous and racially homogenous Earth!

Good luck user!

I'm crashing this thread with everybody in it




Actually try to design the Great Wall of Trump. That's going to be one of the 7 wonders of the world upon completion for accomplishing such an engineering feat and all the technology innovation it would require.

You will be immortalized if you manage to pull off such a feat. Especially if it's under budget, and ahead of schedule.

I'm doing my Civil Engineering bachelor's thesis on it.

That's an interesting subject user.

How would you solve the issue of tunnels? The obvious answer is mega-deep foundations but I hear sonar can detect tunnels as well. Would that be feasible for a wall of this length?

When I jumped the fence at Glastonbury festival the "wall" was actually an outer fence placed some distance from an inner fence, and the space inbetween was patrolled by mounted police. This way, you can take as long as you want getting over/through the outer fence but you have a very limited time to beat the inner fence before you're caught. Would a system like this be used? If so, what would it look like?

Why are you building a wall?

Just build a tall fence and have scores of drones armed with tasers and cameras all over the place.

The US-Mexico border is a bit like Minecraft in that you can't build an impossible to penetrate wall, no matter how much hours you spend farming obsidian, someone will always go through, above, or under eventually.

Better than saving the world from global warming which is not only solvable through science, is getting the holy grail of science: quantum gravity.
OP, if you can develop a theory and prove it or confirm a current quantum-gravity theory you will absolutely be awarded a Nobel Prize.
Of course, to do that you'll have to spend 4 years of undergrad, and like 4-6 years in grad school than do a pos-doc on quantum field theory than start your research. See you there, I'm only half way there.

Not WallAnon but all the drones and cameras in the world would make absolutely no difference to someone tunneling. The barrier needs to reach down as well as up.

This border is (according to Google) 2,100 miles long. To cover that area with cameras that have a visibility range of half a mile, you need 2,100 cameras. I guess that's feasible, but who's manning them? If they have motion sensors, how do they discriminate between migrants and wildlife?

I think the main concern is anticipating innovations in wall-beating techniques/technology. It'll be like an arms race. You use motion sensors, they move slowly like in that movie Sneakers. You use laser tripwires, they come down on a wire like in Mission Impossible. It's gotta be adaptable.

Damn, I'd love to be working on this project but I have zero qualifications.

Dio is the best

Quantum gravity isn't real.

You can't say it isn't real. It's quite a complex subject, naturally,


Physical Chemistry or Enzyme Engineering

yo momma's got physical chemistry

Be a pioneering scholar in Memeology

>how do they discriminate between migrants and wildlife?

Even I can't tell them apart, how can you expect a camera to

MEMS It's going be as big for machinery as the integrated circuit was for electronics.

By making such a decision, you've guaranteed that you will never make such a discovery.


But realistically, you have no chance. The vast majority of new science is discovered by research groups like CERN, not individuals. For individual accomplishment, go engineering

Take your pedophile cartoons back to dumb weeaboo degenerate.

>blue green alge is what gives the ocean it's color

Nigger what?

That's been done
>microscopic marine algae, called phytoplankton, have the capacity to absorb light in the blue and red region of the spectrum owing to specific pigments like chlorophyll. Accordingly, as the concentration of phytoplankton increases in the water, the color of the water shifts toward the green part of the spectrum

>The most important light-absorbing substance in the oceans is chlorophyll, which phytoplankton use to produce carbon by photosynthesis. Due to this green pigment — chlorophyll — phytoplankton preferentially absorb the red and blue portions of the light spectrum and reflect green light. Ocean regions with high concentrations of phytoplankton will have shades of blue-green depending upon the type and density of the phytoplankton population there. The basic principle behind the remote sensing of ocean color from space is that the more phytoplankton is in the water, the greener it is.

It explains the green part, not the blue part.

>The ocean is blue because water absorbs colors in the red part of the light spectrum.

In other words, water is blue.

So it has. Thanks for correcting me. noise.html

I do believe that quantum gravity isn't real in the sense that we are trying to understand it today.
I'm going to start a project on this very idea, that gravity do not fit with the other forces of the universe. I believe that understanding dark energy is the way to go.
We do need to understand gravity in a quantum level, but with something different that particle physics.