Is putting ketchup on a hotdog ever permissible?

Is putting ketchup on a hotdog ever permissible?

hot mustard is the only choice.

pretty sure it's the only thing that mustard is good for.


only if it's a shitty dog to begin with

Hot Dog Society says NO.

I agree, over powers the taste. I like mustard, and process cheese slices. Real cheese has too much flavor. Best is the sloppy joe mix, or chili dogs though. On toasted up cut buns.

It is never, under any circumstances whatsoever, even remotely permissible.

If you put ketchup on a hot dog you're just flat out wrong.

It's akin to putting ranch on pizza. It's fine, you just have shitty taste.

For me, I don't use any sauce. Traditionally just onions and sauerkraut. Maybe relish and jalapenos if I'm feeling sloppy.

>Don't put salty sugar tomato sauce on your meat tubes! It over powers the taste of processed fillers
>Instead use spicy sugar mustard sauce. It covers up the taste of processed meat fillers the RIGHT way

how about you stop eating shitty food and eat a proper sausage instead?

>no ranch on pizza
>no ketchup on hotdogs

you're one of those "purists" talking about what is and what is not acceptable to p ut on a greasy piece of pizza or a processed tube of mystery meat.. i bet you also don't dip your mcdoubles in sweet and sour sauce, huh?

Coney dog with mustard and onion, shredded cheese ELDER GOD RACE.

... what type of cheese... ?

I never said anything about it being acceptable or not. It's just trashy.

I would do some weird shit like that every once in a while, as a guilty pleasure, but why?

Using sauces unnecessarily is like doing drugs. Sure, it's fun, but If you can enjoy your meal/ life without them, why do it at all?

>not having brats with pic related instead

Yes. Eat your steak well done, bake your brisket in the oven, and put some beans in your chili while you're at it. Fuck the food police.

boy i sure am glad to eat a sauce that is branded by my favorite morning drive "humor" radio personalities!

this is the most autistic post i've seen in quite some time, nice work.

hotdog, whatever. who cares.

sausage. no.

American ketchup is complete shit, pure sugar

I put tomato paste instead, tastes so much better

Stop worrying what others think and put whatever the fuck you want on your hot dog.

It's pretty good on soft pretzels.

It's one of the few acceptable food to put ketchup on.

Really need to get over your complex

This is how a hotdog should look like. Don't see any ketchup here. So permissable? It's a no.

People who get all pissed about how people eat literal kiddie food like hot dogs are really fucking pathetic but then again it seems to be an American thing and Americans in general are pretty pathetic.

holy shit was this motherfucker high



Because it's tastes good you twat also your analogy doesn't work since ketchup won't lead you down the path to sucking dicks for your next fix.

Are those fucking leaves in that monstrosity.

Yes, hotdogs are junk food, it doesn't matter what you put on it and anyone who says otherwise is a pretentious choad and should be shot point blank in the face.

>tfw bunnings snag

Fuck yeah, I worked a sizzle once, it was bretty gud, got all the snags I could fucking wish for after it was all done since we cooked way too many.

oml the one true god

daily reminder that this is called a "hotdog" in bongoland

The picture is quite clearly taken in Australia you fucktard.

>that hand model


liberal faggot detected.

>Australia isn't the inbred version of bongland.

That looks like that nasty patty SpongeBob made to feed to the health inspector

Who really cares?

Sure a hotdog is tasty, but its junk food so why does it matter? Sure a food like a "hotdog" is important to some Americans but for something of such low standings on imagination, quality or culture who really cares.

The only people who care so much about what you put on a food like a hotdog are probably obese or progressive nu-males, so why bother.

Yeah, if you just ate ten hot dogs with mustard and you’re sick of it now and want to try something else

Mustard is better though

No ketchup on a shitty sausage is an American meme and basically reddit: the opinion.

>putting ketchup on hotdogs
You're already on a dick sucking path

Sure, on a shitty Bar S dog, for example.

But let's be honest, hot dogs are trash tier food to begin with. It's silly that anyone ever began caring to the extent we do about what to put on one, but here we are.