You haven't eaten in 2 days

>you haven't eaten in 2 days
>I give you 10 dollars
>where do you go?
>why is it here?

but you're supposed to say why is it ___?

its called leading the witness, and social advertising.. duh.

Actually I probably would buy a ribeye and cook it up at home

I actually probably go to the grocery store.

>you haven't eaten in 10 days
>I give you 2 dollars

If you haven't been to a PDQ yet, you are missing out.

This. $10 gets you a lot more at a grocery store than at a fast food restaurant. I could get two 14" take&bake pizzas and eat for days.

Little Caesars, a 'ot 'n 'ady 'roni 'za with some 'azy 'read

it wouldn't be chipotle because I wouldn't drive 88 miles for some food.

For me, it's McDonalds. The best bang-for-your-buck restaurant.

Can I eat normally afterwards?
If not, I'd probably go to the grocery store and buy something cost-effective.
If yes, I'll take the first restaurant in sight that serves a filling meal for under 10$, because I'm fucking starving

fuckin lol

Blue Dog Bakery

I pocket the 10 dollars and go to the nearest plum tree to binge before I drag 20 lbs back to my house to brew plum wine.

Who the fuck buys food in harvest season?

I like the cut of your jib son.

'go style?

If i haven't eaten in two days I would smoke some weed and go to a Chinese buffet lunch special and die like those guys who got out of concentration camps

I go buy a banana and I eat it and I go home and eat food.

>two 14" pizzas
>eat for days

manlet pls

It is cause I really want e coli

'ular 'yle'

>closest one is 189.5 miles away

pic related

i would eat like a king for $10

>not some cheap all you can eat buffet

Nah, I'd hit up Roll and Go and pick up three banh mi, for like $7.


Chipotle SUCKS

agreed, it's flavorless garbage

$10 gets you a big bag of rice and chicken breast filets.

Don't buy any season to put on it and it will taste just like Chipotle

Back when Chipotle was sub $8 for a burrito.

I went there recently and they don't give you shit for meat anymore.

You have to get a double portion just to get it back to being what a regular meal was a year ago

'Troit style. Tastes like murder

An actual good taco/burrito shop not some shitty overpriced salmonella ridden chain

Actually probably? Make up your mind

>you haven't eaten in 2 days
>I give you 10 dollars
Bitch I aint no charity case and I don't need your fucking money
>where do you go?
Home to make myself a good meal
>why is it here?
Bitch are you deaf? I'm not going to bacteria land for my food and I sure as shit I'm not paying them $10 for food i can easily make at home.

Chinese buffet

>go to buffet

Chipotle sucks ass

>buy as much taters as 10$ gets me
>Make fries
>Eat all of them

$10 worth of chunky peanutbutter, I'd eat it until I felt like I was going to burst, then I'd force myself to ingest the rest of it through my anus.

curry beef brisket on a plate of rice

Taco Bell. Shit ton of food for cheap.

Hey bud, I know this may seem like a hard concept to grasp but imagine if you ate less and saved money because you didn't have to eat so much?

Roll em up and smoke em. Ayyy

*beef brisket curry

Running sushi.
Eat 100 plates, be fed for another two days.

Lean english. It's read >Actually [instead of doing that] I would probably...

probably some cheap ass buffe