How do you eat your burritos Veeky Forums?

How do you eat your burritos Veeky Forums?

With my mouth.

Open mouth, insert object, chew, sink: repeat

I smash it against my face until there's nothing left.

I find this method too pretentious.

that looks like some sad microwave burrito. all burritos should be toasted.

Fork and knife, how else?

with hands that are lean

Take a bite out of the middle


a little at a time

skewered with my persian dagger and roasted over a fire
eaten straight from the blade

like an elephant.


I like my 'tos with extra guac


people who type like that jog with 2 golden retrievers and closely monitor their shit

>puts in food processor and butt chugs


I actually do jog with my 'ers

Dump the filling onto a plate, rip off pieces of the tortilla, smother filling in hot sauce and gradually scoop up it with pieces of tortilla.

I just bought a new blender so
Drink it

Bite off one corner and suck out the filling.


I put a napkin on my lap
cup my hand under the bottom of the burrito while placing my fingers on the folds
bite in slowly so it doesn't seep out too soon

Depends. Taco Bell burritos aren't real burritos so I'm not going to call it one. I'm not going to pretend that my passive, usually beer/weed fueled munchie quest to Taco Bell means that it's anything less than mediocre. But I'll answer in the context of Taco Bell.

I'll take a huge bite. Then I'll eat slower halfway in the middle. Then at the end I'll be really slow with it. Then I'll regret spending $4 on a tiny, unsatisfying burrito that will somehow expend my calorie needs for the day (which is funny how that works) when I could've had something much better at a better place.

But then again I drove there.. drunk or high.

Shut the fuck up you stupid faggot

A burrito is a burrito even if it's a shit burrito. It's a burrito.

One day you'll realize how great it truly is to be in complete and total control and acceptance of your body, inside and out. And I do mean inside, if you catch my drift. You are capable of pleasuring yourself in that regard if you wanted to, you just don't want to.

I eat it downwards with my mouth i start chewing then i swallow

>I eat it downwards with my mouth i start chewing then i swallow

Never eaten a burrito desu

Whos desu

As a lifelong southern cal resident, I slice mine in half with a knife.


Give me all yo burritos

pinky under the bottom, hand around, thumb under and pointed up.
the rest is obvious.

I carefully gnaw one end of it into a funnel shape, and pour the contents directly into my mouth.

thats dank as fuck