Ice cream on a burger

>ice cream on a burger

Other urls found in this thread:


It's for fat people


>bacon on a burger

An even more mind-boggling question

discuss? more like discussting.

>An even more mind-boggling question
excecpt the icecream would fucking melt you dunce

You're a European aren't you? Bacon on a burger is delicious


>/threading yourself

he said bacon

threads like this are causing the demise of this board.

More like disgust

This is something I would order once just out of interest in the sheer novelty.
That's probably why it exists.

That's not ice creme.... it's an egg.

Probably okayish but super messy to eat

this desu

>he doesn't like savory ice cream

No, it's deep fried ice cream

At first glance I thought this was a poached egg, savory egg yolk on a burger is delicious, but if you have an egg you have to use fresh tomatoes without ketchup or itll be sweet and fuck up the wonder the yolk adds.
That being said, a scoop of creamy vanilla sounds delicious with my burger, not in my burger, just as a sunday or float. Putting it in my burger seems overpriced hipster place in your area now open/ RedRobinTM tryhard

no, it's just retarded

wrong. shit article from 2011. I was at that fair actually and it was not ice cream, it was an egg.

It's for people who use shit like instagram or snapchat or whatever you post pictures to.



Egg yolk toastie

>European commenting on something we stole from them that they had stolen from somebody else and we just happened to perfect it and they're just mad they didn't think of it first.

Pls go.

Tbtach the sweet, caramelized scoop would probably taste pretty good for like the fist bite while it's still technically frozen ice cream. Sweet and salty/smokey and meaty sounds pretty ok to me. You'd only have like 5 seconds before it turned into a soggy, sticky pile of shit, though. I'd be more like to get it if it were a slider. Other than. That, I'd buy it once for the novelty like the other user said and never again.


We have bacon on burgers in England. It's top tier.

You seriously look at that and think it's an egg?

Call your doctor.

America truly is an empire in decay.