Yesterday I was tripping on a psychedelic when it felt like I became a number of different conscious entities rather...

Yesterday I was tripping on a psychedelic when it felt like I became a number of different conscious entities rather than a single one.

Is it possible that my brain produces other sentient beings other than just myself? Could there be other conscious beings who are able to experience and sense everything that I sense, but do not have the control of my body or thoughts like "I" do?

Could dissociation disorders be the result of "you" becoming one of these alternative sentient beings who are not in control of the body or mind?

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This really isn't a Veeky Forums thread, like, at all, science can't even begin to describe it, but you sound very, very confused, I recommend not thinking about it too much, taking more psychedelics (giving yourself plenty of time to readjust to the real world in between), doing some reading on the topic of consciousness, and trying to figure things out better for yourself, because from what I'm gathering your entire perspective on the issue is flawed and egoistic and until you make sense of things yourself conversing with others will only lead to more confusion.

The psychedelic experience is a doorway which leads to a hallway which leads to only what you want to find within yourself.

In other terms, a drug is nothing but a high-yield (fast but not perfect) technique to reach partly what your reason and heart cannot achieve fully in your opinion. If anything, it is a total lack of confidence in your reason and in your abilities to philosophy to be at ease with life; ease which remains unlikely, given that the choice of doing these drugs with the goal of opening your awareness and opening your mind is already a sign of close-mindedness and poor ability to reflect.

its called empathy

some have it, some dont

>ease which remains unlikely, given that the choice of doing these drugs with the goal of opening your awareness and opening your mind is already a sign of close-mindedness and poor ability to reflect.
Now that's some pretty hilarious closed-minded doublethink if I've ever seen it.

Yes, people who have tried things that you're afraid to try are closed-minded, that's what it is.

Psychedelics work by promoting neuron connectivity, and the experience is a result of new connections forming between pathways that shouldn't otherwise be connected. In other words you're fucking up the pathways in your brain that have been carefully organized through reinforcement learning. Stop it.

Yes, and it's all dependent on how one's rooted to, and in what magnitude, to the mainframe.

Remember, superposition was just 'recently' discovered, young human. Out

>shredding the neurons into warring factions with the drug equvilant of a sledgehammer.

Top Kek m8

not that guy and i don't necessarily agree with him on all accounts, but i think the point he's (partially) trying to make is "a trip is a trip and nothing more, don't over think a hallucination", with which i agree.

personally i believe smart people like to try drugs simply because they want to know and some keep taking drugs simply because it's fun, while not-so-smart people tend to be afraid of changing the status quo because they fear not being able to cope with the experiences. that being said, i have seen smart people fall in the trap of "i took LSD and now i'm enlightened" when they were younger - boy are they embarrassed a few years later when they realize their mistake.

And this is what you'll end up like with continued psychedelic use. All those extra erroneous neuron connections will tend to turn you into an incoherent pseudointellectual. You'll see profound patterns and trends where there aren't any because your brain has a bunch of extra wires running back into itself where there shouldn't be.

>Psychedelics work by promoting neuron connectivity, and the experience is a result of new connections forming between pathways that shouldn't otherwise be connected. In other words you're fucking up the pathways in your brain that have been carefully organized through reinforcement learning.
>shredding the neurons into warring factions with the drug equvilant of a sledgehammer.
>with continued psychedelic use. All those extra erroneous neuron connections will tend to turn you into an incoherent pseudointellectual. You'll see profound patterns and trends where there aren't any because your brain has a bunch of extra wires running back into itself where there shouldn't be.
source please :^)


I don't get the comic

and the ego goes looking for information...

nice, do you have the full study?

>take psychedelics
>have an epiphany so retarded that only 4channers will listen patiently to it
>come to the obviously incorrect conclusion that you are somehow opening your mind, rather than corrupting it

Wow, you're just like every other loser who went on an acid trip and never came back. You people would be more interesting if you weren't all the same.

this doesn't assert any of the bold claims above

It's called substance abuse.

Try staring at the rainy landscape when it rains next time. It is truly enlightenment.