Why do guys want to stick their penis in bootie holes?

Why do guys want to stick their penis in bootie holes?
1. It's too tight
2. Too dry
3. Smells nasty (like poop). The hole is meant for things to come out not go back in.

The only valid reason white people love anal is because white wimmens have loose coochies? Or they're gay AF


With the way everyone is getting rammed recently I'd say this is at least semi-related desu.

>too tight
no such thing, fag
>too dry
coconut oil
have the bitch douche her colon

Anal is top tier

I've never understood this either, why do you want poo on your dick? I don't care how hot the girl is I don't want to be touching her poo

ouch this is true

Nothing wrong with sticking your benis in a pootie hole.

Also there is nothing wrong with sticking your benis in a bussy hole.


Why not just penetrate the pussy? Why do all the extra work for the stinky hole. It makes me shutter just thinking about where that booty hole has been. U nasty son

It's the Greco-Roman way :^)

>only fucked rank bitches with dirty booty holes

I'm about to turn 35 and have fucked around 100 women and I have never even considered doing anal. It makes me sick.

"It's the Jews"

No really, /pol/ is right.

I got news for you bud
Women think you're a fuckin wuss
Girls love it when you put a thumb up their butt. Anal is just the next step. Some girls like it others don't but u r missing out senpai

Because I'm preparing for your boipussy OP.

I understand other guys are into it, I just never had the desire. It's not like an ethical thing I just don't want to.


I shudder everytime I'm watching porn and the guy either sticks a finger in or goes into anal penetration. This is usually when I click out .. seems nasty.. but these pron directors think we love it or some shit

get your t levels checked lads

Yeah it is a dirty form of sex I agree, would never partake. Saged.

sex is dirty and animalistic by definition you fag

>tfw my first girlfriend would only want to do anal and never vaginal because she was really Christian and thought doing anal meant she would keep her virginity
>tfw my dick would always smell like a 15 year old girls poop

It was a good feel, but anal is more of a novelty. Just stick with the vag.

Having gay sex with a woman is high t now? Gas yourself you literal homo

anal is literally degenerate

it loosens the bowel and rectum over time and causes leakage at best prolapse at worse

its a kink that is only as big as it is because of (((pornography)))

t. used to fuck girls in the ass until I saw the reality of what happens afterwards

i was in love with this sexy whore. like so sexy anytime i went anywhere with her, men would stare. they couldn't help it.
after we broke up and i got arrested for defending myself. and i was banned from the apartment complex. shed invite me in to fuck her. she told me she wanted me to fuck her ass and i tried it. it was fucking incredible. i fucked her asshole a lot that summer. it almost feels the same, tighter. and her face from the sensation really got me off. you had to start slow, get the head in there and loosen it up. then once you get into it, she's trying to take it all. fucking fantastic.
just take a piss afterwards and wash up.

tl;dr ass fucking is not gross

Same, I don't want that smell/bacteria on me, perfectly good hole right above it, why go through extra effort to have something so nasty.

just don't rawdog it and non of this is a problem

>tfw penis is too girthy

Just relax and tell him to go slow.

Might want to start stocking up on nappies

>gay sex with a woman
The boundless retardation of Veeky Forums posters will never cease to impress me.

used to fap to anal in porn vids, but when it came to the real thing I never had the desire. At most ill stick my finger in, but I rather not have my dick covered in a thin film of shit.

Dont get blowjobs or handjobs from women either bro since men have mouths and hands and gays do it to.

you guys know what anal sex feels like right? it feels like taking a shit but then sucking it back in and then repeating it
it makes you feel "full" and it's not that pleasant
women don't even have a prostate


fuck off faggot

>thinking about yourselves and not pleasuring the woman