my gf is a poo and is very insecure about her accent. How can I help her get a more american accent? she's 20 and lived in New Delhi until 17 so the accent is heavy
My gf is a poo and is very insecure about her accent. How can I help her get a more american accent...
Just learn Punjabi/Hindi bruh then she won’t feel insecure
That's hot. GF with insecurity. Leverage her weakness to get anal sex and pee drinking privileges
I do this already tho
google rhoticity and the trap-bath split
Do shit together on the street OP? Or do you go a normal toilet and she to the curbs?
Genuine question
fucking kill yourself
That is really gross and I genuinely feel sorry for you buddy.
Pajeetery is biz related
She's hot tho I posted her face on lookism and she got rated 7 - 8
She has a strong accent because of her neural connections built over 17 years. The best thing would be to practice speaking in head, because thinking that you speak Murican with no accent achieves new neural connections forming. A good exercise would be to listen to a voice performance as a model, like let’s say Morgan Freeman, and when she either reads or chats, she reads that (in her mind) with Morgan Freemans voice. Soon, she might start speaking just like Morgan Freeman, albeit it could take a while. Practice makes perfect!
fuck it out of her
Who cares op, some guys find accents sexy and exotic, more props to you... hope you are not larping.
wow, user, I wish there were acting classes where they teach different accents, or at least a book with exercises but there are no such things.
I'm sorry user, you're out of luck.
Get her a sweet tattoo.
good luck, my mom still has an accent (not indian) after 40 fucking years of living and working here with hwhite people
*updated actual indian version
Post her pic here and let Veeky Forums rate her.
google AJATT... use the model on the english language instead of japanese...
also: when trying to modify one's own accent it's best to look for an authority figure you want to base your new one on and try to imitate that person until it sticks and seems natural...
it's a hard process for a lot of people, though.
without linguistic talent or interest, it's a bitch to modify your own accents and seem genuine and not fake/pretentious, in the end...
thank me later
>my gf is a poo
really made me kek
Have her sing everything. Accents disappear
Have you tongue kissed her while having your penis inside of her vagina?
>Racemixing with a filthy pajeet of all people
>Trying to integrate her into a society to which she does not belong
>Being so up your own ass you don't even realize she is just with you so she can get citizenship when her H1B visa expires
>Risking creating little mongrel half poos because muh dik
>Too pathetic to even get a white girl so has to settle for the most garbage tier race on this planet besides niggers
Kek when she start moaning as morgan when your having sex
>dating an indian
whats wrong?
crap! /pol/ is here!
it was nice knowing you thread