Why everyone on this board get so mad when he hear about evolutionary psychology? Humans evolved, body and mind...

Why everyone on this board get so mad when he hear about evolutionary psychology? Humans evolved, body and mind, from earlier primates. The ways in which humans think reflect this heritage as surely as the ways in which their limbs are articulated, their immune systems attack viruses and the cones in their eyes process coloured light.

It makes traditional psychologists angry that biology is "invading their field", and they fear that biology, chemistry and physics is reducing their precious theories into cinders.

In my country the research group that studies evolutionary psychology has been terrorized by extreme leftists and creationists. They wreck the researchers' cars, threaten their families with violence, leave "warnings" etc. It doesn't fit their world view that our behavior is partly determined by our past, and that we are greedy, selfish and manipulative by our nature.

People fall into the trap of making up Just-so stories to explain any psychological phenomenon they want. Its not something that people who haven't rigorously studied evo. pysch. should try.

Sounds like the US of A.

Evolutionary psychology is still a pretty newborn science. Media has showcased only studies about mate choice with stupid click-bait headlines, which has caused some negative attention.

Actually it's Finland :D

Evo-psych is a big part of the alt-right bullshit that is getting spread around right now. People like Stefan Molyneux, The Red Pill, even /pol/ like to parade around supposed scientific backings to their judgements on groups of people and it gives greater weight to what they are saying.

Don't get me wrong, extreme leftists love to do the same shit. All you hear about is how white people are "scientifically" predisposed to inherent racism on tumblr or whatever the fuck website these people use nowadays.

What it boils down to is that evo-psych is an extremely popular tool for adding meat to non-meaty arguments from people who are, for the most part, not scientists. For me, that is why I hate evopsych with a passion. It lets polarized political groups get their fucktarded messages out easier.

>It makes traditional psychologists angry that biology is "invading their field", and they fear that biology, chemistry and physics is reducing their precious theories into cinders.

totally wrong. pick up a introductory psychology textbook. any one of them will gladly tell you how losing a piece of your brain might tard you out or how drugs chemically cause behavioral changes

the huge debate of evolutionary psychology is whether their hypotheses are testable, in other words, whether its real or pseudoscience

It's true that evolutionary psychology is used as a political tool to justify stupid ideologies.

I think evo-psych should focus first on other model animals than humans, then slowly progress towards humans. Also, the term "evolutionary" should be weighed - studying differences between different taxa and species within a certain taxon, and then determining which psychological traits and behaviors really are adaptations and which are vestigial. Currently evo-psych research about humans consists of just anecdotal studies or experiments carried out on small number of university students.

Thanks for the correction. In my shithole country, though, 90% of psychology and psychiatry programmes are based on the teachings of Freud and his followers. Our first psych course was all about Freud's theories and how behaviorists and cognitive scientists are wrong... instead of the current knowledge in psychology. The main reason why I changed and started studying biology instead.

What about constructionist psychology ?

It seems to be very common for people to fail to make is-ought distinctions when attempting to discuss conclusions drawn from evolutionary biology. There is no such thing as a biological imperative, only a social imperative—the scientist is a social being that needs recognition. The study of nature which the zeitgeist depends upon to hold standards of dignity is a part of the global myth of human significance.

>the huge debate of evolutionary psychology is whether their hypotheses are testable, in other words, whether its real or pseudoscience

Evolutionary psychology is the science that seeks to explain through universal mechanisms of behavior why humans act the way they do. Evolutionary psychology seeks to reconstruct problems that our ancestors faced in their primitive environments, and the problem-solving mechanisms they created to meet those particular challenges. From these reconstructed problem-solving adaptations, the science then attempts to establish the common roots of our ancestral behavior, and how those common behavioral roots are manifested today in the widely scattered cultures of the planet. These hypothesized common roots are then rigorously tested with the use of a parallel universe gateway, an experimental animal population of Cro-Magnons and a time machine. The goal is to understand human behavior that is universally aimed at the passing of one's genes into the next generation.

It's hoped that one day in the near future, we'll finally know if women are genetically predisposed to like the color pink.

There is no question that ethnic populations do not have the same IQs and that IQ is genetic.

>we'll finally know if women are genetically predisposed to like the color pink.

This is dumb as fuck. Boys=blue and girls=pink has only been a thing for less than a hundred years. It used to be the opposite in fact.

>In my shithole country, though, 90% of psychology and psychiatry programmes are based on the teachings of Freud and his followers. Our first psych course was all about Freud's theories and how behaviorists and cognitive scientists are wrong... instead of the current knowledge in psychology. The main reason why I changed and started studying biology instead.
you have no idea what you are talking about, the reason for THE FIRST COURSE being about Freud, behaviorists and the like is simply to provide the history and legacy of the field

if you think Finland is a shithole of a country, come on over to Sweden ;)

also, since your perception of psychology and psychiaty is very common in society and popular culture, it's an effort to eradicate these misconceptions

It's something I never understood from Psychology. In like, 6th grade we learned about the plum pudding model of the atom, and in 8th grade, you do some stuff in biology like mendelian inheritance. Literally in universities they teach Freud, for a stupidly long time. There is literally no other course where they teach you the wrong they for so long, or expect you to remember it. It's the same with the Shakespeare obsession with literary programs.

Med student specializing in psychiatry here (Oulu, Finland).

The first course in psychiatric psychology we had was history, heavily from the Freudian perspective. Behaviorists and cognitive scientists were labeled as evil reductionists, and how modern neuroscience is evil offspring of behaviorism. Next courses are about semiotics and how everything has a meaning. This was followed by practices on "listening to patient" and analysing their talking from the Freudian perspective. A few clinical neuroscience courses were offered in the final semester.

I think I picked a shit uni to get my degree.

physics and biology get emphasized more so than psychology and psychiatry by most educational systems, i imagine, yes. perhaps don't agree with though.
>stupidly long time
i disagree, it's a basic outline
>they teach you the wrong
errors and shortcomings are not taught as truth but contrary to your belief he did make legitimate contributions

these fields are rigorously empirical in their research and practice

i find this hard to believe

Veeky Forums generally doesn't like psychology being a science or accepting it as one, because if they accept it as a science then a it provides a mirror in which they can examine themselves through, and the mere idea of what they will see in that mirror is scary to them, so by rejecting the science you get rid of the mirror. Veeky Forums is one giant defense mechanism.

in truth, Veeky Forums is jelly of psychology.

it's easier to fake results in psychology, so psychologists get their tenures more easily than physics researchers



Psychiatrists just sell pulls all day, they are people just like you and me.

When you get old enough to work for a doctor or possibly become one, you will finally realize how fucked up the world is.

>Psychiatrists just sell pulls all day
"Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, and is a major contributor to the overall global burden of disease."
>you will finally realize how fucked up the world is.
takes no PhD to realize that people are fucked up

this sort of ignorant stigma around mental illness is a severe issue