Just turned 21 so it's gonna be a lot easier to get specific beer instead of just settling with underage tier shit like Bud Light and Coors. Being a dirty weeb, what's the best beer/sake/alcoholic drink from Japan?
Just turned 21 so it's gonna be a lot easier to get specific beer instead of just settling with underage tier shit like...
Jap ladyboy cum
For relaxing times... make it Suntory time.
Japanese wife said that translates to back garlic pepper? Holy hell, where is that in the states. Speaking of qualiity, the next poster with the hibiki is winrar
Asahi for beer.
really fucking hate threads like this, only for the main reason that alcohol is all COMPLETELY preference, so if you want a idea of the -best- you need to atleast HINT AT WHAT YOU ALREADY LIKE
Since they just turned 21, it wouldn't be too much to assume that they're looking for a variety to try to find their preferences, and then build from their. It just so happens that they're asking for particular drinks in this case, but there's nothing wrong with their chosen filter
All Japanese beer is pretty good imo but Asahi is definitely right up there with my favorites overall.
All Japanese beer is pretty shit actually and it all tastes the same. I'm certain if you did a taste test, you wouldn't be able to tell them apart.
Japanese beer is PRETTY BLAND TASTING.
I like Suntory, but in the EU at least it's quite expensive compared to good Scotch.
If you're getting Whiskey, may as well go Scotch or Irish.
Sake is different, obviously.
No Japanese Whiskey is expensive in general.
Try Asahi or Suntory if you're into beer.
Otherwise Umeshu, whiskey highball with ginger ale and those 2%-alc drinks for pussies are pretty popular there too.
Its not COMPLETE preference unless youre a tasteless plebe who has a preference for tasteless, bland swill
I was talking about the Whisky itself. I'm from Ireland, so I know Scots are Scots and not 'the Scotch' as dumb Yanks or English trolls like to say.
What flavor are those