I'll start
Veeky Forums humour thread
Woo the same unfunny images that get posted in every one of these /b/ tier threads...
Not funny.
u in the middle
You have no friends
Not funny.
Post something funny then my friend
Feel free to post the pinnacle of food-related comedy then - unless you're just an insufferable cunt who doesn't like anything
lol i remember this thread. poor guy.
what happened in the thread? is that the guy that yells at kids in the cooking show?
Why is Gordon such a savage?
Scottish genetics
idk but he's based af
dont rag on mr oreo
what a fucking ham
original version
the dedication to this meme is really pathetic and it actually depresses me to know there is someone out there to have made this
t. assblasted 'goan
is ja/ck/ bannable now? I wondered why I never see scalfani threads anymore
For some reason the mods don't want us talking about people who cook food on the food and cooking board.
I live in California and I hate shitposters
Also RIP drunkanon
Looks comfy
>tfw no kitchen
ok that's pretty god damn funny
What happened?
If you read none of these, at least read this one.
Is that fucker dead, or what?
(I hope)
no don't
I think this is supposed to be a collection of Irish Stew Guy's other posts. Veeky Forums was a lot smaller a coupla years ago.
this fucking killed me
>ywn have an unintelligible shrimp-loving negro to crab with
That's pretty fucking cook.