let me finish that for you


Checked. Very stinky.

Your dubs are quite literally chain linked together

holy shit dubs


Let me fix that for you

I need MOre



How do stinkies do it

Of course you do user.

stinky linkies didn't buy the red bull as expected. Might as well sell all your link now. kek has spoken

In a single thread, five separate dubs off the bat for link. Is link actually a scam and you guys are using scripts? I thought link was solid but this is getting actually suspicious.

I ejaculate into my morning smoothie everyday. It's important to cum directly into the smoothie.

Also, check em

Here we go again!

Was meant to

If digits we're all gonna make it.

They have kek's favor

Ooooh fuuuuck

What is this


It's beautiful

we will all make it

1000$ eoy

▲ ▲

Blessed by Sergey


Make me rich Sergey. 1k eoy. I believe.

What the fuck is going on here?

KEK has spoken

Seriously starting to think it might end 2018 lower than it ended 2017. Let's be honest, price wise it's been a fucking disaster for link so far this year.

If dubs link will be over 10$ in 2019

What did KEK mean by this?

1k EOY is enough for me

So will it hit 1k in later years?


dont question kek it will be 1000$+ from this year on



We missing some ...

I think they're all bots

oooh boy

What is this sorcery?

I thought the same thing until I started posting on link threads and unexpectedly got digits most of the time

Fucking hell this thread is insane

boys good things come to those who wait. were gonna make it

>check em

link will be dead EOY

linkies won't make it.

wtf all these dubs!

Link $10000 EOY check'em

Jesus, it seems link really will be 20$ EOY.
Who would've thought.

dub dubs

1000 eoy. Kek wills it.

Kek can you please shoot the price up I'm tired of standing around with my dick in my hand.

Here,let me undo all this nonsense.

Blessed are the Linketh

Hiccup'd, here are my fud digits

We are literally Chainlinking Dubs.


>poo poo on face desu

I felt very unmotivated the last few days about my link stack but this thread freshed me up again.

Link 1000$ eoy

it is foretold desu, 1k eoy dubs confirmed



Oh it's another LINK thr-NANI THE FUCK

LINKY STAYS VERY STINKY $1000 EOY $10000 end of 2019

Oh you sweet winter child, watch this :

Chain link 5 dollars by April 15th

Holy shit this thread

Wizards the lot of you, I won't even be surprised if Link is $1000 eoy....

im fucking retiring this year, fuck every normie cunt we're going to make it.


how much do you hold?


never enough

unironically 12,44$ at 01/01/19 00:00:00 EST

it never ends kek will make it happen

>12usd in a year
Still comfy as fuck for me ese

It's happening!

My only regret is I don’t I’ll be able to accumulate 10k

nice meme. i like that little guy with the flat top on the bottom left. real nice

speak for yourself m8 im up 1.5k already on a pretty small investment and im not even expecting it to move until mid year. LINK is comfy af

Itching for more stinky. No spare fiat. Which is the sacrificial lamb?

fucking HOLD m8. hold fast. did you ever read a good book where the hero has an easy road? our path will be frought with trials and tribulations, this is nothing. only the strong will win the prize.

The greatest trick link ever pulled was convincing the world it was a meme

Everything, all in or die

ICX maybe. DYOR on that though

Good words senpai

I admire your commitment marine

$1000 eoy

The singularity is coming

kek guides us

last week messed around and got a triple double

if dubs link $5 eoy


not even mad

What is this FUD?

we all know it's $1000 end of year, the dubs have already spoken

>unironically thinking it won't be $5

What is up with this thread
W-will I be rich?