Ran into girl I knew from middle school. Always had a thing for her. Turns out she was single after breaking up...

Ran into girl I knew from middle school. Always had a thing for her. Turns out she was single after breaking up. She had over $45,000 worth of college debt. I started hanging out with her. I had never had sex before and always had a crush on her. Last week officially made a deal to have her move in with me if I wiped her college debt. I did and said I'll take care of her financially.

I won't say how much I have in crypto but let's just say I started out in Jan 2017. I'm not hurting what so ever by doing this. Am I wreckless for doing this? Its only 45k but I seriously couldn't pass up this one in a life time chance. She's already taken my virginity as of a few days ago. And I've never felt so alive as when I'm with her.

Guys any advice? I'm wondering if I should help her get on her feet and buy her a Honda civic or something.




Stop, user. This is a bad move. You've had your fill. Dispose of it.

You paying her 45k to stay with you? Are you Crazy?

Bro find a girl who cares about you, don't just settle for some gold digger you're infatuated with.

Assuming you're not LARP...
Top kek. You done goof

yes, i totally believe this 100% completely true story

this is bait. sage.

this better be bait, paying off her debts while she fucks chad

pic related

You're in a business relationship with her. She'll dump you once she feels she's lived with you long enough, probably around 6 months.

Why would I stop if I'm falling in love with her? She was so kind to me when I told her I was a Virgin. She made me feel the best feeling I've ever felt in my entire life. I think I am legitimately falling in love with this woman. I'll say this here since no one will find out but. Sometimes when I'm in the shower I begin to cry from finally having someone show me love. This is the best I've felt my entire life. Why shouldn't I help her out. She changed my life.

Did she know about your money before this?

lol if 45k is nothing to you, just give me 50k and ill teach you all you need to know about picking up girls and not falling for some golddigging whore whom you're inflatuated with just because she popped your cherry.

No she didn't know about the money before this. She was this nice to me and I decided to pay off her debt and have her move in with me after she treated me very nicely. However I do drive a Porsche and own my own condo. So she may have suspected.

You better put a baby in her asap

Honestly OP fuck whatever people are saying on here. If this girl makes you happy then be happy and enjoy it man. Go with the flow. People always talk about their money on here and how it will bring them happiness once they reach their goals. It seems like you already reached yours. Is she with you for your money? So fucking what? I say fucking enjoy it brother.

Do it OP. You sound like you will blow it on pussy anyway. There is a high chance she will cuck you but such is life.

You're a pussywhipped beta who's going to get half of his net worth taken from him in 10 years. Either accept that this is your reality and you're not cut out for a normal male's life or kill yourself now while you have the chance.

45k is a lot for 30 seconds of sex. I don't know what to say user, she won't stick around more than 6 months. She's using you, as you use her, but you know that 45k worths way more than that. And after she leaves you you are going to feel way worse that you were feeling before. Speaking from experience.

She’ll probably change your life again in a few months

OP can you tell us how she's changed your life besides sex?

Long haired. The other one is shit tier.

durrr she truly loves me but needed 45k to chance her mind. Stop thinking with your dick and actually think

So if you aren't larping...
Just hope she likes you, because she is obviously with you primarily because of money. Don't spend too much on her, that's my advice.

Jesus OP

If you said you started crypto in 2009 then I would understand the 45k




lol what a moran

should at least asked for anal for next thirty years

It's the little things that she did to me that all added up to alot. Every morning how I wake up and I can just stare into her eyes with her smiling back at me I just can't get enough of it.

How we will sometimes just be watching a TV show together and then all of a sudden I'll be looking at her and she just looks up and our eyes meet and I just know deep down I have this unbelievable connection that I can't describe.

How she talks about our childhood memories and the good old days. When every morning I wake up and make us a home made cold espresso and we spend the morning having intellectual conversations and where the world is going.

How when I get back home after spending 6 hours with her during the day we spend most nights cuddling by the fire talking about what we want in life, our desires, our deepest secrets, her passions what she wants to accomplish.

She truly has changed my world. I seriously can't describe it. It's so much more than sex. I feel as if we have this amazing connection that can never be broken. I love her.

weak tier bait

Also not to mention she would have moved in with you and fucked you without paying the 45k. She’s already desperate, you didn’t need to feed in to it. You over-paid 45k

The only way you can shit on us if you tell us your real worth in crypto.

if crypto trading taught me anything, unless fundamentals are good for longterm, dump it on ath

no way this is not larp

you only live once money don't matter at the graveyard

Amazing response. OP I could tell there was more than just money involved. Whats more sexy than being able to provide for the woman you love? Nothing. It seems like you guys are into each other. I dig it. Enjoy OP. Wish you two the best.

She's dumping your ass the minute her debt is paid off and she has the keys to the car in her hand.

You could have gotten a hotter girl for $450.

PS, if you did make any money for real, you're going to piss it away.

Top kek faggot no one is this beta not even a soyboy

Op you're setting a stupid high precedent i hope you realize 45 k is literally just the start

This is a larp.
if not, well, it's just nature I guess.

Bahahahaha!!! This 1000%

hmm, i swear ive seen this thread before

Women are so trash. 45k and now she can take your virgininity but before she had sex with 1000 chads and was laughing at you. Now do the same and dump her and laugh at her.

Pls don't be real

Wait til she tells her Chad gang about OP’s riches. Then they’re going to run up in your house after she lets them in and they are going to ransack you

pic of your self now you gigantic beta fag
while she is out with friends, she is on tinder finding chads to fuck
Then she pity fucks you once in a while to keep you hooked
If she really liked you she would decline the payment, she also gets free rent
Please.... kys

i hope you're just larping
you're essentially paying for sex, she will never respect you


>Its only 45k

If it's "only" 45k then she can deal with it herself. Fishing rod, not fish etc.


lol I meant teach them how to fish

Pls sir
Trust in bearfag
Bearfag... best fag

Damn that’s an expensive hooker

Seriously though op you will always have this in the back of both your minds she will always wonder if she is just staying because she feels like she owes you and you will have the same thoughts. Sorry to say but it won’t work out in the end because this relationship is so one sided. You ncan ed to have mutual respect and this destroys any hope of that.

literally the opposite of this fag

autists on Veeky Forums won't admit that there is literally nothing wrong with paying off someone's debt - a true act of compassion.

the feeling of being in love is the greatest thing in the world and it is truly priceless

Your dumb as fuck.
Bitty fucks you a couple times a week to get 45k off her back and live rent free. Man your fuckin deluded.
Should have told her to get a bloody job and you would help with her getting back on her feet.

Man you could literally use that 45k to fly anywhere in the world and have any escort you want several times in a year and you know exactly what she's up to.

I cannot believe you fucking did this you are restarted you fucking fool..

Make sure you come back here to cry when you see her with a man hahahhah

pre-nuptial agreement is your friend. go for it and enjoy life my man

>Last week officially made a deal to have her move in with me if I wiped her college debt. I did and said I'll take care of her financially.

LMAO hilarious if not larp

This, hard

Wow... This saddens me so much lol

That is literally worse than paying for a scort, you're literally paying for someone to fake love to you only to be crushed by her in the future KEK

Oh for fuck sake OP, you have been brainwashed by jewish movies where the rich prince sweeps in and solves all the poor damsel in distress. Women are incapable of love, women only want alphas and providers for future offspring, men are the providers and only we are capable of love it what drives our ambition to succeed and keep working for the family unit. Women need to be kept in line and told what to do like children otherwise they end up dominant and do whatever they fucking want cause they make decisions based on emotions and not logic. Just dont kill yourself when it all ends badly and learn from it.

Retard, just have her pay 50% less rent for anal

beta bux

I hope she dies in her sleep and you get accused of murder, then raped in prison. You deserve this ledditor

found the misogynistic incel

You don't understand this yet because you were a virgin but you are in the so called "puppy love" faze. It will subside,

Talk about bad decisions, holy fuck op you better be larping
You're the ultimate cuck and she will see that and dump your ass

You're going to feel a sting, but it will pass.

Literal cuck. Have fun losing it all when she hops on Tyrone's dick and tries to lie to you about it. She'll make you feel insane for accusing her, but she will be cucking you. I guarantee it OP.


Enjoy your breakup in 4 months

>Unironically calling someone a mysogynist


friendly reminder that reddit learned a new word today:


45k? Damn that's an expensive whore.

for fuck sure. women who can't manage to pay her debt out is not capable to talk about where the world is planning to go. this is a fuckin meme "we talk about the future world and all-eternity-bullshit" all they have in their minds is equality bullshit or dirty-diaper-small-alien stuff. she will use u.

Years of whoring won't cost you that much.

You should give her another $45,000 so that she doesn't come to me begging when it's my turn to cum in her butthole.

You talk about cuddling and talking and connection but are you having sex often?
As much as men likes those things you have to realize she is not relly in love with you if she don't want to be fucked often.

Wtf is wrong with you?

not evryone wants to get fucked every few days.
ffs you oversexed wankers.

You've obviously never been in a mutually sexual relationship


re-evaluate your relationship, user. I'm serious. Unless you're 40+

Itt newfags getting larped

you should have spent the money for some charity shit instead

In the event this isn't a troll post.

Listen OP, the girl is thrilled right now, women are overjoyed when a man takes care of them. It's great. But, women don't stay happy for long. You have two choices to make, and you have to do it soon. This feeling won't last more than a year and you have to start planning.

You have to take control of the situation, treat her like a little girl. She will accept this if you bring your balls and don't pussy about. She is your woman, remind her that when you fuck her, get rough ask what her fantasies are, get her to open up and communicate with you. This might please her, but it has the end goal of her being open with you and not becoming sneaky.

Make her feel like she's apart of the household, but has a responsibility to you now. Never just make her feel the special entitled princess girls so easily become. Make sure she has to 'earn her keep' even if it's getting a shitty part time job, have her bring money in. Make her feel like an investment. This might sound degrading but it actually fosters a bond and helps self-esteem. She has a stake in it, the 45k then is less of you buying her affection, and more of an early investment in what you saw her capable of. Chicks love shit like that, she will start pulling money in for you. She might even see a healthy side of trying to "get all that 45k" back into your pocket, greatful it's going to the household not some faceless bank.

That's one option. The other is to keep spoiling her, and that doesn't end up well. As others have stated, a million scenarios can play out.
They all end with her slowly over time, draining you- abusing your oneitis vision like a succubus, eventually leaving you high, dry, and a broken shell of a man- that you could have been. You'll never realize how much power you hold with your youth and wealth until it's gone. But a woman knows.. almost instinctual. She will drain it, then run for protection and shelter at the hands of an older wiser man.