The black people who made my burrito were very loud and obnoxious. Black people make me uncomfortable.
The black people who made my burrito were very loud and obnoxious. Black people make me uncomfortable
I am living in a bad part of town while inbetween apartments, and inner city black people are basically like 10 year olds in adult bodies. They are very loud and direct and generally pretty rude and while only say please and thank you if they are begging for cigarettes or money.
File a complaint
>Being so timid that black people scare you
Don't worry I remember when I was scared of the BBC too
I literally gave away about $50 in chipotle gift cards because, aside from being mediocre food, the chipotle near me is staffed with all blacks and blacks just fucking ruin everything. I could go into detail but I think everyone here knows what I mean in regards to black people in charge of restaurants
I worked part time in a heavily black area while I was in college. You just gotta let them know you're not gonna take their ooga booga shit.
Remain calm, but for fuck's sake be assertive.
What if the beasts get violent
I can't compete with chimp strength
no actually I don't.
I have been/go to several restaurants owned or almost entirely staffed by black people, a few of them are my favorite places to eat. especially the bbq place. best pulled pork sandwich I've ever had.
Go back to reddi.t
bbq and wing places are the exception
if the pit is manned by some leathery skinned 40 y/o nigger it's probably good bbq
Get this racist filth out of my sight.
>Get this racist filth out of my sight.
How are you liking your first week here?
Well then let this be a warning to you. If you ever go into a restaurant that serves anything other than bbq, soul food, or southern food and the staff is all black, just turn 360 degrees and walk right back out the door
>black don't crack!
Unless you're female
I'm black and I agree that a lot of black people are loud and aggressive. They are a new kind of crazy in Seattle than the ones in SE United States.
People still go to Chipotle?
Fuck that looks good
Sorry for being racist it was just a dumb joke, if I can even call it a joke
Yeah I think I'm going to stop going to chipotle
Where do you live that most chipotle employees are black?
I find black restaurants to generally be poorly managed and the food inconsistent, with the exception of a few specialty cafes in nice parts of downtown. They're all run by upper middle class immigrants from africa or the caribbean so there's more of a "filter" there.
Even their soul food restaurants are pretty bad in terms of consistency and service, I will only go to a small ala carte type soul food stand located in a nearby gas station. Oddly enough its better than most of the real soul food restaurants here.
>File a complaint
I did an online complaint in New Haven, CT, after some snarky employee acted like underdone brown rice was my imagination. He and the customer after me were talking about me right in front of me.
I got a phone call within 25 minutes from a manager who had been off but came in and had a meeting with the whole staff about the incident, and called to apologize and offer freebies if I would come right back (which I declined as I was on vacation and already not interested).
Chipotle had BAD PRESS after the ecoli incident and closed a good deal of locations, like dozens. They are hurting. They'll take any complaint seriously, I would think. Anyone getting bad service or less than ideal food in a restaurant should matter to corporate. Pay attention that you don't let your local joint be run into the ground by someone hiring dickheads. The Chipotle near me now has a literal line out the door from the moment they open til the end of the night. I always order online to pick up at the register just to skip this ridiculous (but fast moving) line of popularity. Oh, and I don't think race matters, don't mention that.
Welcome to the new /b/ food board.
hi leddit
that was meant for
Never been to redit. Are you denying the fact that Veeky Forums has become a lot more like /b/ over the past year?
yes, you're just new and should lurk moar.
I am the same way. A few weeks ago I was walking back to my dorm from eating dinner, and these two black men were in front of me. I had noticed earlier on the way out of the building where I ate my dinner, one of them (the more "street gangster" dressed one) took the door that is meant to be used for entering, while the other one used the door that was meant for exiting. From this I deduced that these two men in particular were the rowdy and unpredictable type of black people. At that point I was instantly on guard, ready for anything these two delinquents would unexpectedly perform. As I said earlier, they were walking in front of me, so I was watching them intently. The more thug-like one was meandering randomly around the other one. This confused me and made me extremely anxious, so it was at this point I decided I would start walking faster and just get past them. The whole time the one man was directionlessly moving and spinning around. My heart was beating fast. Once I finally overtook them I instantly felt a heavy feeling of dread, as I could no longer see what the pair was doing behind me. I picked up my pace and speed walked back to my residence hall, anxiously listening to the monkey like howling of the blacks behind me. Once I was inside my building, I started to calm down, and reflected upon the events that had just unfolded.
Around blacks, never relax. You never know when a seemingly normal black man might turn rowdy and unpredictable.
been on Veeky Forums for years. I think you're the new one here friend. Nice try though. Go shitpost somewhere else.
>been on Veeky Forums for years.
>racism is bad you need to leave!
Pick one retard.
I never said racism was bad. I said this board has become more like /b/. Learn2read retard.
>racism is what starts the discussion
>subject of discussion is therefore racism
>n-n-no, I didnt say anything about racism, I just want /b/ to stay in /b/
You are brand new.
trying this hard