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>hurrdurr coinbase is racist n shieeettt
they can buy crypto right now, what a bunch of sad people
How many years until they start claiming WE WUZ SATHOSHI
SATOSHI "REAL-G" NAKAMOTO is a nigger. He just hustling us for the biggest hustle of all time.
about 5 minutes now that you connected the dots for them
Unironically curious as to why more black people aren't developing crypto? Are they 'under-represented' in IT as well? It does seem like white people are always at the cutting edge of tech these days - why is that Veeky Forums?
Because niggers are inferior in every conceivable aspect.
Can Veeky Forums find me a black dev on any coin? I would be intrigued
Bitconnect got 2 niggers, both lost everything they had and are probably going to jail. Crypto is just a fair version of real life, without the government and corporations helping the niggers
they are too stupid for computers, racial iq differences arent just a meme you know
Not a dev but Stratis CEO is black
Because /pol/ is always right and the end is coming sooner than you think.
Are you serious?
All the black race is about 1 billion and the majority of it lives is african shitholes.
So even if we forgot about the social/culrural problems of black people in the west there's nothing strange in it.
We'll see black devs/scientists etc soon.
This moron is dumb even by nog
standards. Cryptocurrency is literally available to anyone with an internet connection and a few dollars.
PROTIP Mr. Nog-- you may have to get a JOB
to earn money to buy Crypto. Owning crypto is 100% race/color blind. Whoever buys the crypto owns the crypto.
Now get your fuckin' shine box.
>racial iq differences arent just a meme
They aren't just a meme, but todays american black has the same iq as american white had 50 years ago. The culture/education/health problems matter aaaand while iq really depends on genetics too, "race" (color) itself means nothing here. So you can as well find or even CREATE low iq and high iq groups or families or ethnicities in any race.
Everyone is so brainwashed that they think races and sexes are the same intelligence. The guy is a perfect example of a low-iq nig who literally believes that developing new technology is just a way that white people screw over blacks. Let that sink in. This is the average black in America. Many people in Africa unironically believe that technology is witchcraft by the white man because they still have about 5000 years of evolution to catch up on.
>todays american black has the same iq as american white had 50 years ago
yeah and those geezers are also too stupid for computers
>So you can as well find or even CREATE low iq and high iq groups or families or ethnicities in any race.
sure but they're gonna be rare, there are blacks in crypto right now like that guy who dumped his linkies but there arent many
>Everyone is so brainwashed
>This is the average black in America
The irony.
Why do youtubers always stream in a fucking automobile?
Perhaps a touch of hyperbole but regardless, you should take a look at racial iq curves in the US.
>muh environmental differences
Privileged blacks that grow up in upper classes still fall below iq curve for average range in relative class. But numbers are racist created by the white patriarchy.
heres a story i read on Veeky Forums (i cant remember it correctly but its essentially this):
some white guy over in africa wanted some help or info from a nigger tribe but they werent willing. he had a glow stick with him. he put the glow stick to the niggers chest and cracked it. the glow stick lights up, and he tells the nigger that hes captured his soul, and if he doesnt tell him the info then he will throw the glow stick into the lake, and his soul will never make it to heaven when he dies. so of course he gives up the info.
must suck to be as dumb as a nigger.
They will likely appear here and there, some african countries may also perrform pretty well in the future. Sure it doesn't happen overnight, all I wanted to say is that the color itself means really nothing. I don't deny the reality that the average black has lower iq than the average white or asian but it's something close to historical coincidence, that's my opinion.
They live in shitholes BECAUSE they have low iqs. Africa is literally the most plentiful land of mass in the word, in terms of natural resources. The west gives billions of dollars in aid and tech to Africa and they still can't get their shit together. Africans are incapable of building a successful system without the west holding their hand.
good use of otherwise wasted time
op pic related is a fucking brainlet like 99% of niggers.
nas the black rapper is for example the 1% and invested 4 years ago in coinbase and has a 200M investment fund right now.
did that nigga complain? fuck these roaches man plebs stay plebs
But they outperform their non-privileged cousins, don't they? I never denied genetics and you can't deny environment.
Also may be a matter of time since american-nigger-culture always has some influence and can't completely disappear in those families you're talking about.
The children of their children must become smarter for both genetical and environmental reasons.
American asians is most successful and the highest-iq racial group in the US afaik.
it's so ridiculously obvious once you look at it without bias. Blacks in Africa live like shit despite having resources all around them. Blacks in the US are poor. Blacks in Europe are poor. Everywhere blacks go they end up poor, living like shit, never amounting to anything, with the exception of a few outliers.
Literally every study on IQ differences shows that they are severely less intelligent than any other racial group save aboriginies.
And then lefties claim that racists are the biased ones. How can you ignore reality this hard
You have a point there. Why are blacks all over the world poor? What the fuck
It shows. They are scamming people and breaking on every promise they made. I hope it crash and burns to fucking 0.
Nah, it doesn't make much sense.
African resourses are useful NOW in 21 century.
>lack of the water
It wasn't a good place to live and evolve as same as siberia or alaska weren't. Both has many resources by the way.
Satoshi Nakamoto allegedly is from Japan and Asians make more than whites in the USA so m8 you are barking up the wrong tree.
Return to the mean. Look it up, they will actually get stupider as the unique genes are diluted.
Holy shit I actually know the guy. He’s in software. Has done really well for himself.
I’m not sure bitcoin or crypto needs to be viewed as a race thing though, that’s pretty one-dimensional
What is the point of this thread? Go back to your containment board.
Black people don't pursue careers in engineering. I live in a city where there are many blacks and some go to university but aren't encouraged by their black parents to go into engineering or comp sci. I hardly see any in my classes but a fair bit on campus. They go into business or accounting so they can do grunt work for decent pay.
Yup. And it's generally accepted that they fall behind regardless of their geographic location. But it's the reason why which is where people disagree... And it's always muh racism... Every race has SOME aspect of advantage over another but it draws the line when a race constantly makes excuses and blames everyone else around them while simultaneously asking for handouts. The level of insecurity...
It's ok to keep crypto white only.
Race war now.
I think I see his argument - he’s saying that this nouveau crypto wealth has gone disproportionately to white people.
I’m not sure where I stand on that. White people more likely to be techies with counter-culture sensibilities? I guess. Meaning more likely for those who’re people to have gotten in on the ground floor years ago
I once heard a negro on the street talking about investing in crypto. I went out and got the clan crew and we tought that boy a lesson.
except physical. Thats really it.
white people are more likely to invest.... whereas nogs buys dem shoes and da real nice rims fo dey car mayne.
I think nigger coin has some nig devs.
No shit, that's how capitalism works. The intelligent ones save money to invest early and take risk. He's complaining because whites (actually mostly Asians, but he conveniently left that out) are smart enough to do so while he is not.
Dude is insane, replies to each post 4 times frantically. Jeez man just uninstall twitter it's clearly taking a toll on your mental health.
What are pajeets/chinks/arabs.
It is only blacks who pull out the victim card, you don't see any of the above on social media looking for attention.
Black people are so stupid
Telcoin. Seriously though, telcoin has a black CEO.
Are you able to pm him some old memes of Charlie Lee selling LTC at the ath?
I'm a black girl into crypto :/
Somebody plz shoop 1800s slaves mining bitcoin
Post tits with timestamp
This fucking edgelord has made his entire career out of a "black guy neckbeard persona"
Is the US the most cucked country on Earth?
>this edgelord
>implying it's just him
The entire African race has made a career of guilting white man into giving him free shit. Everywhere you go, worldvision, reperations, muh colonialism, muh slavery......
This entire race needs a good hard look at themselves.
We need to start fake news that bitcoin was “discovered” by a black slave in the 1800s who’s claim was stolen by white men. Black satoshi was then taken as a slave himself and forced to mine bitcoin til the day he died.
u know about 50% of them would believe it if we spread the story enough
Extra proof that white men are intellectually superior species.
Do you notice that amongst Bitcoin-millionaire almost no blacks and women? Crypto needs brain, ability to anticipate the future and understand the world you live in, as well as being farseeing, being able to put a significant sum of money into a risky enterprise and be patient for years through extreme FUD until the time to reap will come.
Due to crypto-demography we can see what part of human population has these traits.
A lot of blacks viciously hate whites.
>/pol/tards and 8gags invade Veeky Forums in December
>crypto is now kill.
You guys just can't do anything right.
I’m from pol and can confirm
But I’m also not an idiot and have 10xed my money. I also mined doge for a month and btc for a day in 2013.
it’s hilarious how succeptable biz and social media is to coin shilling. I love it. Was it like this before the pollacks and other nubs? Or am I just making money of low tier poltards.
Keep market selling and buying boys, my bag of Jew gold is getting heavy
that is genuinely hilarious
I’m working on an amazing photo, will post a thread in a few hours. I can’t stop laughing while making it
That's where you're wrong. The can run fast but that's about it, most niggers are skinny weak and aids ridden
stfu pol cuck. get back under your rock. here's lemme help yo ass.
i wish the meme about blacks owing jews reparations for being enslaved for hte pyramids would happen since they wuz kangs over the kykes
Black people physically can't stop until they've dragged every person on earth down into their anarcho primitism.
american-nigger culture is their representation of poor white trash. stop being a nigger apologist
Wow, I was just kidding about reparations but he is actually asking for it. Fuck these worthless people that have nothing going for them aside from the race card.
I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the many great contributions of the Black community and their culture to our society. Their peaceful and generous nature makes them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture. Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people. Real Estate values are fueled by the influx of African Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nurturing of these communities, an example of all they have achieved by their enthusiasm for self-improvement through hard work and a self-reliant can-do nature. Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer as a nation.
Don't forget the genocide of millions of aboriginal people by the Bantu migrations that apparently no one gives a fuck about
Oh fuck
Are you fucking stupid? Africa is a huge continent with diverse biomes. You have to be mouth breathing retarded not to flourish there.
Considering they could literally go steal a bunch of GPUs, and electricity from all the old people in da hood, and literally print free gibmes forever - I think it just seems like Niggers are fucking retards. There's 0 barrier to entry in this. And when one does figure out how to actually buy in, what do they do? Fucking Bitconnect.
And what have Black men done in tech?
Tits or GTFO Latrina
Sadly for us all, behind every Black rights protest is a (((community organiser))) using the "Rules for Radicals" playbook.
for those of you who dont know the power of samuel L hyde
Tits or GTFO Shaniqua. You know the rules.
>race doesn't exist
>blacks are just as capable as whites
>ya'll white folk be makin this bitcoin too hard n' sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit
>land of mass
i dont exactly like black people (because many of them want to destroy my entire race) but i find the word nigger crass.
>They aren't just a meme, but todays american black has the same iq as american white had 50 years ago
where is your data to support this? what's that--you don't have any? lmao get fucked reddit.
>50 years ago you could still drink the tap water
>modern niggers take-over a modern city (detroit) and the tap water goes bad
niggers are not human
/pol/ has been here a while. You think /pol/ likes wagecucking for kikes? Wtf do you think cryptos were created to do, if not be a slap in the face of (((bankers)))? Of course /pol/ likes it.
this. you saw how blacklivesmatter completely disintegrated after they lost their soros-backed organizers to other groups that don't just chimp out and burn their own neighborhoods down, like antifa. too mad american antifa turned out to be just beta soyboys, fat roasties, and trannies TOP FUCKING LMAO
>50 years ago
1000 years ago whites built goddamn castles and shit in europe and chinks were building the forbidden city
highly doubt its just 50 years
See this:
hating on niggers is a time-honored Veeky Forums tradition, newfag. go back 2 your r*ddit hugbox if you don't like it because it's not going away