What latex editor do you use?

what latex editor do you use?

I use Overleaf now. I couldn't stand not being able to immediately see the errors.



Also have Gummi, but haven't used that in a long time.


TeXstudio because it came bundled when I downloaded LaTeX.

There's probably better software but I've had no problems with it.



I used Atom with Markdown Preview Plus for a while until I got tired of it. Probably will switch to TeXstudio unless someone reminds me of the open source software with a somewhat similar name that looked 10x as polished.

@ pic, it's amusing how widespread that meme is, seems that no one is aware that most commercial non-lab-grade helium is diluted with oxygen to reduce chance of death from voice-alteration and other stupidity. You can still die, but it's not as foolproof as advertised.


Cpap Mask are not air tight, they're vented to release pressure when you aren't inhaling.

The helium flow rate would have to be sufficient to keep you from inhaling air through the holes in the mask.

Cpap machines pump air at 6 to 14 cmH2O


I don't really know the equipment at all, but I know that some previous versions of that guide included having an oxygen tank too to mix with the helium as you breathe it. Maybe the use of that particular mask is for that same basic purpose? I'm just curious because I know people have had some criticism of this method of suicide but I honestly can't remember what


Sharelatex, cause I always need my shit to be reviewed. Also compiling is fast and allows you to do other stuff than just waiting.

Is overleaf a meme? I seen people shitting on it in Veeky Forums and /g/

I use TexMaker but it is hard to see the errors.

Is there a good editors to check them ?


run the compiler on the command line and see all of the output for yourself


I just use Gedit



duck you

that's where

I wish there was an easy way to directly write molecules in latex and treat them as figures, chemfig is clunky enough to make drawing even the simplest molecule in chemdraw faster.
