Why do people like pure math?
Why do people like pure math?
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Here? I would say because they want to inflate their ego by taking something difficult without thought to what in god's name they'll do with it on graduation
I studied it because I liked the "puzzle" aspect of it. Trying to prove things is just like solving puzzles. There are many, many pieces and you have to see what's useful and not useful in the situation you are in.
And when you solve a puzzle, or at least when I do a proof on my own, I feel an overwhelming sense of accomplishment, like I KNOW that something is true (given the right premises/axioms) because I proved it and I am certain that my logic is airtight. It's a good feeling and very rewarding to me, just that good feeling when I "get it" and see the path through my proof. That's why I like it.
>Says no...
>Proceeds to explain how doing proofs inflates his ego
Are you fucking retarded?
maybe they just like it
is really that so wrong? wanting to learn just because you like it?
because I don't distinguish between pure and applied. i think this is where most of the suffering comes from. if I enjoy it I enjoy it. i try not to give it a label unless i need to explain it to someone else.
Do you actually make discoveries while you're proof writing? I've read about this type of "experience" (while writing the proof, he found the missing piece! aha! epiphany!) and it seems kind of apocryphal. Most of the discoveries I make are either on the shitter, in the shower or while I'm in the car (most of the time in the car I would say). The proof is the last thing I do. I kind of always saw proofs as the busy-work to explain my process to people who either don't understand it, or are unfamiliar with whatever it is I'm doing- like a pedagogical tool, writing, teaching, exposition, etc, less like problem solving, which is completely not logical (at least for me), and unpredictable as to when I'll get whatever kind of "next step" I need or whenever a missing piece will appear to me.
the logic side of it is more of a communication tool than it is a representation of how I actually thought about the problem. more so to make it easier to understand from an outside perspective. you know what I mean?
curious as to other people's experiences with proof writing also. curious as to who actually thinks "logically" when solving a problem.
Lol @ melenials learning that feeling alright with themselves is considered being egotistical
Just like demeaning yourself is considered being honest
I plan to major in pure math. Whats my job outlook in a couple years
Why do people like to post shitty baits on an otaku image board?
So they can inflate their ego by trying to bad mouth, without thought, something they find too difficult to comprehend.
Its not our fault you are inherently retarded.
Whatever you are good at. You still have skills that you are honing when doing "pure" math. Figure out how to apply them in a job you would like doing, and then do that. It's not hard. You have to figure it out for yourself. I can't tell you what job you want.
mc donalds
Great question. In my school people going into math don't know what the fuck they're doing.
I can't tell you how many conversations I've had with other math majors here at my uni. I ask them what concentration they're going into and they look at me fucking puzzled and then proceed to say "teaching" or "I don't know, math?".
Their look after I say "I'm doing Applied Math and Statistics" (I have quite a few "free" electives, so I can do both.) is uncanny honestly.
A buddy of mine has a GF going into pure math and she's fucking salty to me cause I told her boyfriend that the only job opportunities going into pure math are teaching. God knows companies aren't going to pay some retard to do topology for their company.
Inb4 you can become an actuary.
Maybe speaking only for myself here but pure math is really comfy. I think that I chose this major by process of elimination really.
Back in the day I read maybe hundreds of courses lists for different majors and I saw so much bullshit I could give a shit about. The circuit stuff for EE, 'OOP' for CS, classical mechanics for physics, etc.
I pictured myself doing those degrees full of what I consider random bullshit and just thought FUCK NO.
Then I see the mathematics degree I am doing now. Just the right mix. Analysis, number theory, numerical analysis, algebra. All those topics are absolutely interesting. Then some really general applied classes like 'Programming languages', modelling, probability.
It is amazing, absolutely amazing. It is like
Hi Billy Mays here for the BSc in mathematics. Learn every interesting idea that has been ever conceived in the last fucktillion years by humanity and then be able to get a job regardless of how general your education was.
Doing pure mathematics is like fucking a cute virgin christian girl but knowing that you are not going to commit to her because tomorrow you will be fucking that other chick who gave you the "my manifold is smooth just for you baby" look last night at that party.
Doing applied mathematics like for example engineering is like committing to one single ugly as fuck girl for all your life, knowing full well that the MBA BBC Tyrone Johnson is going to be fucking her while you cry on your CAD software.
I will think of mathematics in the most general terms possible and you applied cucks cannot stop me from also cucking you out of a job afterwards.
>God knows companies aren't going to pay some retard to do topology for their company.
That's a fucking awful analogy, because topology can be applied. There are so many areas of pure math you could have chosen, and you chose one that can be applied.
It's like a game
>Hi Billy Mays here for the BSc in mathematics.
That's not funny after he punched that hooker.
it's difficult
and the only jobs I could find with a pure maths degree are at uni.
so either I will work at uni, or be unemployed, it's a win either way
Of course the autistic mthematician would use an stupid analogy like that, "cuck" as an insult and attack engineering like if it was the first faggot to ever do it.
employers don't give a fuck about a pure math degree unless you're a genius with a specific niche, ie, statistics
honestly, everyone I met majoring in pure math planned on going to higher education to one day teach at a college level
fucking chumps if you ask me
>The circuit stuff for EE, 'OOP' for CS, classical mechanics for physics,
I hope it's a bait
There are three kinds of autistic fucks.
What the fuck? Did I just randomly stuble upon r/manginacucks?
You know I'm right. You commit your technical knowledge of mathematics to one field while I finger every field in town.
>or be unemployed
*be unemployed with a good excuse, that is. Nobody will dare call me lazy when I have a pure maths degree with a good GPA. And I will be able rant how the industry is hostile towards intellectuals.
>And I will be able rant how the industry is hostile towards intellectuals.
Do you really have to think fields in science are girls to compensate your lack of sex?...
And, well, commiting to a particular field in maths doesn't restrict you from 'fingering' fields in other sciences.
I am staring to think you re just baiting.
you people claim to be smart yet you have no grasp of the english language
A lot of people with academical mathemtaical background are jobless here in Germany. I envy those which do have a very deep mathemtical understanding but in the industry the ones with degrees are working either in IT or in insurance companies. I know quite a few mathemticans which do have no job at all though. Many of those are doing a second degree in CS or similiar to increase their employment chances.
So in the end: Yeah, a degree is just doing you gud if you have the encessary side-skills i.e. programming or some sort of other relevant expertise needed in the industry.
Not the guy you were replying to, but there are often legitimate moments of discovery when trying to write/figure out a proof. When I'm actively trying to learn, this is a self contained process. Other times I might be mulling a problem over in the back of my mind before I figure it out.
I feel like your description is more from an "applied" perspective, in the sense that your focusing on your own understanding and correctly solving a problem. When focusing on pure math, the theory of the structure is what's important, and the entire battle is clearly articulating how a system behaves and proving why. The point is that if you can't write a clear and thoughtful proof, your essentially failing to do anything helpful, even if you could correctly answer any questions about the system correctly.
$300k starting
take some programming and CS classes. these are shit easy and you could easily take 150% classes where +50% are CS.
>Doing pure mathematics is like fucking a cute virgin christian girl but knowing that you are not going to commit to her because tomorrow you will be fucking that other chick who gave you the "my manifold is smooth just for you baby" look last night at that party.
And I thought the autism was just a meme....
You couldn't cuck a McDonald's employee with your "degree" in pure math, much less an Applied Mathematican or Engineer.
Who the fuck does this kid think he is?
>he said Applied Mathematician.
he said applied mathematician
>And I thought the autism was just a meme....
Nigga I was exagerating.
I was sitting there thinking that I would get praise for my smooth manifold joke.
You are all just a million years too early to understand my genius.
I think I am someone who understands statistics.
And from my knowledge of the current statistics I can tell you that there are absolutely 0 jobs named 'mathematician' but math is one of the degrees with the least unemployment.
That means that for all math majors with jobs there exists an unemployed applied cuck.
And while I may still be using the cuck meme you know this is true:
Mathematics has a 6.4% unemployment rate, according to this chart.
If there are literally 0 mathematician jobs then where do you think these math graduates are working at, Einstein?
Mathematics is the degree of alpha big cock bulls because any job we take implies a poor applied cuck struggling to pay the bills.