Army Thanksgiving

Hey guys it's me and I'm in army. This is what thanksgiving will look like for me again this year. But I'm happy for what I can get. Don't forget how lucky you are sometime

You signed up for your Thanksgiving to look like that.

thank you for your cervix

That's pretty much what my Thanksgiving dinner is going to look like, and I am a civvy who will never have the cool stories to tell that you tend to pick up in the military.

All I get is cheap, single-serving food and cheap, many-serving cases of beer. And depression. And porn. I guess having 24-hour access to porn is the biggest advantage of not being in the military.

>yfw hes stationed in Korea or something

Good army

>Don't forget how lucky you are sometime

how lucky I am to not be an idiot and sign up to go to some shithole and get shot at by kebab all the time?

Luck doesn't really come into play here, just intelligence.

If ti makes you feel any better, your wife will be able to afford a decent thanksgiving meal thanks to the food stamps you no doubt qualify for.

That's not an insult, by the way. Just a gentle reminder to everyone else that people in the military get paid shit.

I'm not going to feel lucky due to your poor life decisions, such as joining the military.

I made close to $50k tax free in 11 months of deployment on my 2nd tour. My first tour I made around 40k tax free. The only bills I had were a vehicle payment and insurance while it was in storage and I was gone. It ain't rich but it's not food stamp level in any way. Even with taxes before I got out I was making around $2000 every two weeks and then BAH was added since I was home and not deployed so my rent isn't even counted as a bill. Add in the free medical/dental/sore pussy and it's even better. Plus I got to go upgrade my associates degree to a bachelors for free after I got out and even still got paid for rent.

do you get to go trick or treat?
or do the terrists come to the base and you give them candy

>serving "your" country

Shut up and take my tax money

Why don't you asshats form a line of soldiers spaced 20 feet apart from one border to another, start walking, and kill everything that moves until you reach that shithole's boundary?

Then, and only then, you could come home to your Commissary factory farmed turkey.

>Veeky Forums gives tactical advice


Fuck the USA
Fuck the troops
Fuck veterans

lowlife US army scum.

Thanks for NOTHING

Delete your thread. It makes you come off as an asshat.
The fact that you have internet means you're not that bad off. Buck up Chuck

This. Although some luck does come into play. You have no control of the circumstances into which you are born. Some people are born into crappy enough circumstances that military service seems like a valid option.

Happy thanks giving brother. Stay safe.
Watch you don't run with that edge little one
>internet in the desert
Yea he's really living in luxury.

I honestly wanted to join to, but I am a transgendered person and there was no way in fucking hell I was shaving my hair.

You don't choose where you're born. So, yes, luck does play a big part, user.

You don't even deserve that, you fucking welfare recipient.

Man up, you modern amerifat femimale. You think amerifat soldiers in WWII cried about eating literal muck? They would have thought your crap was gourmet.

No wonder we can't win a war nowadays. We have childish amerifems like you crying about a meal 95% of the world would consider luxurious. Stop feeding off my hard earned tax money and weeping about how tough you have it, you womanish manchild.

>soldier crying about their meal

hope you step on a land mine

I'm triggered, and proud of it. At least OP has the stones to step on a mine, unlike you.

Get used to it. That's the kind of food you'll be eating at the shelters when you return as a homeless vet.

Thank You for your service, Sir.

>Thank You for your service, Sir.

Stupidly buys into the "support the troops" meme, no matter if they're acting like spoiled little brats or are incapable of actually accomplishing missions even after the investment of trillions of dollars of our tax money.

The only mission they are capable of accomplishing is fattening defense contractors with public money and making amerifatland even more unsafe.

It sounds like you're blaming the grunts for the silly spending decisions of the higher-ups (and in many cases, Congress)

Don't get me wrong--I've known several enlistees who were complete slapdicks. But they're not the ones fattening the wallets of the defense industry.

Is 50k a year considered good money in the US? To me it seems a pretty low amount to put up with 11months of shit + potentially dying.

Small price to pay... in the army you could have half a platoon smashing your boipucci nightly. Think about it.


US isn't at war with Turkey, shit head.

> Not knowing that superior, preemptive violence keeps the mudslimes from nonchalantly waltzing into your country and ass raping your family.

>Claims intelligence

I wouldn't say that $50k/year is good money in general, no. But the Military situation is a bit different. You make that money and you pay no tax on it. You also don't have to pay for food, insurance, lodging, transportation, etc. When you factor that in it's the equivalent of making a lot more money in an normal job. Not to mention that if you're not a moron you will have wrangled a lot of GI bill benefits as well: up-front cash "signing bonus", free college education, access to loans with very favorable terms, and so on.

Depends on where you live. Out in the boondocks you can probably live reasonably well on $50k a year. In a major city that's practically poverty wages.

50k untaxed to a point, then they come home and spend it all on stupid shit

>But they're not the ones fattening the wallets

The hell they're not. They volunteered to do just that! Not only that, but the last time I checked, the douchefag imbeciles in the Pentagon making strategic and tactical decisions were soldiers too, asshat.

>The hell they're not.

You think Highschool McGrunt was the guy who signed the procurement contract?

>>douchefag imbeciles in the Pentagon making strategic and tactical decisions were soldiers too
Clearly, but in a technical sense. When you tell someone the world "Soldier"--or better yet, "the troops" as in your earlier post--they picture an infantryman, not some dude in a suit making a shady deal to spend billions on new fighter jets that don't work properly.

Grunts don't make spending decisions. They are given the results of spending decisions made by others.

They made the decision to put on the uniform, which in this day and age is nothing but enlisting in the US Defense Contractors and Oil Industry Army.

Your "support the troops" meme is as anachronistic as guts and toughness among the modern amerifem soldier, and I'm an honorably discharged veteran.

>nothing but enlisting in the US Defense Contractors and Oil Industry Army.

Agreed 100%. That's not the same thing as being responsible for the spending decision though.

I agree 100% with the rest of your post too.

Until shit hits the fan in Syria and you're under fire from Russian long range artillery, quit whining. You're going to eat a better quality Thanksgiving meal than tens of millions of Americans.

>Some people are born into crappy enough circumstances that military service seems like a valid option.
I'm pretty sure they never force you to do 2 consecutive tours though...OP said "again" which means he more than likely specifically chose to go again. You do get paid extra for this stuff you know.

>They volunteered to do just that!
They volunteered to get paid. They aren't politicians like the higher ups. Looking at the state of merica right now it's not hard to see why, I'm not sure how an avg working class guy could support a family without military bennies. You realize 50% of us citizens don't even pay income tax right? How do you think they get fed, housed, clothed, entertained? If you're making 40-80k/year in this country you're getting eaten alive by the underclass.

Don't forget that your wife is probably enjoying Jody, Chad, and Tyrone on Thanksgiving too, cuck.