I'm fucking tired of onions. How can I cut them without tearing up? Please only actual useful shit that works and not some soccer mother mythical shit like having some water in your mouth or sniffing some bread.
I'm fucking tired of onions. How can I cut them without tearing up...
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My mom always told me to use a wet knife for that but I don't think it works
full snorkelling gear. flippers stop you leaning directly above the onion, face mask prevents tears and the snorkel allows you to breathe
sharp knife
you don't
If you cry from cutting an onion your knife is dull and you deserve to feel bad
Accept your fate and stop being a pussy
Can I get cheap sharpening tools or do I need a wetstone for good sharpening? Does it work with any kind of cheap knife?
There's a copper thing that gets sprayed when you cut onions. This shit makes ur eyes water, either wear goggles or try and place your head faraway as possible when cutting them.
this is what i said
Cutting it underwater makes a mess and cutting under a wet towel's not safe. I'd suggest goggles and a sharp blade.
I just cut the Onion in half and then run it under col water for a few seconds, never had a real problem after that. either cut it in half or cut it a the root end and at the top and then wash it for a few seconds.
A wetsone is a cheap sharpening tool.
They will work on any knife.
Sulfur, not copper.
silly bullshit, just use a sharp knife and proper cutting technique.
Let someone else take care of that shit.
Wet knife and wet cutting board do work.
Just cut it in 4 and leave it in water 10 minutes. I sometimes do that and seems to work.
Cut the first layer off then rinse it with cold water.
For the next couple weeks rub your eyes with fresh cut onions.
Develop an immunity.
>shoot yourself with smaller bullets to build up an immunity to bigger bullets
Don't people have souls in this place? How can anyone even post something like that and not feel bad?
Why would anyone feel bad about it? Isn't it quite obviously a silly joke not meant to be taken seriously?
I hope you mean sulphuric acid
Just wear swimming googles. Problem solved.
The rubber band feels really uncomfortable on dry hair.
After cutting onions for 6 hours straight I stopped crying from them.
If that innocuous post is going to fire your trigger, suggest you either get on blood pressure medicine or run, run rapidly, away from Veeky Forums.
store them in the fridge, it greatly reduces the effect. just be careful not to lean right up close to them while slicing
Seems like a rather silly band-aid "fix". Why not just learn how to cut vegetables properly? That is a much more useful skill to have.
sharp knife, good technique results in no appreciable sulfurous compounds being released into the air.
sharp knife is a key factor. you want to cot the onion, not squish it so it releases more fumes than necessary. but what you really want to do is stand upright. if you´re hunched over your prepping surface, the onion will spray right in your face. just keep your face a bit away, reduces tears by a lot
Learn to cut. Sharp knife. Don't cut the root.
cut them faster
care to explain the correct technique for cutting onions then?
I wear a pair of goggles, usually stops my eyes from burning long enough to finish lol
Honestly? The only thing that helped me was eating them raw for awhile. Id eat them on burgers, biryani, and with hotdogs. One day they just didnt bother me anymore