Can you actually make money by daytrading? What techniques do you use?
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I use advanced TA and consult with my fortune teller once per week.
You can, but it's hard.
EMA 55
if you want safe trades
of course you can. you can make money shorting bitcoin too
I actually really enjoy teaching
i got in btc around november and have made roughly 4x my initial investment just by guessing when to pull out and then when to put back in
Very few people make money day trading
Yep im doing it right now but the anxiety I am having is what if there is some kind of horrible economic international cirisis and i cant do it anymore?!?! I literally just started becoming profitable in the last month and i dont have enough money tucked away!
Does anyone else have the perception that their time is running out? Is it in my head? Is it just psychological because ive never made this much money before?
I use rsi, rsi stoch, SAR, MA, adx and bollinger bands btw. Also i look for advance signals from other exchanges or i trade eth and monero because they lag a few minutes sometimes. And ofc look for patterns like consolodiation blah blah.. sometimes you can find low volume shit coins that literally repeat patterns for days on end but you gotta sift through all of coinmarketcap and make accounts on sketchy exchanges. Also scalping is something i do quite often and literally anyone can, and that's why bots are set up to do it.
What indicators you guys using?
very few people make money playing poker
i was actually really good at poker but i lost at heads up because im sucha sperg and the intimacy of facing just one person freaked me out.
And the poker games i got invited to were always second place gets their money back. I was literally second place 9/10 times. I won like 10 times through my whole life, but this was like only a couple hundred dollars each time, but i literally never lost money.
Anyway the point is that most people are idiots and if you scored 95th percentile on your standardized test scores there is no reaosn why you cant be the 5 percentile of day traders. It's just a game about patterns and knowing what they mean.
you can but its kinda hard and tedious if you get anxious easy. FOMO and shit will get the better of you when watching charts. On a lighter note these indicators i used suggest bitcoins is about to go up my guy. Just a little caution because bottom graph still shows a downtrend all the others show a big fat erection imminent
i added you, please teach me
>no fundamentals
>does this coin have a long term future
You’re fucking retarded. Nothing you said had substance or even made sense.
You have to kneel before the bogs and beg their favor.
Why would you even want "students" if your strategy works so good? Maybe because you are scamming them?
>On a lighter note these indicators i used suggest bitcoins is about to go up my guy
Yeah well no shit it just dipped?
What indies are you using to see this "erection" you are talking about, just curious?
added you
teach me senpai
Find medium volume shitcoins with nothing going on with them and buy the dips and sell the tips. Find two or three you're comfortable with and monitor them throughout the day. It's not as hard as the brainlets on this board make it out to be because they're always chasing unpredictable high volume pumps and panic selling watching one minute candles.
these guys are kinda vanilla but theyre the best vids ive seen on youtube thus far..
But their asking for memberships and stuff so that is lame.
Any other good TA youtubers you know of? Some of them seem retarded.
this, same goes for "trading pros/experts" who beg money at patreon
>watching one minute candles.
I do this sometimes but for scalping.. it's weird though everyone talks shit about the 1min candles.. the only thing that sucks is when trading fees eat up your profits. But if you only enter into the larger fluctuations only then it's easy to skim fractions of a percent by the minute.
He is a scammer don't fall for it. He'll ask you to pay him.
Whole thread is cancer. Best bet you have is just to x100 leverage and flip a coin for your position.
no harm trying
>>no fundamentals
Well being too dependent on fundies is also bad... but yeah this guy reeks of BS. I wish he would just explain his scam..
wanna speculate on how he does it?
I know he's charging for "lessons" so that is one way but then it also seems like he is getting dozens of people to manipulate the price or something so then he can dump on them.. but that would be a lot of cash..
how do you think it works?
my guess is this:
>I know he's charging for "lessons" so that is one way but then it also seems like he is getting dozens of people to manipulate the price or something so then he can dump on them.. but that would be a lot of cash..
>5 percentile of day traders
and where is this data that 5 percent of intraday traders are profitable? for example forex brokers have data showing 5 something might be profitable but they are not intraday traders
this guy is spamming the same thing on Veeky Forums almost every day
he will link you to one of these papers:
i think he's just getting off on selling this bullshit to brainlets
whether or not he actually charges something i dont know
maybe hes just hoping for some of the brainlets to share some profits with him
lulz you were right
mainly lazy bear on trade view indicators. they are old but serve their purpose to me on when to get in and out. wave trend and inverse fisher transforms to guess on overbought and oversold conditions. i mainly just decipher all my trading from the indicators and i in no way shape or form em i fitted to provide real technical analysis
yeah I don't teach for free
can I save this?
I don't think I've ever told any of my students to buy anything except Skycoin lol
>brags about "pulling ridiculous amounts of money out of fucking thin air"
>talks about how "sharing this is helping his karma"
>doesn't teach for free
next time try for a bit more subtlety
people are easily hooked by complicated sounding papers, you got that part of your schtick right. but your language needs some serious work.
pay me bitch I'll give you a discount to just finally shut the fuck up
what, dont want me to ruin your little scheme?
i doubt you have been pulling much with this in the first place. maybe its time to think up a new scam. i heard those fake vitalik buterin accounts on twitter and cashing out some nice sums.
no u
you really remind me of those people who brag about their IQ
well done rajesh, any more of these spicy comebacks?
don't worry, theres still plenty of dishes to be washed
or Edison vs. Telsa
I did something you cunt lol
if you want in, pay up, otherwise fuck off? come up with something yourself?
what do you want?
are you really so desperate that you are STILL asking me to pay you?
well I mean if you pay me I'll teach you and then you'll stop being a nuisance
it's a win/win for everybody I promise
I have a profitable strategy
I am not selling it
I am not explaining it to anyone
and I probably should not even tell anyone I have it
so no, very unsurprisingly, profitable strategies are not for sale
I bet mine's more profitable
> it just psychological
it's just impostor syndrome
just wait, time is a great healer
lol alright
just leave it and think up a better schtick, friend. there are many white brainlets on this site ready and waiting to part with their money
take this as a lesson learned and move on
I am moving between +250% and +1100% returns per year, of course, in terms of BTC/satoshis
yeah mine's way more profitable
kudos to you, then
I did for a while, but I could have made 10x more by just holding BTC.
Everything on Twitch.Tv tradepack he is redesigning right now but his links are good, PC OHLC osc is god tier at finding strength kinda pricey though
Bahaha you are reusing an insult someone used on you reddit.
You're really desperate aren't you? And you are claiming that you are doing daytrading without TA so that means some kind of price manipulation and you use your students for this?
****WARNING***** ****SCAM ALERT******* ****WARNING***** ****SCAM ALERT*******
****WARNING***** ****SCAM ALERT******* ****WARNING***** ****SCAM ALERT*******
>you really remind me of those people who brag about their IQ
You are reusing an insult someone used on you ON* reddit. Fuck i cant think of a less confusing way of saying that but anyways. r/iamsmart is where you belong lol
Anyway why dont you spit out your strategy if it's not a scam? Real daytraders like other people who use their strategy because the market becomes a predictable self fulfilling prophecy. You are scamming people. I was open about my strategy which comes down to fib levels and rsi/bollinger bands and looking for breakouts.
The íronic thing is that I was day trading this very same coin because it repeatedly went up and down like clockwork for a long time. The whole pump and dump behind it actually ruined that and I am very butthurt about it but it's okay because there are many more and i learned how to trade bitcoin and hopefully i can even trade stocks eventually because I want to diversify my skill set in trading and make sure im not beholden to any one market or asset.
But you just figured out some kind of arbitrage or price manipulation scam thing and youre not a real day trader or TA expert.
Also check out this classy gent (pic related) who pumps skycoin like crazy:
****WARNING***** ****SCAM ALERT******* ****WARNING***** ****SCAM ALERT*******
****WARNING***** ****SCAM ALERT******* ****WARNING***** ****SCAM ALERT*******
Sell when its pumping and buy when it's dumping.
He taught me his strategy works but it takes a lot of effort. Worst money I ever spent to learn it. I'd rather just HODL.
I won't share it because I do admire him for the effort he put in discovering it, implementing it, and teaching others. But it literally takes literally tons of hours of your day and I got work to do!
thanks just bought 100k
Also i can tell you are lying because real strategies work better when more people know about them and cause a self fulfilling prophecy.
I use RSI and MACD mostly on 4hour charts. Always zoom in and out though to be sure. I still get fucked though. shit just dips when i buy lately.
So what else should i be looking for to confirm a trend?
No, his strategy works no matter how many people use them. I'm a little sad I spent $100 to learn it, he says he charges $100 to $200 to teach it. He did spend like 6 hours teaching me. There is a ton of material he's compiled so it's a very thorough lesson. In the end, I admire him for all the effort he put in, and he was right about the cost, I did pay more attention when my money was at stake!
I think of the cost as the real lesson, which is "HODL" and maybe there is a better strategy that wouldn't take up much of my time.
I try to make $50-150 a day. I also look for shit that pain sells (WTC) ;)
Try adjusting your time frames to off time frames, instead of 4 hour, use 233 mins, instead of 10 mins, use 8. Instead of 1 min, use 2
You'll get fucked by alot less by manipulators
Also it works, I got about 3% to 10% returns the first day I tried it (last Friday), but it took like 12 hours for me I guess because I'm a little new.
I dont know it's just a common idiom that is repeated. It could be more than 5 percent for all i know but just think about how many idiots on Veeky Forums are chasing pump and dumps, some even make money.
The point is that I know it can be done and the last few weeks have been a turning point where it's like i cant not make money but it's still only a few percent a day. The 5 percent thing seems a reasonable estimate anyway and it reminds me of how on standardized tests they give you a special pat on the back for being in the top 5 percentile.
If you look up thechartguys on youtube he talks about how easy it is to apply what he learned trading stocks in crypto markets and he said that before he became profitable he spent 800 hours of practice to become profitable. Honestly I have been practicing something like 200 or 300 hours now.. so i guess i am a quick learner although I still want to improve but I think i am pretty confident that i am profitable now. And since i was a kid ive always had an uncanny ability to spot patterns.. even looking at clouds and wood grains and things like that, but also human behavior and like i said earlier, i was pretty good at playing poker when there were lots of people and i could passively watch others and predict their behavior and observe them without making eye contact.
Anyway it just comes down to git gud.. it doesnt take 10k hours like other skills though.
Buy high sell low. Buy the top of a green candle and the bottom of a red candle. Trade a small volume coin into a big volume coin.
yes you can most important thing is to turn off all emotions if you cant do that don't daytrade
Holding is a term invented by whales to get you to hold their bags, you fucking retard
Not hard. I make ground 2-3 % a day. Means my money doubles every month.
I haven't made many trades, the first ones I did on my own I stop loss at 5% and kept making losses. A Discord group I'm in talked about just HODLing next time. The coins I were trading are good anyways in the long term so it's alright.
They're about to dump on you. 100% sure thing.
So you took his quantum theory mumbo jumbo to heart? Why is he spamming Veeky Forums with offers to teach lessons if this is so profitable?
On the off chance that you are not a sockpuppet, this dude is probably too lazy to even investigate this theory himself and just collected a bunch of links or whatever.
You can just learn this stuff for free without paying some scammer to "teach" you. And you have your money at stake in the market so that should be enough motivation.
Also stocks are "brownian" motion or whatver. That's why RSI and stochiastic analysis works. Atoms and molecules in gaseous form exhibit similar tendencies.
that's not true, many people made money playing poker, as long as you played the limits you could beat. heads up is the king of poker, you had to play more, bluff more and get a feeling for the opponent, you had to play the player not your cards, it was beautiful, I loved it.
The only things I'm HODL right now is NANO and XMR
I think I might give a go at RSI and Fisher again. To me it's less of a probability of being profitable for me cause I'm a beginner, either way I believe trading takes a long time.
>Learning to spot patterns with TA - several hours a day, until you learn, then it isn't, then very profitable
>Using his strategy to do trading - several hours a day, profitable from the beginning but may not be as profitable in the long run
I think there may be better strategies that take less time, but there's definitely a large hour cost to find it, if that makes sense. For now, I need to focus on my day job, and crypto isn't my be all end all. I know I can already make money with the skills in my day job i've spent in 10 years learning.
Also I am a brainlet. Trading may not be for me. I think I'll use the money I earn from my job to pay for HODL's
>Also stocks are "brownian" motion or whatver. That's why RSI and stochiastic analysis works. Atoms and molecules in gaseous form exhibit similar tendencies.
This is also why Fisher Trigger and Arin work so well, they adjust price movements into proper curves/ transforms
Man idk dude.. you gotta eat and pay rent but for me i have this feeling like this might be the only chance i get and Im going 100 percent into day trading for at least 6 months because i have 2 years of rent and food covered. Anyway what is stopping you from investing all your free time into daytrading? Friends and girls can wait.
I think it's like most other things where dedication and people that go-all-in are the ones that make it, but not like all in on some shitcoin but i mean like researching practicing and all that. But it's not 10k hours like learning to draw or program or something like that and even those become profitable sooner than 10k, and im like 1500 hours in drawing and i feel like in six months if i kept practicing i could start getting commissions and monetizing. But my point is that day trading becomes profitable at like 500 hours into it and then becomes even more profitable. Like ive already been average 2 or 3 percent a day and my goal is to bring that up to 5 to 10 percent a day.
But i was right about the quantum trading stuff right? That was his lesson?
And yeah my entire strategy is basically this:>I use rsi, rsi stoch, SAR, MA, adx and bollinger bands btw. Also i look for advance signals from other exchanges or i trade eth and monero because they lag a few minutes sometimes. And ofc look for patterns like consolodiation blah blah.. sometimes you can find low volume shit coins that literally repeat patterns for days on end but you gotta sift through all of coinmarketcap and make accounts on sketchy exchanges.
>Fisher Trigger and Arin
are those on tradeview?
Were you talking about online poker? That was a bubble that i missed but there was a group of preppy kids from my high school that rented a house and made money with online poker all day.
I am talking about real life poker and yeah ofc i know to play the person not the cards but pot odds are also important and my strategy was to play few hands but play them very strongly and only commit when i had good odds. This caused people to really consider my bluffs because many times in the game i actually was not bluffing and had something. Get it?
that's one of the best memes in crypto.. it's weathered so many storms by now
I remember that thread on bitcointalk to lol i wonder how many of the other posters in that thread are millionaires already haha. I know that one is.. that finnish dude.
My job is art. I can make $1,000 a day from it, but I want to get to Sakimichan-tier/SIU (millions). It's more purposeful for me, I wish I had 2 years living money. Right now I'm in school. I want to have crypto money when I graduate so I can just draw all the time. Reach top 100 on Pixiv.
You have to be a whale to really be successful at day trading. Otherwise it's a total guessing game. When you're a whale, you can create resistance points and bully the market into selling into your low buy orders.
>it's just impostor syndrome
Oh yeah i forgot about that but i heard about it before. Totally describes me!
This is embarrassing but Tbh my fear is that there is going to be a conflict with North Korea the moment that i really start making money and then ill have no resources in the apocalypse! I know alex jones is disinfo but the disnfo that he is spouting makes me paranoid because he seems like he is setting his audience kind of like how cnn did for the iraq war. His north korea segments really seem like he is trying to set up a false flag for his daddy trump.
Here is the scariest one that is currently giving me mild panic attacks:
He's saying that literally on april fools day there will be a nk first strike but nk first strikes are suicidal so that makes me think that this is straight disinfo like they do with assad and chemical weapons and alex is helping trump.
But then there is this!
And it says that NK is ready to give up nukes if the safety of the regime can be guaranteed! At first this seems great and my anxiety can be releived! But then when you think about it that might mean that war is even more inevitable because Trump could just take the deal then attack them anyways!!!!!!!! NK might actually fuck up their last deterrent by believing that the DOD or Trump or whoever actually wouldnt attack them if they had no consequences.
Idk man.. at least NK seems like it's going to take some of the tension away with diplomacy, so if there was a strike by the united states now it would make them seem really evil.
How do you think whales become whales?
Whether or not NK strikes you should trade anyways. That’s like saying I’m not gonna do homework because I might die in my sleep.
Typically you lose a lot of money before you start making assuming you have the intelligence. That's how it happened for me and I'm slowly inching back on the gains I would have had if I just hodled.
>My job is art.
Right on dude! I was grinding loomis and then even finished those and got into more advanced books but yeah that is awesome if you make 1k a day really! Good for you! I want to become better at art even when I have money from crypto but right now in the near future i want to focus only on crypto because it's the thing in my life that feels most prudent and something which could change someday and i want to get a chance to make the dosh ive always wanted. But yeah i will git gud at art in the future no matter what.
When you said your job is art did you mean you work for someone else or you are independent?
right... but that is worthwhile practice right? DId you start day trading with thousands right away? I cant decide if i want to invest more money or wait to get there incrementally at 3 percent a day.
What indicators do you use?
But not more than you can make getting a real job and hodling. Not by a long shot.
If you want a beer money hobby just take up poker, its more fun.
For me it was choosing the right coins before they took off to the moon. No way I could have become a whale by day trading.
I know i know i know but it's this looming threat thing. And ofc there will still be speculative markets when the world recovers from that or maybe it would be a contained conflict like iraq and our day to day lives wouldnt change much. Anyway the anxiety kills me sometimes to the point where i have trouble doing things but it's getting better i guess.
And like i said. My fear isnt north korea will attack because theyre not suicidal and never have been in over 50 years but my fear is that the military industrial complex wants a new war or something and creates a false flag so they have precedent to have a war in north korea because supposedly they have the capability to do that but it could cause global economic problems to.
you should be learning independent welding
>No way I could have become a whale by day trading.
But you literally could off.. there are all kinds of patterns in cryto markets and there is a way to predict the probability of something happening or not and then betting on it. Also scalping is something that any retard is capable of.
Getting lucky chasing pumped coins is something that literally not everyone can do because it takes luck. Although i understand that there are signs to look for before a massive moon mission and such.
I buy dips
then I never sell because it keeps dropping lower
help, I can't stop myself
FA and Modern Portfolio Theory are unironically waaay less luck than TA. And I am even talking real TA not meme lines.
Woah dude did you read my mind? Or were you in the other thread when i posted about it?
Yeah one of things i will purchase first is a tig welder. I took a year of welding in highschool but for some reason never got a job, i hate jobs anyway.
Is that what you do? Do you sell sculptures or something?
Anyway I have to at least commit 6 solid months to day trading. I feel like it could be massively profitable, because it's already started becoming profitable for me lately, and if i dont see this through i will regret forever unless i made a shit ton of cash some other way but i feel like the amount you can make if you are a good trader caps almost anything.
oh my god, you're talking about poker like what you just said is some kind of a "strategy"
this is babby's first poker strategy, you really fucking sound stupid right now
same.. fml
Yeah but fundies are so difficult with crypto and it's mainly market sentiment as only people doing things that the state is not fond of actually are using cryptos for their intended purpose right now...
ok what is a better strategy mr smarter pants?
One time i acted really crazy and irrational and like i didnt care about my money and i suckered a few guys into going all in because they thought i was literally insane?
Are you talking about online poker? Because yes i am aware response times and such should be taken into account but you are harassing me now because i just gave a VERY BRIEF description of what i did which, yes, in fact is the basic strategy that beginners use but it's very effective especially at the beginning of the game. And i was pretty good at reading people if i could do it passively but as soon as it was heads up and they were making eye contact with me all the time it made me incredibly uncomfortable.
Are you trying to tell me it's a good idea to not be selective in the hands you play and try to make it to as many flops as possible? That seems like a terrible idea!
I mean it is possible to become a whale by day trading, but I started with $200 in crypto. I day traded all last summer and was able to accumulate 1 extra ETH. Shit takes so long when you're a small fry. What really made my portfolio achieve liftoff was when I dumped everything into ANS when it was $5 and sold at around $30 and then dumped everything into WTC at $1 and sold everything around $10 and then dumped everything into LINK at 1200-2000sats. Day trading can work, but it's a lot more effective picking solid projects early on and waiting.
>nit thinks he knows poker.
Its time to stop. I could bleed you with PFR just glancing at HUD numbers lmao.
This is true. I mean I literally came in crypto to use BTC as digital cash. Stayed for the moons. As an econfag i prefer the theory I know. But even with Crypto the low volume especially makes TA have some rng elements fundamentals are still fundamentals. Also a lot of ""daytraders"" could find "patterns" from a fucking Random Number Generator. Like a perfect true one.
Read the Mathmatics of Poker by Will Chen. Poker is quite literally Game Theory Solvable. I really shouldnt discourage a fish though desu. The difference online isnt really even "reponce time" either with all the HUDs and analytical tools/ inability to physically read the person there is no reason to tank.