Crypto Waifus

You could have made easy money off this if you weren't so stuck up.

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how does this work? anyway, Rem would be my choice

>implying that I didn’t

Redpill me about ETH games. Do 50% of users make money with it or only the 1% and you have a high chance of bag holding?
I didn't want to get into any of them because they looked like instant bag holders and the fees would have killed me.

Scams, don't bother

When crypto-kitties came out, I joked that they should make a crypto-waifus. Well, someone actually stole my idea. The fucking madman. If I had actual coding skills, I could have just invented this shit and made a lot of money


>install metamask
>buy a waifu
>wait until someone else buys at a higher price
In the mean time you could play with her in the harem room, i guess. But yeah, Zelda and Rem are the best ones.

lmao noones going to put money into a money making scheme with fucking lolis in it

Some people just did. You have no idea how people’s minds work


the fact that fucking trash tier asuna in a biquini is worth more than both of them is disgusting

i still have no idea who the fuck tomoko is

>be 25 years ago
>Be jap animation producer
>"Why would grown men watch slice of life shows with no actual story"
>"lmao noones going to put money into this"
You have a lot to learn my newfriend

Where’s rem? I don’t see her

2nd page

Also, Reifags absolutely BTFO

check the other pages

surprising literally no one

You guys need to shill these things to plebbit, then you will see some big money flowing in

The only choice

eat shit and die fucking faggots

dont bring my wives into this i'm sending youa fucknign keylogger

I fucked your wives with my keylogging dick, cuck

i will plant a mango tree in your mothers cunt and fuck ur sister in the shade u fucking asshole

If i see my waifu for sale here like a piece of meat in your ponzi scheme i am going to be very upset.

people like asuka for the same reason idiots flock to justin bieber and rhianna. I'm not surprised. She's a legacy character as far as I'm concerned.

I hope your waifu isn't Rem, because she is loving what I'm doing to her right now.


stop this rem would not allow anyone but subaru to do this

this is true

nice also check out

the cuckolds choice