Why is day trading such a bad idea?

Those are the 5-10% bro

the 90% don't go bankrupt, they just lose money

If you want to try it.

>do a trial run, use imagineary crypto and calculate your gains and losses for a month.
>if you make gain that month half that because under pressure of trading real money you will fuck up
>hope you aren't prone to tilting because you'll fuck yourself in the ass when you up with real money then take bigger risks and end up losing everything.

Also requires a stupid amount of discipline and emotional control. You often have to do the opposite of what your gut instinct is. The best time to buy is when everything is falling like a rock and in your gut you want to panic sell it all. And that's extremely hard to do. Here's my XRP trade from yesterday, bought at green lines at the bottom of a dip and sold near the top. Stupid normies would probably do the opposite, panic sell the dip and then buy the fomo

too risky for the reward

Because uncle sam taxes you 40 percent if you win and the chances of losing and winning are equal. So if you win you end up putting it all in again. When you lose eventually, youre worse off because you also owe money in taxes

The people who do it for a living are the 10% who have studied. You can learn to trade but it's not as easy as you think and most people end up losing a lot of their money quickly and then give up before they even had a chance to learn. It's a zero sum game in which a few people get rich off of the masses, just like any other industry.

I was just fucking around with two dollars for a couple days. Lost like 4 cents. Is this good progress?

A) the market has low liquidity and its irrational which makes it too volatile.
B) you are fighting armies of bots

It's not actually hard at all, granted you don't trade in times like this when everything is shitting the street. Just don't be a greedy cunt and time your buys and sells, set very conservative goals and be consistent. If you're afraid of losing money just start with $100 and learn from that.