If a planet come near another planet, their magnetic fields do something to avoid, or at least try to avoid collision?

If a planet come near another planet, their magnetic fields do something to avoid, or at least try to avoid collision?

Most celestial objects don't have a nice magnetic field

Planetary magnetic fields are far too weak to be relevant.

What is this? Is this some kind of a joke? Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, and neptune have the same planar trajectory?

even Earth bro

>He's never heard of the Ecliptic Plane

The earth's field is .2 to .6 gauss

a fridge magnet is 100 gauss

magnetospheres work by being thick.

wow cool i never knew that either.

Yep. It's part of why interplanetary travel is feasible.

ouu okay yeah that explains why we're always within a couple years' travel from mars, instead of once in a blue moon. nice.

The Lord sure did a great job designing our universe.

Isn't this because most of the solar system formed out of a spinning disc?

even le black science man is spooped over the size of the moon and its distance giving perfect eclipses

If, by "spinning disk", you mean "planetary nebula", yes.

>"perfect" eclipse
you know that's a myth, right?
The moon doesn't perfectly cover the sun, it just looks that way to the layman observer

It's surprisingly close.
It was probably closer a few thousand years ago, because the Moon's orbit is growing.
But yes, it's entirely coincidental.

i'm more spooped about phi ratios
but I'm currently working on a theorem that proves that the existence of phi ratios is entirely coincidental

how can you prove something like that?

You're thick.

the proof is too long for this post

but it basically boils down to:
in any system that can be modeled by repeated addition with a rule, you can average some stuff and find out what the common ratio between the terms is, even if the "ratio" is really way way more complicated than a simple multiplier.

and phi is just a really simple ratio that would emerge in nature just because of the inverse square law

granted, pi is still really spooky
maybe i should lay off these drugs

What drugs specifically? I've been a decently heavy polysubstance user for a while now and have seen my overall mental health decline (I grow smarter/more knowledgeable due to education but my mental stability is nowhere near as strong as it used to be) and secretly hope that someday I'll have a psychotic break and end up like the guy who wrote TempleOS.

Who cares whether your inventions mean anything as long as you're smart enough to make them and delusional enough to believe that they're some of the most important things ever to be created?

btw the existence of the phi ratio is well understood to be simply a fundamental product of the inverse square law as this user said. The "golden ratio" meme has blown public understanding of this way out of line and made it seem more mystical but it really is an emergent property of any mathematical system

>Inverse square law
How? I thought it would be because [math] \phi^{x-1}+\phi^{x}=\phi^{x+1} [/math]

This. e and phi are not any more mysterious than pi, and I hope most of you have grown out of pi worship.

Are you asking a question or stating that? You can't just put a question mark at the end of a sentence.


>growing out of pi worship
literally fuck you.