>guess who just got a wagecuck job
to the moon.... i mean grave
Will start next monday
Better than being a useless neet
You’re in a better spot than a lot of people OP. Just make the best of it till something better comes along
yes because your time has so little value you'd rather trade it for a few bucks doing humiliating work
keep putting 50% paycheck in shorting bit coin every check
This has been the case for billions of people for millions of years
It's really not that controversial
hey its that ass faggot i keep hearing about
> i like living in my mommys basement
this. it is better to live in the woods, like a cave beast than to get a job on some soulless megacorp conglomerate, doing routine work.
yea it's that time of year again. time to start sending in 20 applications a day and hope i can get a job before summer.
Your unironically better off being a NEET than working retail
I unironically wear a woolen comfy jacket just like that one
living a happy death is better than dying a sad life.
>tfw worked a fast food job for 2 years from when I was 16-18
It’s a good starter job, teaches people humility but, holy shit I would kill myself if had to do that again. One of my old managers killed himself and another went from a pretty good looking guy to a meth addict look alike.
Like you're doing, right user?
OP don’t take financial advice from this Asian cartoon homosexual board. Working is simply what is required to be successful in life
OK> Show us faggots one rich working man.
Implying any of you fucks are getting rich day trading crypto and not just being neets in your dark room all day at mommy’s house
I have a top 2% job.
Live renting high end apartment.
And just trade 3 times a month and I make 2x what I make from my job.