Is Trump a good businessman?
Is Trump a good businessman?
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Yeah, he's okay.
He mostly skates around on licensing his brand and large development projects.
He made profit, which means he's better than 99% of Veeky Forums.
He's a solid negotiator and a god-tier brand developer. Most of his money comes from his brand. As a general businessman in regards to venture success rate he is one of the most successful venture investors in history. So yeah, I'd say he's a pretty good businessman.
Hi Eric, can I get your sisters number? She fine as hell.
No, but he is an excellent con man/shyster
Fuck off back to /pol/.
Geee I don’t know did he make billions of dollars? Fuck off leddit
Trump would be more than 3 times as rich if he just invested into index funds instead of his "great" businesses.
from his dads inheritance, hes actually lost money, he would have made more if he left it in a stock market index fund
The benchmark for a good investor is beating the market. According to , he's a shit tier investor.
>buy houes from Russians for 1 million
>sell it back to them for 2
Why didn't you guys invest all your money in bitcoin back in 2013?
Let's see.
>owns entire skyscrapers
>owns private airplane (not a private jet)
Meanwhile Veeky Forums is struggling with 10k worth of shitcoins.
nice strawman
trump is not an investor
He sold America on the idea that he would MAGA without any experience in office. I’d say yes, he is.
No, he went bankrupt after getting millions in inheritance and basically had to con people into getting him money. Watch the dirty money episode that was made on him.
He also would not be president if he had done that.
>had to con people
So do you think hes good or not??
That's actually pretty close, predatory loans etc. poor people can't afford lawyers to defend against whatever fuckery people like Don and his Jewish scheme team have in mind, ripping off contractors comes to mind. Fucking contractors, people who gradually break their own body for a living being shorted by someone who's never lifted a brick. God bless USA, MAGA alright
>turns a couple million into a couple billion
>hurrr durrr he would have made more if he gambled in the stock market
>he actually lost money
I can’t fathom how stupid you are. Literal brainlet.
Really 50/50 toss a a coin kinda decision. He is rich, but so are lots of stupid people. He does have success, but also lots of failures and BKs. He is president, but doing a really shitty job.
I'd say hes an ok businessman. Not great but ok. He IS however a top tier entertainer and has made fame and fortune that way very successfuly.
How is he doing a shitty job exactly?
I think he’s doing an amazing job.
But then again I’m an employed business man and you’re probably a filthy street shitting pajeet or literal kike. Gas yourself.
>employed businessman
>He wants to date a coalburner
She banged Quincy Jones
How is Trump doing a shitty job again? Care to tell?
Why so defensive?
I am a rich California landowner. I do not want to pay for your Alabama welfare queen bullshit.
I still support Trump, and idiots like you.
Why do you hate America?
>implying you could do better
Trump is doing just fine when you consider what he is going up against (literally a Cabal of Moloch-worshipping deep-state pedofiles agents)
No, I don't. Not my job to educate you.
I think he's doing a good job.
Did not say I could. If it were up to me only landowning straight white males would be able to vote.
Trumps a spineless liberal imo.
>Trump would be more than 3 times as rich if he just invested into index funds instead of his "great" businesses.
u would be mill'er when u invested in btc back in 2010. shit tier logic
If you think guys selling *original package' PS4 on ebay are good businessmen then yes.
Truth is he would have much more money simply putting all of his inherited daddy-money into a simple s&p 500 etf.
contrarian detected
>Truth is he would have much more money simply putting all of his inherited daddy-money into a simple s&p 500 etf.
Why didn't you invest into bitcoin in 2013?
Nigger detected
Nope just an actual conservative. How much land do you own?
Is it none? Then in my eyes you are not even a US citizen. Just another welfare queen leech off the system. You add nothing to my country. Worthless waste of resources.
Sounds like a win/win
-t comes from generational wealth
Yes. Same as your hero Trump. Thats why I feel like I can understand where he is coming from, unlike you worthless poor filth. I turely hate poor people. Clueless and proud of your ignorance. And then you somehow think we have YOUR best interest at heart? Wow.
>What do you mean i have to substantiate my claims which are based solely on muh feefees?