% white
% black
% asian
% blacks
% latino
What would you say is the racial makeup of Veeky Forums
we're all white like you
2% White
98% Indian
lmao 98% white fags 2% sians
>60% white
>10% black
>30% asian (20% pajeet, 10% other)
>0% latino
90% Indian 5% white 5% other.
100% slav[e] ie; euronigger
90% mixies
8% white
0.5% asians
0.5% africans
0% latino
100% stinky
360% pajeet
60% White
10% Black
10% Asian
10% Latino
10% Indian
I'm Jewish but I'll guess that most people here are actually koreans and chinese. Maybe some brown people as well due to /pol/.
Probably a lot of kids and (very) young adults. Most of my Jewish friends in crypto entered pretty early and my asian friends jumped on board like 2 years ago. I have no white friends that are into crypto.
>race discussion
>on Veeky Forums
/pol/ cant even figure out whos white
Pajeets are not white sir sorry sir
Why are there so many pajeets?
95% poorfags
5% larpfags
TFW only white person on Veeky Forums
It’s sofucking embarrassing. All other white dudes are chads with 100k jobs and wives and kids and I’m all alone and broke shitposting on a taiwanese shunga forum with pajeet and huang
at least 50% white
maybe 20% indian I guess
I'm white, pic related.
Thanks for your input, now gas yourself.
So im the only jew hybrid here?
Literally no latinos on whole Veeky Forums, besides /b/ and /x/
Im german and i hope you die from typhus
I hope you get aids you fucking subhuman
>Maybe some brown people as well due to /pol/
Le 56% manifest
>biz believes there are no Latinos
>There have been a couple of Spanish threads
>tfw mexifag
Jaja gringos pendejos...
i have bad news user
beaners are ugly and dumb. y must they exist?
what news, my (white?) friend?
75% White (include Indians)
10% Latino
10% Asian
5% Others
I'm a venezuelan
Fuck you biz I can’t stop getting horny here. Fuuuck
Latino here all in on GVT
>60% white
More like 40% 56% burgers and 10% jude and 5% white euro masterrace 5% kangaroo
Ecuadorian here
Japanese checking in
then why are they aryan