What's your opinion on human dignity and pride Veeky Forums...

What's your opinion on human dignity and pride Veeky Forums? Is it simply a product of our culture and has no real meaning or value?

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google.com/search?q=definition of objective

>product of our culture and has no real meaning or value

I mean that if we were not a 1st world society or whatever we are, then no one would give a shit about the concept or human rights or maintain the whole "Dignity above all" attitude.

Oh, I see. You're asking if it's just a social construct (like race).

The things you mentioned have somewhat nebulous definitions. I don't think we can rule out the possibility that some components of those traits are just social constructs and some components are not.

Personally I don't believe pride is anything more than a social construct. Dignity is somewhat more complex. I think that even if it is a social construct, it may also be a theoretical cultural ideal. This would mean that while it isn't inherent to humans, it may be inherent to human theory about culture.

>a social construct (like race).
Race is real.

Yes, but only as a social construct. Once genetics advanced to the point where everyone unanimously decided race was junk science and should be replaced by a more general and robust theory (population genetics) the sociologists decided to salvage it as a social construct because they allege it is important to their theories.

Ah, you mean like "reverse racism".

>Is it simply a product of our culture and has no real meaning or value?
>implying our culture isn't real, and has no meaning or value
Stay classy, OP.

>>a social construct (like race).
>Race is real.
So is car insurance, but that's a social construct too.
And "race is a social construct" shouldn't be construed as meaning "race=genetic diversity".
The idea is that the divisions between races (who's "white" for instance), is arbitrary and subjective.
That's why nobody can quite agree on who's white, how many sub-sarahan races there are, etc.

Wasn't gender itself a social construct as opposed to sex which was not?

>gender itself a social construct as opposed to sex which was not?
AFAIK "gender" and "sex" are synonyms.
Tumbler would like to change that, but they're being revisionist when they insist the terms are already distinct.
Personally, I'd like to see a new word created, instead of pretending previous generations were down with the whole transgender thing.

>AFAIK "gender" and "sex" are synonyms.
Well, unfortunately you'd be wrong, they are simply used that way by the uneducated.

>but they're being revisionist when they insist the terms are already distinct.
Apparently your misunderstanding represents truth.

>Personally, I'd like to see a new word created,
You mean "gender identity"?

>instead of pretending previous generations were down with the whole transgender thing.
Non sequitir

I hear so many people talking about how its proven that blacks are inferior, without talking about how you define black in the first place. Scientific racism is such a silly concept, but no one seems to understand why its dumb. And when people talk about "RACISM IS BIGOTRY" without giving any facts or logical arguments it just makes it worse.
In colloquial speech, they're synonyms. But that doesnt mean they dont have actual scientific distinctions. They mean the same thing, usually, just like mass and weight are the same thing on earth, but they do describe different concepts.

I'm pretty sure more than half of the things people call or complain about are not actually racist but simply stereotyping. As for what being black is, I thought it was being an American of African decent or simply being a representation of black culture. As for the inferior thing, most people don't even explain how the whole inferior thing works so that's practically a joke at this point.

They are synonyms unless you are using "gender" as shorthand for "gender identity" which is not the same thing as sex

>Being confidently wrong.
I don't get it, does this method of argument work on other boards?

>That's why nobody can quite agree on who's white, how many sub-sarahan races there are, etc.
There is a biological basis for race, and that is why forensics can determine your race by your bones. However, people confuse race and ethnicity. White is an ethnicity, and Caucasoid is a race. There are three or four basic races recognized by most anthropologists today.

>does this method of argument work on other boards?
Sometimes it even works in life.

tfw everyone is stupid

lol, forensics is literally pseudoscience tier even more so than anthropology.

Your entire post proves you can't into science. gb2/x/

Lol yeah coz it isn't at all to do with the study of objective reality

Is your post a joke? Very strange.

Well refuted, my friend

Im confused as to what you are objecting to

Like all emotions, they can be pleasurable, but they shouldn't affect your reasoning.

Also a component of pride and dignity is how other people view you. Unfortunately other people are irrational and we depend on them to get ahead in life, it would be a kierkegaardian leap of faith to declare this unjust and never give a thought to maintaining pride and dignity. We must maintain pride and dignity to keep the mob from turning on us.

links to that gif i want to know where i can buy that toy.

>Well, unfortunately you'd be wrong, they are simply used that way by the uneducated.
Ok, calm down Tumblr...
>Tumbler would like to change that, but they're being revisionist when they insist the terms are already distinct.

...so if I don't support your political agenda, I must be "uneducated"?
Christ, you people give liberals a bad name.

>There are three or four basic races recognized by most anthropologists today.
Well, which is it? Three or Four?
But that's really my point.
There are no objective lines dividing the races.
You can choose to group people into 3 races, or a hundred, it's all up to you.
Sure, there might be generally recognized distinctions, but that just means a large group of people share the same views, NOT that there's an objective basis for drawing the lines where they do.

oops, wrong pic

Sometimes Australoid is lumped into Negroid just for convenience. They are such a small group that they aren't even mentioned most of the time. That's why it's either three or four, not that there's a serious argument about it.

>it's all up to you.
Not really. This is the consensus in medical science.

>NOT that there's an objective basis for drawing the lines where they do
But there is. That is why it is possible to determine your race this way.

being this autistic

google.com/search?q=definition of objective

That's nice. Doesn't change what I said.

>it's a conspiracy by tumblr!
>I'm being oppressed!!
People who can't into science are hilarious.

You're right. It doesn't change what you said because what you said was objectively wrong.


>It doesn't change what you said because what you said was objectively wrong.
It doesn't change what I said because your claims don't contradict mine.
me: race is subjective, not objective
you: there's a consensus on definitions of races (among people I agree with)
me: yes, a subjective consensus
you: you're a doo-doo head!
me: (sigh...) this is why I divorced your mother
you: I wish you didn't drink so much
me: one day you'll understand

Stop pretending to be me. Your post is idiotic.

>This is the longer version with sound

>Pretty much a drone with a dildo attached to it

Not that guy, but isn't subjective a grammatical tool?

Don't we communicate via language that contains grammatical rules?

You want a philosophy forum. Science can't address these things.

People talk about philosophical things on here all the time.

Dude, quantum physics says everything is subjective. There is, like, no objective reality, bro.

t. internet philosopher man

I won't give a flying fu... oh wait, look I just did!

Dignity and pride are social constructs to steer peoples behavior. It can have values and meanings in endeavors where conformity of behavior is important for any number of reasons.

Guess that could be considered manipulation. Must explain why were approaching a singular culture on a global scale.

Social prestige, dominance and ultimately status plays a significant role in the behaviour of social primates.

How is everyone here so dense?

Yes of course it's a kind of manipulation. I think the world will get more complicated than ever before. Lots and lots of small internet forums brewing their own mini cultures with their own norms. But people are adaptible. You can follow several sets of norms as long as they don't collide. And being able to do so can make us much more useful - but can of course with surveillance be used to pit groups against each other. Probably happens all the time already.

Because we are people who feel we deviate a bit from that "functionality" or focus and strive to find people who are more like us than your average status hunter would be.

So is it safe to say that people who claim to despise manipulation are probably ignorant to the fact that manipulation is a daily part of life?

It has no foundation in anything but emotion, even race has more objectivity due to the clinial nature of our species (only bringing this up since half the thread seems to be about it). Human dignity is a pathetic excuse for not editing human genomes. Because sticking dicks in a vaginas is somehow more dignified than state of the art gene editing techniques to these people. It's a joke and we should laugh in the faces of anyone who suggests it.

inb4 pic related

Define "real" meaning and value

Not necessarily. You can dislike something you realize happens a lot of the time. To be able to handle that is part of growing up.

It would however be rather ignorant however to not realize there could be serious problems not educating people about the dangers of the more and more efficient manipulation in the more powerful forms of media and media distribution in the modern society.

By real I was refering to how politicians sometimes say that dignity is important above all. There was a news article about a 5 year old girl who was suffering through her life and her decision to end her life was one that highlighted the importance of a dignified death or something like that. I don't remember if that was exactly how it went but I think it was something along those lines.

A meme martial art.

That's not really a definition of real and I'm not really sure what you mean

I don't understand why it matters how someone dies. There is nothing to respect in dying. Even those who sacrifice themselves for a "greater cause", I have even less respect for them than I would someone who died of old age. I think to myself "what a dumbass throwing away their only life for an ideal or someone else". That ideal or other person/s only matters to them while they're alive, the whole thing makes no logical sense.

Maybe they are throwing their life away fighting for the right to live life the way they choose.

If you just backpedal and accept more and more restrictions in life the value of the time you have left is slowly reduced to 0. Some people think a short free life is more valuable than a long cuckolded life.

The people here are everything like that.

I haven't found anyone who isn't equivalent to a chimp on Ritalin, when it comes to prestige and other aspects of social primate behaviour.

>Maybe they are throwing their life away fighting for the right to live life the way they choose.
You see how silly that is though right? Don't get me wrong, I'm all for freedom but to be free you need to be alive.

The thing about the people not anxious to status hunt all the time is that they don't always make a lot of noise because their drives is almost never centered around getting acknowledged by others. Therefore they may be a bit more difficult to find. They won't announce themselves like most would.

They get their kicks from wrestling with the ideas and philosophies behind the arguments, not the attention they may give in a debate.

To some people if you can't be free, there's no point in living anyway. It's just how some people are wired.

>Thread about human dignity
>Quickly becomes obsessed with race
>Ignoring science
>Density overload
>Strawmen meme pictures about militant feminism
>Minority protesters being run over

This board is about discussing topics built upon the shoulders of giants but anytime social science comes up Veeky Forums just devolves into wresting back down in the mud.

The thread was never about science in the first place. The pride and dignity thing was an excuse for the OP to shitpost about his half-baked social theories with juvenile philosophizing and a hint of politics thrown in.

This is why all philosophical discussion should be banned from this board. Not only do the people discussing it have no understanding of academic philosophy, it just doesn't belong on the board.

But isn't that what humanity is in a way. One giant clusterfuck of chaos that constantly contradicts itself and fluctuates between progression and retrogression?

Funny picture by the way.

A shitload of confusion is what it is. Those who understand it either focus on finding a position to sit back comfy and profit off of it or become depressed about the futility of it all and give up. The ones who don't understand it have their thoughts and emotions juggled to left and right all the time. Any "progress" is basically in the hands of the smart youngsters in their few productive years when they naiively believe in the goodness and fairness in the world while they feel it is still fun and worthwhile to prove themselves.

I have dignity, and I have pride, to me it's as simple as that. Going against nature and acting whatever way you like constructed by societies and civilizations is the most human thing of all. This is a good movie to watch if humanity and morality is interesting to anyone, also why is a Veeky Forums thread on Veeky Forums?

Let's just say this is social science or something of that nature.

I guess you're right, but any kind of science, psychology or otherwise, has been pretty much abandoned on this thread

I can agree with that but atleast it was a nice conversation starter.

Can't argue with that