Big Ethereum News

pic related

flippening when?

I hear progress has slow down since Vitalik is drowning

drowning is poz hole, furry autism

What does this mean?
Sounds big but I don't understand t b h

more TXs on the ethereum block chain. OP is trying to tie the two together

>Pretty close
Doesn't mean shit until it's here

So will brazil replace their currency with ethereum? I don't get it

That guy seriously needs a fashion consultant or something...he looks like an AIDS-happy homosexual on meth.

>he looks like an AIDS-happy homosexual on meth.
implying he isn't?

>PoS is close

Fuck that. What are some PoW competitors to ETH?

krokadil and feeder crickets.

>pos is close
>sharding is top priority
>plasma is coming too guys

His promises are more scammy than his ico’s

Sold 10 Eth for 30k Req today
Feel good

How many eth do I need to make it?

Pow is deprecated. Get with the times grandpa

so his promises are just like EOS and ADA


Just mine Ethereum Classic? It's ethash and they defused the difficulty time bomb.

Fuck off, PoS doesn't really fix any of the problems with PoW except energy consumption.

>except energy consumption
literally the problem that's in the process of killing pow

no it'll most likely have digital reals as well as paper money. Real cash isn't going anytime soon

I get a fur fag vibe from him also

Yes, but PoS creates new problems like increased centralization, lower incentives, less liquidity, etc. It's not economically sound.

someone's jealous! don't be sad, user. you may never amount to anything but at least you can throw internet-based shit at people literally better than you desu

>increased centralization
>It's not economically sound
you know china owns all the hashing power, right?

>deifying and whiteknighting

Out of the two of you pathetic geeks, you're far more pathetic

nah, just gotta appreciate a dude that turned into a billion+ dollars as a hobby
some faggot on Veeky Forums making money off him, desperately trying to escape normieville
eat shit, you sad little fuck :)

>China owns everything meme

1) They don't own nearly as much as you probably think, 2) "China" isn't just one person or one group, 3) even at their absolute worst, BTC and other PoW coins are far more decentralized and practical in the long-term than PoS coins.

>literally the problem that's in the process of killing pow

At least PoW secures the blockchain. For a wealthy organisation (like the state or a bank) it should be much easier to centralise the Ethereum blockchain in a PoS system than a PoW one. A majority attack isn't prevented by PoS, particularly not when you put a threshold on who can participate in PoS and who cannot like in Ethereum.

Furthermore, PoW gives the currency some intrinsic value due to the electricity cost of minting new coins and validating transactions.

Don't bother. Most of the retards arguing for PoS are commie liberal arts majors who think everyone will just work together and live in harmony because crypto is da fuchure. Much like NANO fags.

>2) "China" isn't just one person or one group

Also this.


I wish we would replace our fiat for crypto.
t. Brazilian

i mean, there are actual incentives for stakeholders to not fuck up the network. you guys dont seem to understand, ETH would just get BTFO if it were to actually become centralized in any remotely meaningful way

Jealous of the money skeleton, nah he'll be dead of AIDS in 5 years, much like yourself. Haven't you got homework to do ?

The plural of Real is Reais (Plurals are different in Portuguese)

soz bong here can't speak moortuguese


Good by meth. Was nice knowing you
>Sold 100K

The incentive being what, the price of ETH will fall? Why would they care? Why wouldn't they orchestrate just that, buy a bunch more ETH on the cheap, and become even bigger whales?

O que?

>casper the friendly vaporware

Why not opt for DPoS?