Yo bizbros, we need to have a proper discussion.
I just picked up 700 credits, I thought why the fuck not, its been mooning all week in a bear market, must be something to it.
So let's talk, is this good or bad? Pros & cons?
Credits? Honest Discussion
Congrats, you bought a shitcoin at ath because it was green, without doing your own research.
Prepare to lose lota of money.
The whitepaper is literally incomprehensible nonsense. Anyone who buys this scam deserves to lose their money.
the thing is no one knows not even the fucking devs know if the product is good and that's the best part it drives the fucking market wild get it? just buy and enjoy the volatility while it still is bullish they have some major conferences coming up the next week, it will probably fomo then again
dont get dumped on user.. b careful.. lots of red flags
It's vapourware. What the fuck were you thinking? 1m tx/s, are you shitting me?
this coin spooks me. won't invest in it but it'll be cool if it works
Pajeet tier fud. Kys
Okay faggot. Explain to me how they are able to achieve better trx per second than anyone else without any of the researchers in this space discussing this breakthrough.
HPB will accomplish this but they are using custom application specific hardware acceleration to do so
ummm, guys? Didn't you see the review where their github got taken apart. Stay the fuck away. Just look at the IDEX trollbox.
No, fill me in
In a few years this coin will be in top 10
tests already confirmed 200k tps, it is the fastest blockchain currently available. Renders Zilliqa and HPB useless they are already dead
testnet was also transferring incorrect amounts
so they say, it's chinese
what more to say? the king of scammers and manipulation of advertising
The thing is there will be a lot of FUD and already is, but there is a lot of hope and if they deliver, it's gonna be huge. No matter what people say on here, it doesn't really matter versus normie mentality of cool name/logi and big promise (TRX, XVG, ADA,..). It's still cheap in normie mentality since it's less than 1$. The amount of shilling it got, I really don't see this dropping less than 75c anymore desu.
We'll see, but combine the amount of shilling and hope vs. market cap of other shit coins that went through this cycle.
It could be 4$ within a week or stay the same. Wait and see. I threw in some money since it's honey pot for normies.
Reminds me of raiblocks at 1$ desu
please learn from this
lol..out few days back. lets dust settle. it would below 30 cent. u bought ICX at 12$ now. get u r bleeding pf -80%.
It's literally confido 2.0 being wash traded into oblivion to sucker in kids like u
You people have no idea what you are talking about, see If you think a project as big as this is comparable with confido, then please kys.
So you bought ICX ATH, when BTC was already falling down and going into depression mode, sucking out all the market?
Just shows how smart you are.
>I just picked up 700 credits
You picked up credits after 5x.
Jesus christ you cant make this shit up. Buy high sell low is actually true.