Skywire will replace the current internet

Skywire will replace the current internet

You can either join or get left behind, your call

Yes blockchain will replace the internet but why kycoi?

New website coming out soon
OTC will be ready soon
over 1000 miners already shipped /testnet soon

best coin to buy during sideways market

because I sold the bottom

I cant tell if this is a scam or not...........

>Skywire will replace the current internet

But the current internet is fine?

Completely centralised, and in hands of goverments and ISPs

not if tron does first


Why did they hire this pajeet? Did you see the quality of the vids he was making?

I choose to join!

He volunteered, and they needed a spokesman. That's how decentralized organizations work.

I dunno man, everybody on Reddit seems to think that decentralization works via magic




considering there's at least a 10% chance you got shilled this by me, I think it might be fair. ;) there's still time though friendo, you'll probably get one of the next batch of 1000. no testnet rewards yet so you haven't missed anything

How much is a skyminer and why should I use that over a regular miner?

Fuck off traitor.

goats and magic

skycoin is a goat coin

fucking stoked

>dat foot
R u a goblin?

He is a good guy desu and you will see by the end of march my friend.

800$ eoy thanks to his foot

holy shit that goblin foot is a buy indicator if I ever saw one

Absolutely wrong

Sky coin is a massive scam like confido

You can tell by the guys foot.

the fuck is wrong with you his foot WILL SAVE FUCKING CRYPTO

My mind is high, my jam is ready, I've been eating just spaghetti


Lucky bastard.

it's THE goat coin. layers man

The guy is /our guy if ever there was one!

we've got a legit pope running things now. we're set.

praise the foot
800$ EOY

What does the skyminer mine?

Pretty sure 1k miners haven’t shipped yet. Im batch 2 which is only 250 miners and the 2nd half hasn’t even shipped yet

sky is like a popular club, the waiting line is crazy but you experience something great


footminer was #187

sshhhhhh keep it down

total shitcoin, community is censorship and bans anyone that asks questions, total cultish feeling, going against comcast and xfinity? cmon man... raised millions or more selling skyminers for 1 btc when it cost 300$ of hardware or so. the rest are bag holders of a premined coin taht is validated by a whitelist. not to mention its not even out yet!

true about the censorship. Sudo if youre here, pls stop dude.

There is no censorship people will get banned for baiting the mods like on every telegram channel. Some people on reddit where constantly spamming stupid questions and got banned for that. Go to the telegram rn and ask critical questions without action like a retard and they will be answered.

You get discounted coins with your miner and nobody is forced to buy. Where is the difference between buying into an ICO? People buy ICOs with zero lines of code and skycoin has a huge github repository.

What is wrong with cults btw? Cults get shit done

# of skycoin I sold to buy miner = 440
# of skycoin I got as a rebate for buying miner = 450
having people call my "1 btc miner" a scam = priceless

have you even tried the coin? youre talking about skyWIRE. the coin is already on point. fastest shit out there, and even the first wallet software version (new versions nearing launch) has integrated block explorer and tx history

I think it's not an intentional scam. I think that it's just a very ambitious project and the question is can they pull this off.

These faggots are still giving out 450 sky per miner at today’s price

I already paid them, price is falling, and I haven’t even gotten my 50% rebate

wait, you're mad because they won't let you buy high and sell low? never change Veeky Forums.

I can help. decentralization means can WE pull this off. either humans get a future of controlling our own information, or we get a future of somebody else controlling our information. stop waiting for somebody else to fix your problems.

Skycoin vs Oyster?

450*.0012 isn’t 1 btc retard

A project that's been in development for 6 years vs a whitepaper

you accepted the price when you me anything in crypto let alone anywhere else with a dynamic pricing. it's not 1 btc for me either...but I'm not complaining because I understand markets and risk. I'm holding my skycoin until its mature, and buying more when I get cheaper opportunities. I did the same thing with Bitcoin post mtgox and made 25-50x depending on which point you measure from. not for one second did I care that the first 5 Bitcoin I bought "lost half their value", and it's quite obviously irrelevant now

which one is which XD

Lol this coin is gonna fucking dump once BSkyB hears about it. Be careful.

lol, fucking no. what are they gonna do nigger, trademark the word sky?

>Microsoft became involved in a lawsuit with British television broadcaster BSkyB for using the word "Sky"


meh, I'm fine with kyscoin

Wrong larpfag

not wrong and not larping, kid.