My junior gold mining stocks are up 10% today.
How are your bitcoins doing?
My junior gold mining stocks are up 10% today
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my stock portfolio is up 3%. sigh. I'm so depressed i just want 2017 back. I fucked up my one chance and ill never get over it.
My bitcoins are up 12,000% since entry a year and half ago, what about your gold??
I bot last year so its doing AMAZING more than a stupid manipulated gold stocks.
The dollar value of gold is IRRELEVANT. Think about it... did gold all of a sudden become valuable when America was born and the dollar was created? Of course not. So why are you valuing gold in terms of worthless dollars?
The ENTIRE POINT of buying gold is so you have money and wealth for when fiat dies. Nobody buys gold to get back increasingly worthless dollars.
look at Venezuela. If you own 1 ounce of gold that is equal to 5 years wages of what people are currently making there right now.
You buy gold waiting for the deflationary collapse of all asset prices than that ounce or two of gold buys you a home when you exchange it for the new currency.
The world is swimming in debt and the only way it can be purged is by a gold revaluation. Owning just a measly 10-15 ounces of gold will give you enough money to last 20-30 years, and you'll be able to buy up assets in the super cheap.
this but replace gold with cryptocurrency
BACK cryptocurrency with gold.
Crypto tards don't even realize that half the reason they are in crypto is because they are fleeing the dollar because it isn't backed by gold. Whether they realize it or not.
And even more retarded is the fact that one of the selling points of crypto is that it is the "new gold" while many of those same people are anti REAL actual gold. It literally defies logic.
I'm a fan of crypto and have made good gains. But crypto investors who do not own even just a measly 5-10 ounces of gold and or a measly 200 ounces of silver especially if you have already made good gains.... are absolutely playing with fire.
>fleeing worthless paper by buying worthless metal
Gold used to be valuable in the past, but today it has been superseded by various other metals in every use case it had
what would you suggest buying user?
Have you ever looked into Hecla HL
bro go over to asia, the chinks love there gold.
gold has the exact same qualites that it has has in the past.
I actually working with gold, what metals have the same properties that gold has?
Then why has china, India, and Russia been accumulating record tonnage of gold for a decade now? And Chinese citizens collectively own 6k tons worth of gold in their hands.
Are they doing all this for fun?
You seem to not understand the primary function of money which is to MEASURE value of goods exchanged for it. And nothing does that better than gold.
You can find in the Bible that 1 ounce of gold bought you 350 loaves of bread 2,500 years ago.... and Lo and behold... if you take your gold ounce to the coin shop and exchange it for fiat you will get $1,300... and if you take that to the grocery store you can still buy roughly 350 loaves of bread.
100 years ago 20 dollars equaled a good weekly salary and that 20 dollars equaled a gold coin.
Today 20 dollars doesn't even buy you lunch at a bar. Yet that gold ounce is equal to $1,350 in fiat which is also still a good weekly salary.
Can bitcoin or crypto be a currency? Yeah... absolutely ....but it certainly is not money.
China in 2009 sponsored to their citizens to buy silver too.
When they let the dollar go. It is going to be the biggest transfer of wealth in world history.
You think the goons end plan is to just sell to America on a credit card forever? Of course not. They are going to want to start consuming what they produce. Americans are tapped out anyway.
When the currency reset happens all those futuristic ghost cities that china has built will fill up faster than your head can spin.
You have it reversed. Money is not printable. Currency is printable. US Dollars are endlessly printed. Bitcoin, gold silver, etc; all have limited supply. Bitcoin is money. US Dollars are currency.
Nice, its going good. Sold in dec and bought 20 more at 6.6 so im really comfy. This is my last year in crypto before ill retire.
good post but serious question....
>>You think the goons end plan is to just sell to America on a credit card forever?
The goons selling Mericans worthless shit is pretty much there whole economy, what happens when no more walmart shoping? China is between a rock and hard place.
But you can't price goods in bitcoin bro. You need something to MEASURE the value of goods. There is a difference between money and currency. Gold is actually both. it obviously we aren't going back to gold as a currency. But it is 10000% money.
How do you value things in terms of bitcoin????
A gold ounce 900 years ago is still that same gold ounce today. It is stored economic energy. Stocks, real estate, bonds, and cryptos get their value from energy produced in the future... and we have an energy problem. Gold gets its value from energy produced in the past.
you need to understand that gold is STORED economic energy.
Why do we neee bitcoin as a store of value when gold works absolutely perfectly?
If the dollar implodes tomorrow what happened to bitcoin? If the dollar implodes tomorrow my gold is completely 100% unaffected.
>>It is stored economic energy. Stocks, real estate, bonds, and cryptos get their value from energy produced in the future... and we have an energy problem. Gold gets its value from energy produced in the past.
No homo but I love you user. Been on this board a long time and never have seen anyone address energy concerns, even though it should be the biggest concern for anything related to modern economics,
Yes china is by no means going to be able yo transition smoothly without growing pains. But why do you think they have been stacking thousands of tons of gold for a decade now?
Russia itself just opened its vaults abut a month ago to show the world the gold it has about a month ago.
China knew it was never going to get paid back all the debt America owes it... which is why they have been stacking gold like crazy for 10 years now. And I believe that's why comex is keeping gold artificially suppressed for so long now.
Just look at the ass kissing the deep state and mega corporations and Facebook have been doing to china. Just look at the trend of kids learning mandarin.
We've been had. Only chance you will have is if you have some gold and silver
Ever heard of Charles Hall? He is the dude that came up with the concept of EROI, energy returned on energy invested, think you would enjoy this.
Dr. Charles Hall: The Laws Of Nature Trump Economics
I haven't heard of him but I've learned a LOT from SRSrocco's website. Energy is the biggest problem.
That is why homes, stocks, real estate and cryptos will collapse. You need cheap energy for them to go up. Not happening.
I just made a bet wth a real estate guy for 500 dollars that a median priced home will collapse 50% by this time next year. He looked at me like I was in drugs and room the bet.
Now he may end up winning... just because it may not happen for 2 years or 3 years. Buts it's going to happen.
When homes drop upwards of 90% in value and gold is revalued to at least 10k per ounce. You'll be able to buy multiple income producing homes with just 15-20 ounces of gold.
Gold's inherent value comes from the fact that it is REAL money.
"Gold is money, everything else is credit" - JP Morgan (testimony to congress 1913)
Without a gold standard there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation - there is no safe store of value" -Alan Greenspan 1966 (before he was a tool for the statist Jews)
I've even read a couple stories of people who have met Greenspan and they told them to buy gold. While never mentioning that as fed chairman
You sound like smart guys, but you may be biased on gold's valuation. The amount of fiat you have to pay for gold is rather high right now, suggesting gold might be in a bubble. Most of its value is derived from speculation, not utility. Last recessions have shown that gold goes up in anticipation of the crash, but when it does really happen people will stop accumulating a metal they're not gonna use for anything anyway. So, thinking you might have a safe haven in gold might just be deluding yourself. Better diversify and just stay alert, you can't trust to maintain your value that well even if you're in gold.
fucking check'd
Gold does not change my man. A gold ounce 800 years ago is still a gold ounce today. Nothing has changed. Gold is actually very cheap and one of the most undervalued assets in the world. Silver is he most undervalued asset in the world.
The dollar value of gold is irrelevant. Gold didn't all of a sudden become valuable when the dollar was created. It's been money since before Christ was alive.
You value gold in terms of other real assets like homes, food, land, etc. and it is VERY undervalued compared to all the over inflated assets.
Well, I'm up about 3000% from my initial investment. How about you, OP?