are women a good investment?
Are women a good investment?
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Depends on your goal
Speaking from experience: Absolutely not.
Wive's have expectations. Expectations have price tags. Wive's lead to kids. Kids drain your bank account faster than you came to make them. Fucking don't, just don't.
>buying a depreciating asset
Yes because sex is the most important thing in the world
only if they give you a son.
so it is risky.
Depends on the woman and what you're doing with her.
Yep, I'm sitting at home day-trading while shes labor slaving. She makes a killing and I'm chilling. You faggots who say no are madddd
Eventually you'll get dumped on. Successful women don't find degenerates particularly useful. She's carrying bags, and you are the bags. Godspeed, user.
literally the best
Mgtow and basement dwelling neckbeards on Veeky Forums will try to tell you otherwise, but there isnt a better feeling to have a gorgeous woman that you love and who loves you back at your side
Yep, Except I own my home outright and nothing is in her name. She thinks shes the baggage. You still mad?
Looks fade, unless they don't. You won't know til later so it's a blind gamble.
>you love
Will you always? See above.
>loves you
Does she really? Will she always? See above.
I recently split with my g/f. I just kept feeling like I was wasting my time. I care about her tho. But really relationships can just be a distraction. Depending on who you are
>gorgeous woman
>has your back at your side
choose one
Fuck and run, that's what I always say. Once she locks you down it's over
i love pussy so much. the problem is they are always so fucking needy and constantly need attention and need re-verification of it. shit is annoying as hell.
pretty sure my girl is gonna break up with me bcs i cant marry her lol. fuck outta here bitch, i like blondes anyways.
A loving relationship is the pinnacle of happiness and all you fags deny it because you think you can't get it.
All true.
What you forgot to mention is that your kids have more value than anything you can own and if you treat your wife how she deserves to be treated, she will be a life partner and constant source of companionship and reliability.
If you hate your wife, you either picked a bad one or you didn't do your part as a husband.
this man speaks the most truth. i'm 33 and not married. I do not want to fucking get married. i do not want to have kids. they are leeches. fuck that shit. i want to be a rich guy that can fuck any girl i want without baggage.
Depreciating asset, in fun, in looks, in morality.
i do agree with this... but it gets real annoying when the constantly want something
Most men can't get it. Just being realistic
It depends. If she's a westernized liberal degenerate leech then absolutely not.
If she has traditional values and helps you grow then yes, of course. Especially if you can change her to suit your needs. A lot of neets don't realize that you can mold a woman's personality into what you want.
You have to group women into categories. She's either a shitwoman only good for a pump and dump, or a blue chip woman good for a long term hold. Be wary tho because later down the road the fundamentals might change and you might have to dump her if she turns into a bitch.
My gf is 1st generation eastern European whom I've been slowly redpilling over the past couple years. She hates blacks, Muslims, and every other leech on our welfare system. She isn't very materialistic and since I shared my goal of not spending excessively and retiring early, she's on board and wants to do that with me as well. She is studying to become an actuary, she's going to be making more money than I am as a civil engineer.
So in my case yes.
you are literally influenced by soap operas and drama shows.
stop watching bullshit you soyboy.
You could get it if you got your shit together and find the right girl and stop being cynical. It's an ideal that exists when both the girl and the boy believe it's there. Defeatism won't get you there.
i got it many times and its absolutely not worth it.
women are depreciating assets.
if you do not accept this fact you are a deluded retard.
>it's an ideal that exists when both the girl and the boy believe it's there.
modern women have no concept of such an ideal, they are hypergamous as fuck and can get any dick they want in a split second.
stop kidding yourself.
Just buy call options desu, much safer way to invest.
Or even better, buy exchange traded women.
They are depreciating assets unless they make bank
this may be a larp but it's the truth. most roasties are disgusting, posturing, acceptance-obsessed menaces. however, there are some genuine women out there who will trust you and care about you about as much as you do them. hint, permavirgins they're not 10/10 insta models. work on your own shit personality first so you can actually attract a healthy match.
>treat your wife how she deserves to be treated
so buy her expensive shit because she """deserves""" it hahahah fuck off roastie.
where are you from ? Are you that shit of engineer that even junior actuary will earn more than you? I checked UK, salaries are similar for seinor personel
>beign this young and naive
just lol
I think the problem, in part, is that the top tier of women are holding out for a better deal no matter what you bring to the table right up until they get desperate some time after 30 and they cease to be top tier.
Holding around a beautiful fertile naked female every night in a stable relationship subconsciously makes a much more confident and pleasent person compared to being single or pumping and dumping. Life is shit sometimes, but coming home to a person who is always there is very positive for your mindset. Don't get married or have children before at least ten problem free years.
Actuaries make more money here in NYC because all of the big life insurance companies are headquartered here. They start off with something like 70k, median is around 120. Median for civil engineers is about 85-90, I expect to start off around 65k.
My gf will have an internship this summer that pays 25 an hour, I never made more than 20 at any of my internships.
I'm also very lazy. I would much rather work public sector for lower pay and less hours than private. I have friends in the private sector, they make 80k-95k but they work 10-12 hours a day. That's not my style
avoid common law situations, shared assets, and marriage. as long as you do that you can enjoy the benefits with very low downside risk, especially if you can attract them physically or with social status.
there is nothing a woman can do for me anymore so i'm no longer in the market but thank god i never agreed to a marriage. i'd be on my third divorce. although maybe i will want children someday.
Is this really how you think?
Not all women need to be taken care of. A marriage should be a mutual effort.
Legally it's not a mutual effort. Legally a woman has no responsibilities and a man does, lasting even after divorce in the form of alimony.
One day you'll grow up
This so much
I used to just fuck around with random sluts for years and now I've finally settled down with a QT Slavic GF and honestly everything in life just feels so much better.
This board is about money, how much can I sell memories for?
This but reverse. Women are cancer.
This niggah knows da wae
and men?
thanks just bought 100k women
What did he mean by this?
Jesus kid.
Who cares about divorce? You don't get married to somebody that you're gonna divorce. My point was that you can have a wife that gives you everything you want, doesn't expect anything except for a loving relationship and can take care of herself financially. Thats what i have with my wife and my life would be significantly worse in every way without her.
Are you just single? Bad with girls? Who hurt you?
I'm sure that the 50% of people whose marriages end in divorce didn't plan on getting divorced, but it happened.
>it's some defect with YOU!
Sure thing.
>If you hate your wife, you either picked a bad one or you didn't do your part as a husband.
The patriarchy is always to blame...
How about you fuck off back to the kitchen
Good candidate for divorce and losing everything... pride before the fall..
gonna laugh when the 22 yo pool boy is living in your old guest house and pumping her on the regular while you live in an economy flat paying her for the rest of your life.
No they are a debt
If you can't blame yourself for picking a shit wife, then who can you blame?
It's inherent vice. The pool is tainted.
Virgins should all be shot on site.
but user, who will take care of you once you're old and full of STDs?
Only if they're virgins
my gf takes more care of me than I do.. she doesn't want kids either, we have a dog and it's more than enough.
all you neets are just jealous you haven´t partenred up
that girl has 10/10 gf appeal for me.
It all depends on what you want and makes you happy, in my case I want companionship and intimacy and that is exactly what I get. But sacrifices must be made because they want things too.
nice dubs!
Yes. Anyone who disagrees is a punk ass Busta and their opinion as a man is worthless because they pay for the pussy instead of the pussy paying them.
that's not really how it works.
If you're in the top 5% of men women will invest in you.
Financially, not unless you got really lucky.
>Yep, Except I own my home outright and nothing is in her name. She thinks shes the baggage. You still mad?
At some point, her roastie friends will convince her that she's better off without you, how you're holding her back and being stingy with the assetts. She will view her income as hers, and your house at least half hers. None of what she makes she views as yours, or "ours".
All I want is a virgin wife. I dont want a woman who's had her brains fucked out by some other Chad. That's such a cuck thing to do... invest in a used goods woman
Sadly there are no virgins in the US. So I guess I'll just be single forever h-haha
I dunno my gf is nerdy-cute, is in 4th year med school, is the most intelligent person I've ever met, and is not needy or annoying at all.
I've only ever dated very attractive and feminine women however so dating her is very different to me. I don't know how to feel.
Maybe one day, you will
if he owned the house before they got married she has 0 claims on it
>has your back at your side
Find one that works, pays half the bills and isn't a massive cunt and you're golden.
>win the lottery and you’re golden
Thanks for the advice
Speaking from experience:
No, i have had 4 girlfriends, 2 year relationships bla bla bla bla.
Do not fall for the relationship meme, just fuck girls as friends as i do now, go for 2D girls if you want attachment because they will always support you and things would never get boring etc, besides they have a real pure heart
Belive me you don't want to get seriously attached to someone else, it drains you, you stop caring about yourself etc, then at some point things go to hell and it is not worth it
This is good advice if your career is better than hers, women place much higher standards on men than men do on women across the board. If there's a disparity in your incomes you better be tall and witty and great in the sack.
Also "works, pays half the bills, isn't a massive cunt" and presumably is physically attractive enough to marry is something most of us are never going to find.
Women are hypergamous by nature so the answer is no. Men are a good investment.
I'm saying invest in men for money if you are a woman and invest invest in your bros for life friendships if you are a male.
Depreciating assets, bud.
What is this, medieval china
Men care about two things, and two things only. Looks, and personality.
...and when it comes to personality it’s only limited to a few things, like compassion, caring, thoughtfulness, not neurotic... all things that make a great wife/mother. Eg men don’t really care if a woman is funny, just that they have a sense of humour.
Literally all women have to do is get in shape, be loyal and genuinely nice and they are sorted.
That's good, I was worried before you replied to your own comment that you had the gay or something.
>if you marry a person who isn't going to fuck you over
>implying you or anyone knows before hand if your future "wife" is going to fuck you over, or leave you for a blackbull
you are literally a faggot, and your wife is going to be fucking tyrone the first chance she gets.
enjoy the soul crushing baggage of having no kids when ur 65+ lul
Not anymore.
You fell for the bad stats meme.
>It is now clear that the divorce rate in first marriages probably peaked at about 40 percent for first marriages around 1980 and has been declining since to about 30 percent in the early 2000s.
If it flys, floats, fucks or goes real fast. Rent it, don’t buy it.
30% is still a roughly 1/3 chance. Whoooo! How wonderful.
This man speaks the truth, and anyone who disagrees is either immature, or gay.
if you love your mother...
get a wife
>Yep, Except I own my home outright
LMAOOOOO you don't own shit
High risk high reward user.
Invest carefully, never go all-in
Is a cat a good investment?
thinking about ditching my girlfriend right now...just adds up to fuck women, don't attach to them. they are immature, less intelligent and they have an expiry date.