Inside the media, we are being steered toward a very corrupt woman langolier to be our next president...

Inside the media, we are being steered toward a very corrupt woman langolier to be our next president. This is social engineering and tetrad management at its finest-- and its working, and it will result in the destruction of American, our way of life, values, and prosperity. They need a scapegoat for sinking this ship which they will profit immensely off of, and this corrupt woman is to be it.

Please share this post, and wake the people up, before its too late!

> its working, and it will result in the destruction of American, our way of life, values, and prosperity.
I've heard this about the last 3 presidents...still nothings happened. Weird.

Unfortunately if I don't vote for Hillary it's essentially the same thing as voting for Trump.
So, Hillary it is.

think about how this time its different... this woman is a corrupt pawn... its so obvious.

you are a bloody fool. vote Johnson/Weld

Political flamewars go in .

Fuck off. This board is for science and math discussion only.

>you are a bloody fool. vote Trump
uh, no

>vote Trump

think about it, Trump's run (his asinine unelectable behavior, et al.) was to ensure a Clinton win... you are falling right into the trap.

Voting for Hilary is the exact same as voting for Trump.

Your only moral choice is to scrap your ballot.

>you are falling right into the trap
Well congratulations to them, then.
The Man has successfully kept me down;
because they executed their plan so successfully that I literally have no options.

As if it ever mattered. WHy is Hillary so much worse than past candidates that the US had in the last 30 years? I'm not American so I don't know.

she's not worse, she's just not better
she's going to be even less progressive than obama, because she will take literally zero chances on anything
she will not push any agendas
she will play it safe every time
and in america, that means doing exactly nothing
stagnant for another 4 (and most likely 8) years

See: Fuck off.

>Voting for Hilary is the exact same as voting for Trump.
There's corruption and there's complete and utter incompetence. I trust Hillary more than Trump to avoid global thermonuclear warfare.

>Your only moral choice is to scrap your ballot.
I'll blame you when Trump launches the first nuke.

you're the only one flaming
stop being a douche

Just report any ad hominem and infographic kek"redpill"

>not wanting WW3

you're fucking retarded
you'll cry like a baby when the war affects you

>you're the only one flaming
>stop being a douche

No fuck you this is an off topic thread. Saged and reported.

How is it off-topic? The future of humanity is a very important topic in science.

So nothing changes?

This is obvious.

Isn't that the result of the low quality HS education?

>this is the kind of lowlife that browses Veeky Forums