We don't even have crypto ETFs yet. It's still early adopters phase

We don't even have crypto ETFs yet. It's still early adopters phase.



Yup. Same with Beany Babbies! Get in now!

Not everything needs ETFs

coinmetro exchange will bring crypto ETFs.

>big money
>everybody gets rich because the world is sunshine and roses

...the fuck have you been smoking you absolute mongloid

Fidget spinners have yet to have a ETF, moon tickets still for sale!!!

it sounds like they're having a hard time dealing with SEC, not that they'll get shit on like other ICOs but it might slow things down

NYSE bitcoin ETFs- q4 2018

Hi, are you new?
Get out normie

i have the same haircut as these guys.
these guys will be running for president/vice
cap this

what are etfs and why do they matter for bitcoin?

if you are serious stock exchange listed ETFs come with a lot of advantages/disadvantages.

it's basically an easier way to speculate on bitcoin for normies

for OG ancap crypto enthusiasts they probably see it as central control of BTC. people who buy in have no control of their keys, and no ability to send it. they have none of the partial anonymity and have to cash out to fiat as the only option.

>ywn be a chaddlevoss twin
>ywn hang out with your chad twin brother
>ywn win rowing championships
>ywn start a crypto ETF

why even live anons

dotcom bubble investors were also early adopters desu

Banks need crypto ETFs so they can invest in the space and still be within their regulations

Don't forget they can switch wives and fuck those for a change. Maybe they can even fuck each other. It's like masturbating.

I wish I had invested in Amazon in 1998...

>We don't even have crypto ETFs yet. It's still early adopters phase.
this. any faggots who don't understand this need to download brainlet.jpg and wallpaper it.

Why would there be crypto ETF? lol, the bubble already burst, smart money cashed out December of 2017

He's right though, the idea of everyone getting rich is a pipedream.