How this psychopath retard is getting destroyed fills my heart will immeasurable joy. I have such a big JUSTICE BONER
How this psychopath retard is getting destroyed fills my heart will immeasurable joy. I have such a big JUSTICE BONER
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He literally did nothing wrong and you have done no research. He gave free drugs to poor people and charged insurance companies a fortune.
Then again you only care because you hate success.
weak bait reddit kike
>People support the justice system disproportionately punishing people because they are publicly disliked
another /pol/ webcuck blasted by the long dick of the law
keep dreaming user
This same insurance companies then charge higher rates to their customers and the circle completes. That being said Shkreli is just the tip of the iceberg. Big pharma in general has gone to extremes in order to seek higher profits, massive acquisitions with the sole purpose of drugs price gauging.
Once again, Shkreli is going to prison for Stock Fraud and running a Ponzi scheme, not for the pharmab shit.
also this...
All his investors made money.
Most ponzis don’t even have the decency to provide you with a noose to hang yourself after exit scamming you much less get your entire investment back with profit.
yup, the absolute state of ((((justice))))
we are living in barbaric times but people are too brainwashed and content to realize
My point is, the institutions get away with MUCH worse while not making their victims whole again... but Shekrelli is just a fall-man ... a meat offering to the mobs... a patsy...
t. kicked out of the house for bwing gay.
The judge is maxxing his penalty because she thinks he is a scum bag though. The prosecution is arguing 15 years prison time because he isn't remorseful. It's fucking ridiculous he even paid all the investors back just because he wasn't (at first) pretending to be a sorry little bitch doesn't mean you should lock him up three times as much if he was actually apologetic from the start. Also 15 FUCKING years for a non violent crime where all investors were paid back in full and then some. The American judicial system is excessive as fuck
The USA is a sick place and
Common law is stupid
I hope i never have to visit this disgusting place again
Got short sentence. Usually running ponzi fraud will result longer sentece
America is completely fucked. If you just real the Declaration of Independence, the consitution and the bill of rights, them simply look at modern America you’ll immediately notice how America has been completely subverted from its intended composition
It will probably be in a cushy holiday prison in cali man, maybe a hearing in the first 5 year.
Autocorrect is really fucking me in the arse today
Lefty pol detected.
he is gonna be made an example of
same shit happened to ross ulbricht
when you make a mockery of the lizard jew overlords that is what happens especially when you price gouge them on their aids meds they need from all their pedo and gay rendezvous
>psychopath retard
you are brainwashed
how come are people defending this shit bag=
Please stay out of my country
Because they DTOR
no you dumb nigger. The judge already deemed him a “threat to society” so he’s in max security with subhumans. It’s all good though because this a just a redpilling experience for him on the JQ.
Some people on here were posting saying he’s writing a book. Can anyone confirm this?
>All his investors made money
>He just took some of the profits from some of his investors and stole them to pay other investors
I'd be livid if someone distributed my ETH gains to Bitconnect holders
"But you still made 5x gains! Every investor made money!"
Fuck off
The only reason he is in jail is bc he offered a bounty for Hillary Clinton’s hair. Do you think if some POC SJW offered a bounty for Trump’s hair and were arrested that there wouldn’t be autistic screeching from the left?
He said things very plainly
> my role as CEO is to make as much money for my investors that the market will allow.
This is what every fucking company does. If you don’t like it, move to the drowning, decaying countries who feel the same way.
The comparisons between Rome right before its collapse and the United States is almost comical.
Rome=food to the plebs
USA=food stamps
Rome=aggressive over expansion to install dictators in countries to create a republic of "peace"
USA=proxy wars to "help" the people chose an American sanctioned government
Rome=judicial system.that played out more like a theatrical than an actual legal system
USA=if you have the money and the ear of the people you get let off (any major sport star or celebrity)
The list goes on and on. The collapse of the United States and the rise of another super power *cough* China will be interesting to watch
Also, celebrity chiefs
Need to know if the judge was jewish to confirm my bias
chink judge i believe