Mfw small dick and not even six figs in crypto

>only five figs in crypto
>would have to 100x my portfolio to /makeit)
>5 inch cocklet

when will the suffering end anons?

Other urls found in this thread:

just start having guys fuck you; you don't have to kiss them or anything

at least then you're useful for some kind of sex

I will suck you off, please don't cry.

b-b-but Im not a homo anons

not yet

>big dong
>really goodlooking

>believing the dick size meme.

Go to /fit and get ripped.

>Barely 5 figs
>6 inches
I like my small dick and fuck the brain out of my gf. It can't be that bad user. Are you a virgin? Have you tried this little fucker out before?

not a virgin
I had sex with 20+ girls not evfen counting dozens of hookers
why does everyone assume I give a shit about what some bitch thinks? its just depressing to look in the mirror and see a tiny shriveled up cocklet

Then spend some cash on natural T boost and do some fancy ass cardio.

It will look much better.

I know that feel. Arginine helps. So does not fapping

>tfw 7inches long but only 4.4in girth

>tfw noodledick
>tfw can sense gf judging me for it

>why does everyone assume I give a shit about what some bitch thinks?
Because you're clearly insecure user

i bet you're a racist and homophobe too.

OP here. I lied, I actually only have four figs in crypto and a 4.5 inch cock.

>i bet you're a racist and homophobe too.

why because Im poor?

because you browse Veeky Forums and complain about having a short dick and not being successful. You're probably a hateful little man

And you’re probably a nigger

i have nothing but love and compassion in my heart user

fuck off faggot

Stop watching you porn you fucking mongol.

>b-but everyone has a 8inch cock

5-6 inch is average, has a girl ever laughed at your cock or commented how small it is? It’s all in your head.

Meh, 7inch Indian dicklet here.

>has a girl ever laughed at your cock or commented how small it is?

yes it has happened
and I dont watch porn

I told you not to kiss the dude

it's not homo to get prostate stimulation

No I'm a spaniard

>and I dont watch porn

Of course you don't. Neither do we.
