Why are rich people such assholes?

why are rich people such assholes?

The driver of the red car couldn't have seen the cat even if he tried. Poor kitters, glad it went ok

What a nice surprise for once

thought this was gonna be a rekt thread

I was about to be so fucking pissed for having watched that. Glad I saw the happy comments

i'm glad the kitteh made it ok

what the fuck is rich about some entry level Mitsubishi?
is everyone on here fucking retarded?

Veeky Forums so broke from crypto, we would see McDonalds as fine dining.

Cats are vile parasites that should be exterminated.

I once saw a cat get run over his back legs while crossing a 40kmh street where people usualy go 80kmh cause its kinda long without intersections and the mofo just run away like nothing happened