This faggot whore is in my telegram what do

After your 30th or so girl
that shit turns into a sad meme

yeah because having a disposable income and being financially independent makes you an angry virgin incel loser.

keep putting wahmen on a pedestal.

It does because you are trying to justify being a virgin loser with "huur I gotta good job and earn lotsa money"
The fuck is that
The most retarded cope I've ever seen

i have fucked around 40 women and i look like a literal chad.

i have come to the conclusion that western women are not worth dating or marrying at all.
they are depreciating assets and have nothing to offer you but an orifice. falling in love is but a meme, and the sooner you accept this the sooner you will speed up your evolution and stop chasing other people to fulfill your inner void.

we men like hot young fertile women,

i wouldn't want to turn 50 and have to deal with some nagging old cranky skank and have to raise 2 retarded kids that leech all my money and treat me as a walking ATM, when i could literally save all my money, and get a yacht and throw parties with hot fucking college girls.

by doing this i also avoid getting divorce raped, losing half of my money as well as assets just in case said cranky wahmen decided "im not good enough for her",

to deny this, is to deny your own needs and male nature for sex and dominance.
quite sad and pathetic desu.

and to expand on my point.
you have this deluded idea that people who actually would rather be single are "ugly virgin losers".

you are worst than a feminist. you put the worth of a man in to how many skanks he slept with and not what he is worth as a person.

if you do the math, the "ugly virgin incel losers" that you look so down upon and compare yourself too in order to get a little ego-boost because you are ultimately pathetic, WILL infact have way more money than you, and WILL help in the advancement of society.

While you literally scurry around trying to please women or your wife in order to not be seen as a "virgin loser" or "gay".
Must suck living a fake life just to prove to others how "cool" you are. Are you still in high school?

I stopped reading after the first line because copy pasta

i literally just wrote it
youre fucking autistic.


Just be quiet like the beta cuck you are

sure faggot.

only death is real.
and only death will judge you.
keep praising wahmen