WHy does /biz do that?
They are almost as dirty, endogamic and selfish as Jews.
Unironically most of /biz are americans giving power to their bigest contry competitor because muh shekels.
WHy does /biz do that?
They are almost as dirty, endogamic and selfish as Jews.
Unironically most of /biz are americans giving power to their bigest contry competitor because muh shekels.
derete thish
Because we are Veeky Forums.
They're not leftist
Why would I be anti jew? I'm apolitical and don't care about a race with a high IQ being nepotistic.
i like chinese food more
>I'm apolitical and don't care about a race with a high IQ being nepotistic.
If anyone ever wonders why white countries are being turned brown, this is why.
because WITH JEWS...
you win
You will when their actions directly effect you. And the time is coming where there feral nigger hordes won't be able to be contained.
I genuinely consider whites breeding with non whites an effective means of natural selection as their progeny won't succeed.
because the people of Veeky Forums are reading Culture it Critique
Culture of Critique*
fugg :3
So there will be more inequality and volatility in society? Have shitcoins taught you nothing on how great volatility is for the intelligent people? Low intelligence whites will suffer.
Oh so it's good for the non-whites, how about us? What do we get out of it? A dead race and culture and our names dragged through the mud through all of history. Yeah great trade.
People are reading Culture of Critique
One of the most important books ever written, best explanation of the JQ there is and is totally anti-conspiracy.
Unironically what will they do with the hordes and racially diluted europe once they succeed?
Ever heard about the Golem of Prague? Their golem will consume them along with everything else.
There are meant to be an unquestioning consumer slave class, they will be smart enough to do what they are told but not question anything. Some Jews also believe that their messiah won't arrive until Europe is destroyed and filled with Muslims and Greater Israel is established, from then on this messiah will lead them and they will openly take over the world and claim it for Jews.
The top echelons of whites (Such as myself)) succeed and people like you become A dead race and culture and our names dragged through the mud through all of history.
Makes sense. I know what they are doing just not sure how they are so certain they could keep things in order once they unleashed a dystopian multiculti hell in europe.
Sauce on second part pls
They have to fulfill the prophecy or G-d makes them eat their babies
>The top echelons of whites (Such as myself)) succeed and people like you become A dead race and culture and our names dragged through the mud through all of history.
Oh so you're one of those "not me I'm a special case" fags who thinks he's in the club now? You're nobody, not an elite and not special. I don't care who you think you are. You're not getting on the ark you're fucked like the rest of us. Best case scenario for you is you end up like those castizo whites in SA that live in skyscrapers and have to call helicopters to escort them around or get killed just walking the streets.
would you get over yourself you absolute faggot
I don't think they have it thought out in all honesty, I think it's more of a religious belief than a logical plan. Sorry I can't remember where I got it from, go looking around for it and you should find details.
>typing God as G-d out of fear
Sorry Solomon you just suck baby dicks because you like the taste, saying God made you do it is just a cop out.
I hide myself in the basement on shabbath
I believe you, problem is just because you believe a lie, doesn't make it true, this is why Jews have been causing so much trouble for so long. You SAY god will "eat your babies" (wtf I guess your god is Zeus now) but that's most likely just your rabbis saying shit to scare you so you'll remain motivated to keep to the plan. The greatest threat to Jew are other Jews whipping Jews into a paranoid frenzy so they persecute the goys for personal reasons an goys reacting.
>wonder why there's two /pol/ threads at the top of my catalog
Ah, burgers are getting home from their wagecucking.
>Best case scenario for you is you end up like those castizo whites in SA that live in skyscrapers and have to call helicopters to escort them around or get killed just walking the streets.
If that's good enough for you then I you were never greedy or ambitious enough to be an elite anyway.
I like you.
I want to like you but you bumped a shit thread.
Youre wrong i hate chinks too
>he thinks he won't have to do with the fact that actions have consequences
>he thinks by not making a choice he didn't really make a choice, failing to realize inaction is in and of itself a choice