>We’re working on launching more funds which cover a broader range of digital assets. Stay tuned.

Other urls found in this thread:


Zzzzzzz no one cares
When new coins

desperation move shitcoins are OVER time to polish up your sales skills FAGGOTS

this is fucking garbage.

"Customers will be able to invest once per month and withdraw once every quarter, but will not be able to trade shares in the passively managed fund, which won’t be listed on an exchange, Bramanathan said."
"once every quarter"
Wonder how many assholes will bite on this?

Baseless FUD. You can unlock your send button earlier in the quarter if you post a coinbase testimonial to youtube

they will unironically end up making more money than you

Coinbase is a joke. Huge lack of customer support. I have been registered since 2013, verified ID and bank accounts. It will now not let me withdraw funds, keeps claiming I need to verify ID. When i do, it fails. Fiat locked in coinbase and no help. Fuck them.

Accredited investors is a big deal. These are people with 1m+ net worth and/or 250k/yr salary. Big money will start pumping onto bitcoin

Oh not this fag again! He wants us to pay 30% of our earned linkies for his shitty node operation. Fuck him!

Yep, it'll be big money only.
bye bye making it.

>accredited investors get access first

>The only coins that will pump from this are LTC, ETH, BTC, & BCH

Motherfucker pump my goddamn altcoins

buy ltc/eth, send to bittrex through gdax (to avoid fees)
are you retarded?

Why would you want in on buying any amount of bcash

greatest wealth redistribution of our lifetime.


>only the fiat gateways will pump
You don't say...

>thinking it's some kind of elaborate jew scam instead of a matter of securities law compliance

When TRX?

HAHAHAHA wtf is that shit

Is our dust going to be turned into kringle cash?

Plus the CB police will stop you from selling at a discount.
So so more cheap coins bois next stop 100k!


>elaborate jew scam
>securities law

literally no difference between the two.


How new are you?

how is your religion working out for you?

Normies gonna pay fees so this coinbase manager can create a 4 coin portfolio. Sign me up user

Just create a fake blockfolio and put 10k ETH, boom you’re an accredited investor


If you don't know who the sucker is at a poker table, you're the sucker.

This is Madoff level fuckery. I wouldn't go near this with real money, fuck that. Withdraw once a quarter? LOL.

And the worst part is, some of you degenerate gamblers will fall for it, because you fell for marketing.

Goddamnit I wish I knew of that before lost about 30 bucks. I have a baby boomer level crypto knowledge and am trying to level up.