New ETH game idea - Crypto Slavery

I have a great idea that Veeky Forums can do that will get us national attention and troll the Vitalik and the SJW ETH governance along with making us some sweet sweet ETH.
Crypto Slavery - Cryptokitties except with Niggers.
It's pretty much a Cryptokitties knockoff except you own Niggers on the blockchain and then breed them to create new slave niggers and then auction them off for ETH in the censorship resistant Ethereum network. So for like gen 0 we will have African Kingz and Queenz that were captured by Jew slavers and then we force them to breed and then we can induce rare features such as giant elephant sized penises and ability to sing spirituals along with stats like cotton picking.
Who's in?

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Where do I buy?

satoshi's vision

When ICO?

I'll be equipping mine with the Spirit of the Nigger Panther so he can plow my field quicker

thanks just whipped 100k

The art on this game will be amazing. First gen will be an African King bound up in chains with a White Aryan standing over him.

Haha niggers am I right fellas
One sec my tendies are done

Please make this happen. This will be even better than niggercoin.

lol niggers

This sounds like a reporters wet dream.

The absolute state of biz. This is actually genius.

Damn Veeky Forums hackers always slaving people. Whats next? Tranny cards? SJW cards? Where will the madness end?

I'd totally participate
spread it all over Reddit and get people offended, who will then spread info about it

what about cryptohookers. You get a hooker and train her. them evolve her with power ups like mega boobs, etc. And you can pimp them to get eth

My niggas...please make this happen. I lack the skillz/effort to do this, but I def have the $ to buy a nigger. I've always told my wife that I hope to eventually have a mexican helper (the nowaday equivalent of a throwback house nigger), but I'm not there yet financially. This will help me get a taste while keeping that dream alive. Please make this happen. Sincerely, a Juvenille Court Lawyer in Maryland

I’ll do it, shouldn’t be too hard

>what about cryptohookers. You get a hooker and train her. them evolve her with power ups like mega boobs, etc. And you can pimp them to get eth
This is a good idea too. Anything where you 'own' an oppressed person will rustle the jimmies.

user Im about to throw down my eth address even at the risk of jew crawlers please do this would definitely buy some

Haha. Legend. However we need some top racist art.

If pol fucked biz this would be the post offspring.

Count me in.

I only want the best Kangz.

Can you imagine if we make it to MSM media and they interview Vitalik about this?

Das racis

now THIS is an eth game i'd play!!

This guy has to be Gen 0 as a cartoon version. Ian Biglipsina or something like that.

will buy slaves

I would buy a crypto nog just to say I did.

if you want wealth, if you want attention than make a fucking move, sell ass if you must, stop occupying niggers on your mental and stop making false promises, I’m still holding the supreme coins you dumb niggers created

toppest of keks, my dude

Lolicoin when?

are house nogs worth more or less eth? vitalik as the slavemaster?

>deathbyliberals as her username
>spouting the liberal agenda of white guilt and black power
What did she mean by this?

Do this plssss

Blacks hate white allies and in general white thay are not racist more than anything

It will so glorious.
>Sorry the blockchain can't be censored.

Uncle Tom is mine

this pretty much already happened, the NIGGERS waves token caused everyone to panic, because it had way higher traffic than anything else on the waves network. the waves people got really mad and removed the listing from their exchange, which was a historical moment because it was a big act of centralization. however decentralization ultimately prevailed as they could remove the listing from their centralized exchange, but not delete the actual token from the blockchain, so a (swedish?) guy forked the exchange's source code and put it up without the censorship.

these niggers were airdropped to thousands of anons last summer. with a low market cap, good distribution among real, random biztards, and hilarious theme, i think these EYs might just be valuable some day once people figure out how to trade them again. If never catches on maybe blocknet will or something

fucking newfags

imagine when the waves team realized what had happened "sir.. we have a situation... we finally have people using our network, but they seem to be transferring NIGGERS..."

Can we implement mandingo fighting?

this guy know's what's up

What about if we used the images of real black celebrities? Like you can own and sell Oprah, Michael Jordan, Nicki Minaj, etc.