Just look at this fucking team, let alone the fact that the main net is coming out within the next 20 days, and that it will be the first functional blockchain 3.0 platform. This shit is the actual Ethereum killer. It literally does everything Eth/Eos does but better.
Oliver Perez
whys this getting shilled so hard
Chase Wood
I drunk bought 100 NAS near the top because I liked the name. I hope you are right.
Caleb Parker
Will I make it with 200?
Benjamin Williams
Juan Carter
>Stellar turned downwards nice
Lucas Ramirez
this is just the latest chink pump and dump but you should still probably get in on it
Dylan Williams
But who are they all looking at?
Logan Cooper
But seriously though, if anyone has any questions on why they should buy it or about the project, do ask. I'm not trying to shill to increase the price, that will come with time. Also one thread on Veeky Forums won't do that anyway. I just want as many people from here to make money with me.
Jayden Richardson
Why do you want us to buy this?
Robert Lee
>I just want as many people from here to make money with me. This. I have learnt a lot from biz and want to give back.
Luke Flores
Alright, I will check out this project, thanks for the recommendation.
Christian Bell
Fuck I'm sold just bought 100k thanks
Jason Hernandez
> I have nothing to gain from this > Telling us for our own good
Sure, mate.
Carson Bell
Answer the question then. What do you think I have to gain from telling everyone about this. Really think, really have an attempt to come up with a non-autistic answer. Or maybe you could accept the fact that not everyone is a cunt, like you must be?
Robert Rivera
i appreciate you trying to help user, could i get a quick rundown on the project and what this needs to trigger the mission
Ryan Sanders
>for your own good
Chase Collins
I don't get it. it's a decentralized search engine? how is that comparable to eth? what does the token actually do? i'm extremely wary of all chink coins at this point...
Christopher Adams
i hosts smart contracts like eth and dapps like eos, but does both things better. the search engine part is just a way to sort the dapps, as we are looking at a future in which dapps will be a huge part
James Walker
yes. i got 1000 NAS for 8k the other day. $1k within a year. then i will invest 500k into cryptos and 100k into forex :D. Insider info isn’t illegal with crypto yet! I got insider info from John gilliardi about nebulas
Mason Young
tell us
Luis Young
tell us
Justin Martinez
nigga..dont post it again. this board may make it look like it is shitoin. keep quite. no need to let hidden gems to this board. let them die with their stinky linkes with zero value
Joseph Myers
Okay, I won't post again.
Parker Wood
may be post it weekly/bi-weekly once
Owen Hill
Dude thanks for this, I actually don't think you are shilling for once on biz and just promoting a solid project...I just researched it for the last 45 min or so
Juan Barnes
jesus fucking christ
Jayden Watson
added to blockfolio under watch as a reminder to score some. But ya I agree with shhhhh
William Morales
>actually fucking bought mobius user WHAT ARE YOU DOING
Benjamin Murphy
seriously. I was thinking about buying some of this until I realized the guy shilling it holds fucking EOS, dragonchain, and mobius. I feel like a pajeet just looking at that blockfolio.
Colton King
Liam Clark
You posted this twice this week already.
Elijah Sanders
Bought mobius in ico, a binance listing has been in motion before the ico even ended. Don't worry about anything other than Nebulas. This is only half of my portfolio.
Brayden Moore
Before anyone asks, I have a larger EOS stack, which I only recently bought. Have around 1500 WTC which I got at around $8. And a few other projects such a iexec rlc and qash. Mobius works out to be under 2.5% of my portfolio
Justin Gray
Are these all long holds?
William Lopez
Yeah they are, I have most of these aswell
Jose Perez
Pretty much this. I have mine in cold storage and can't see myself selling for the foreseeable future.
Jayden Phillips
its already 10 each though can it realistically moon any higher enough to give people here a chance? say they were able to put (being generous) 1k into it
would that really offer more gains than going for a coin that is under a dollar, under 10 cents preferably?
Jacob Lee
I bought this in pre-sale.
Smart-contract platform that brings rewards bringing value to the network using a ranking algorithm (Nebulas Rank). Those with the highest Nebulas Rank get to be bookkeepers of the blockchain (essentially, a weighted version of delegated proof of stake). Smart-contracts can be ported from other chains with ease. Has a developer incentive protocol which rewards frequently-used smart contracts and DApps.
The search engine is just the last piece, allowing you to find useful contracts, applications, and addresses.
Angel Carter
You dont need a blockchain to search other blockchains for data.
You can just query them since a blockchain is public and decentralized
Carter Howard
Of course. As you know blockchain is the future and more and more crypto regualtions are happening. Just today we seen coinbase launch their index fund. Everyday this space is becoming more popular, and the entire crypto marketcap has so much room to grow.
But imagine this. Even if the crypto marketcap didn't grow anymore, which is very unlikely, and nebulas reached the marketcap of ethereum now(no reason it couldn't), that would see an increase of 325x. So yes, your 1k would be $325,000
John Cooper
People seem to keep focusing on the search engine part of this, but are forgetting that the search engine is only a part of this huge project.
As many of you (I hope) know, decentralised apps really are the next paradigm shift in the cryptocurrency scene.
Blockchain 1.0 - The introduction Digital Currency Blockchain 2.0 - The introduction of Smart Contracts. Blockchain 3.0 - The introduction of Dapps (Decentralized applications).
With more and more dapps in the future, nebulas will not only be the prefered platfrom to host them, as it rewards the creators, it will also be a search engine for dapps not only on nebulas, but also on eth/eos/zilliqa/neo etc. It will help you sort through the thousands and thousands of dapps there will be in the future to find the most relevant and highly rated onces, based on the most important criterias.
Levi Rodriguez
This. My only concern is that it is all heavily dependent on the ranking algo. That needs to be dialed down perfectly.
Brody Morgan
Considering they have former members of google and some of the leaders in blockchain industry as well as creators of some of the most used apps today (airbnb etc.), I think its safe to safe they will.
Joseph Rodriguez
that rests on its ability to match eth marketcap Thanks for the finger in the right direction, guess its time to research this
Luis Jones
That's all I wanted out of this. Do your own research and make your own decisions, best of luck :)
Grayson Walker
Eth can already do dApps
Creators already have the potential to be awarded for it. You wouldn’t be making a dApps otherwise.
David Torres
The majority of DApps actually have high-velocity tokens (which will be much higher velocity than M1 currency) so they are unlikely to store high amounts of value since you will only hold them for as long as you need to spend them.
Daniel Cruz
Not even sure what you are suggesting.
dApps are powered by gas like smart contracts. Your reward can be in ETH.
Noah Hall
I'm wondering this too. IMO ETH pretty much does everything that matters dapp wise. Besides I don't see a scalability plan here. If there is, is it better than Plasma, Raiden and Sharding?
Hunter Wood
There isn’t and nobody else has the engineers to beat them. All the best people are working on making Eth scale.
Eth has also shown the highest stability of all the coins in the top 10, and the highest marketcap coins built ontop of it (OMG for instance). There are more developers and development work being down than on all the other platforms combined. Eth has already won.
Alexander Rivera
I don't understand what you are saying. Look up Nebulas' proof of devotion. Creators of dapps will be rewarded in a way unlike eth/neo. And the two aren't competing. Eth/neo or any of the others I mentioned before succeeding only helps Nebulas, as it increases results for the search engine. I understand it may be hard to fully grasp the concept. If you have time, I'd highly recommend the whitepaper.
Chase Walker
You first claimed the search engine engine will be a small part of Nebulas, and that the big deal was the dApps platform. Btw, search engine on a blockchain makes no sense.
>Creators of dapps will be rewarded in a way unlike eth/neo
There is no other logically way to reward a creator. Sorry, but im not buying your bags.
Andrew Morris
That's fine mate, thanks anyway for the questions, although I'd recommend doing some more research if you had time. Cheers.
Ayden Cox
b-but i have Cardano Fuck .. i like Neb more, cooler name and logo AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Ryan Wood
Np, picking apart icos is how you will know when something is actually worthwhile.
Ive done enough research on this coin, might pnd in the short term, but not much of a solid winner in the med-long term.
Evan Foster
The are actually working on a blockDAG, similar in theory to Aviv Zohar's SPECTRE. So yes, it could be better.