Redpill me on science.
Redpill me on science
Question everything.
Even question "questioning everything."
You don't deserve shit.
Kill yourself.
We are here to discus science not gramar.
I see what you did there and I applaud it.
Science is white devils trickery. Tried to be enforced upon people through colonization.
You are here to read, not to write, you illiterate degenerate sub-human.
science is a conspiracy to make you buy gasoline
you think it's a coincidence that so much technology runs on gas/made from petroleum?
There's a difference between studying art and being an artist.
Most people who study science and math are just studying, even though they think by applying their rote-memorized definitions to tricky professor-designed problems is going to pay off for solving the unsolved.
Ask your own questions, try to solve them.
You need knowledge in the first place to apply, having knowledge means you can learn more knowledge, because you now understand more. Knowledge and application, application without knowledge is pointless.
No need to get so defensive. Your statement is just stating the obvious.
question questioning questioning everything.
Then why offer the antithetical: "You don't need to study (knowledge)." When you really do, you're the reason that there are no many Western retards now, compared to Russians or Asians.
I never said you don't need to study.
Well, I extrapolated that, because I have a confirmation bias when looking for SJWs.
>I extrapolated that
>I have poor reading comprehension
>I have a confirmation bias when looking for SJWs.
I'd insult you, but at least you recognize your own shallow triggered behavior, that's better than most.
I explained why, I have a confirmation bias that blinds my judgement (it is what happens when you waste the better part of a month watching Sargon of Akkad, Undoomed and Bearing
>I have a confirmation bias that blinds my judgement
Maybe instead of accepting this as a part of you, you could work on your critical thinking skills to make better judgments in the future.
I could, but we both know I have been too brainwashed to reverse it, without professional help.
Well, I'm going to remember you every time someone gets triggered and yells "SJW". Thanks for enlightening me that this level of stupidity actually does exist.
Honestly, I need debugging. With that level of constant stimuli, you cannot help but become somewhat brainwashed by it.