What's the most plausible explanation for high estrogen levels correlating with decreased higher mental capacities and...

What's the most plausible explanation for high estrogen levels correlating with decreased higher mental capacities and increased "dark triad" traits?

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The more times you make the same thread, the better forechinner you are.

Xenohormones, Niccolo Machiavelli was a transgender.

Psychology is a fake science, correlation is not causation, and OP is a faggot.

womyn r dum ofc

You being a faggot is one. Also no, people aren't taking you seriously because people are getting "triggered" but it takes literally 30 seconds to google that there isn't one.

They are dimness made reality, yes.

Source on that graph, please. Do you know anything about the parameters of that study or the sample size? This doesn't really stand on its own since it uses arbitrary measures unique to the graph.


What is google images you dumbshit cuck.

>graphs are magical irrefutable evidence that cannot be distorted or made up entirely

Thanks for letting me know that you can't substantiate your argument.

And whoopie fucking doo after googling it,turns out not a single study includes this graph, its just made up. You could at least try harder, I could probably find one that supports your claim but you're too much of a retard to know how.

How dare you question science

Glorious shitpost. Made me kek.

I'm saving that image, thanks

>Y is not blackness or poorness.
Missed opportunity.


>danish website

quality jej

Before you bitch that I am dismissing it because of where its host, many of his colleagues pointed out errors in his study that altered the outcome.

I'm sure.