I am thinking of starting a kneepad shop online with a variety of style/size/quality kneepads. do you think this is a good Idea?
I am thinking of starting a kneepad shop online with a variety of style/size/quality kneepads...
who the fuck would ever need a kneepad LMAO
Will you accept payment in DBC for me and all my brainlets on Veeky Forums?
Well you dont want to be trading shitcoins all your life do you user?
I would be your number 1 customer OP. I once made $8000.05 sucking dick in one night.
who paid u the nickle ?
They all did :)
This actually isn’t a bad idea, user. One category of product, know the crap out of it, own the market.
Best samefag in a while
Yes, buy direct and make the wholesale contract for big beans
i dont suck dick not
pay Instagram models to shill them then target their audiences. good 10x's profit if you execute right user. godspeed.
You might consider expanding into knee/leg braces for boomers with arthritis. Finally get you some of that boomer money they been hoarding all these years.
student loan/sugar daddy money is far more lucrative of a market imo.
also twerk dance classes is another good market. godpeed.
>who the fuck would ever need a kneepad LMAO
And that is how you spot all those summerfags that are still here newfagging
Absolutely. I'm blonde and blue eyed, so i need something "to catch eyes" instead of generic black pads. Personally i'd like neon lighted pads, since it will remind me of my purchase that ruined me!
user this is 2018
politicize the kneepad
get feminists to adopt the kneepad as a symbol of havin a vaguba in the age of drumpf
get soyboys to wear them to express that they aren't afraid of their masculinity
This will actually work
tiler here
Unironically, pro-knee from usa are pretty good.