Watch out for this fag....he's a fucken scammer!!!

watch out for this fag....he's a fucken scammer!!!

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holy shit this is so fucking illegal, i hope you're behind a overseas VPN that deletes logs

Thanks just bought 100k


wtf that me derete ris right now

dats one skinny ayyyNNN nigger

>still thinks vpns are sufficient protection

how can I short this?

I am an asian with a california drivers license and I almost had a heart attack thinking that was me LMFAO jesus christ we all do look the same from a thumbnail.

Thanks for the Xbox chang


Thanks just bought 100k bitcoins


wait why do the two CCs have different names

Hey m8 could you take another pic with those cards turned over to prove you're legit thanks!

top kek

he's a fucken chink scammer!!!

This must be the BTC Private key giveaway guy

We have to guess the 3 numbers on the back

>from a thumbnail
Yellow user, I ...

Isn't it covered under the 1st amendment?

only 999 possible combinations

Flip the cards order

And what'd he do anyways?


you forget to delete the metadata, gj feds on their way

You take the first 000-499
ill do the rest JUST KIDDING FBI

I think I'm out of the loop on who this guy is.

Richard Chang

ok, it's over now. i have to get back to scrubbing toilets....

Anyone in a westernised country who thinks they can get away with cc fraud in this day and age is a fucking retard. Some poo in a loo has probably just ordered himself a brand new toilet though

we eating tonight boys

your dubs prove that chinks are clones

So I go to jail if I take this bait right

You will 100% go to Prison for this.

>what is tor

I see you haven't been on the Internet long

Well, now that you've openly contemplated the illegality of it, yes. Ignorance of the law is not a defense but you've really set yourself up if you actually do anything now.

>replies with TOR, something even most normies have heard of once or twice at this point

wtf was in ops pic?

Authorities have been monitoring tor for years...

credit cards

and an id card